Archived Higher Combat Skill Means More Money From Mobs

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Incredibly good looking.
Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
I think that the higher one of you mcmmo combat skills are the more money you should get from mobs when you use that skill.

So if you have 1000 swords skill(or any other combat one) you should get 1.5s(example)for every creeper(example).
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I dont't wanna become rich that way...
Someone with 1000 swords in a darkroom:
-Kills 20 mobs a minute
-Gets 35s a minute
-Gets 2.1Ks an hour.

Someone with 1000 swords in a darkroom:
-Kills 20 mobs a minute
-Gets 35s a minute
-Gets 2.1Ks an hour.

:O I want that! J/K...
It would make more sense to increase it by coppper every hundred levels. So 7-8 copper is normal from a creeper. Someone with 1000 combat MMO levels would make only 17-18 copper a creeper. But that's still 200s an hour.
In defense if this case, the examples provided assume a mob being killed every 3 seconds, which does not really happen. Also, most mobs give little copper, creepers give the large amounts, its at /warp info
Have it increase by 1 copper every 250 levels. 1000lvl = 10-12 copper per creeper.
As long as there is no such API from mcmmo (which there isn't) we cannot do it. And is it realistic? You cannot loot a creature more because you have better skills in swords....if there would be a skill for it...fine.
But as the suggestion is now, it isn't possible.
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