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Hiring Musicians And Entertainers!


i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom


Lady Vivienne Ravenstad is in search of Musicians, Jesters and any other form of Entertainer. Do you have the skill of singing? Do you write your own songs? Here is your chance to perform! Simply pen a letter addressed to Lady Vivienne Ravenstad, and you could entertain the masses! Hear the Noble Peerage applaud and stand of their feet, screaming for more of your talent.

We want /you/ to perform!

[The flyer was stamped with the Ravenstad Sigil.]


Easy! Simply fill out the small form provided for a meeting with Vivienne, whom will promptly judge your ability. Please keep in mind, those who apply will be judged upon their:

▪ Manners
▪ Cleanliness
▪ Talent
▪ Station
▪ Race.

Character Race:
Letter addressed to Vivienne:

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Ign: HydraLana
Character: Enoch Marinos
Character Race: Etosian Ailor
Letter addressed to Vivienne:
Dear Lady Vivienne Ravenstad,
My name is Enoch Rouvin Marinos. I am an artist from Etosil seeking greater exposure with the nobility and peerage of the realm while also seeking to improve my skills as an artist. As my talents are not immediately gratifying like someone such as a singer or a performer, I am open to any suggestions you might have to help me in my endeavors. To prove said talent, I will note that I am in contact to be a member of the Effleur and am fully willing to show you my pieces in my studio home for any interview or meeting you desire to aquire.

I hope you consider me,
Spirit and all the Herons Bless,
Enoch Rouvin Marinos
Ah perfect!

Ign: Bearacuda
Character: Andrew O'neil Kirk
Character Race: Ailor (New Regalian to be specific)
Letter addressed to Vivienne:

Dear Lady Vivienne Ravenstad,
I am a skilled artist in playing the violin and or fiddle, I've been to many different cultures around the world and have gained a great intake on musical talent. I would like to request if I could play as a musician for pure entertainment purposes. If you would need to contact me to see my works, I have contacts to the Kestrel Shipping Company. I would would be most grateful if there would be a need for you or anyone alike for an interview or said, show of talent if needed for entree.

Thank you for the consideration,
Andrew O'neil Kirk

The letter was stamped with a deep red colored wax, inside the stamp was a engraving a small hawk, the Kestrel. Upon opening the letter your find yourself looking at the note. The paper itself is soft, the ink rises to a short bit off the paper were Andrew wrote it, you can also smell hints of potent tea and spices from the inside as well. Such as it was preserved in the small letter itself, carried all the way to you.