High Noble Family: House Banastre - Reworked.


Count Marcel Banastre - Fabian de Blouscheur
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
Auxillian and proud.

House Banastre



Family History
House Banaestrion, a lower noble family from Northern Dragenthal, at 135AC formed a branch of their family, by the similar name of Banastre. It started with Francois Banastre, whom was bastard-born but legitimized for what little power it was worth, helping the Banaestrions with their escort of ships. Soon, quarrels grew all too frequent, and all too large. It started with a source of annoyance, turning to a group of open arguments, that soon formed into all out battle. As the Banastres grew, the Banaestrions met unfortunate luck, shrinking. The Patriarch of the Banaestrions at this time had been swept by an assumed sickness, his son given ownership over all ships they owned, as well as what little land under their name. By the age of only twenty three, he had the fiery merciless soul to plot the death of Banastre's very own Patriarch. Denouncing became apparent in the eyes of businessmen, and soon, blood was drawn in outrage.
This ended in terror for House Banastre, as their business was swept from underneath them.
With a single ship, they fled at 223AC.

After settling a new life in the Holy City of the Archipelago and in Southern Anglia,
the first thing they bought was a mine with workers needing higher payment.
The minerals the mine provided were enough to keep them going, as they sold them the second they got them, buying nearby mines in the process to increase their mineral income.
This had given them a small amount of income, enough to sustain a living, and with that they lived.
Business was hardly a focus, until they inevitably realized the mines they had bought quickly went dry of resources, providing them small amounts if anything. Fortunately, with other investments into local shops that would in turn give a certain percentage of coin to them, or ships to access routes for mines in foreign areas, they had quickly fixed the issue. With this, income was generating quickly in high quantities.
They became acquainted with luxury and riches, though lived life fairly peacefully,
despite the family quarrels they often had.

By the year 304AC, thanks to proper investments and loans both given and taken,
the mine business they had once been striving through sunlight for had been renewed.
After the family had distanced itself from Regalia for a time, taking to ships and a new headquarter for their more official business, Banastre Mineral Transport, they sailed back towards the archipelago renewed economically, with heavier weight in coin than they had when leaving.

Later down the months in 304 AC, the mineral business they'd worked so hard for fell beneath them, only a few regals coming in. As the undead became a floating enemy to Regalia, their last hope of regals collapsed, the ship that was funded by Marion Devereux most likely lost at sea with no access to Regalia due to the skeletal invasion.

After acquiring titles after suing House Banaestrion with there distant claims, the Banastres looked up. Engaging in high nobility.

Marcel and his brother Henry formed a branch of the Banastre business, the Banastre Wheat Production Company, and dedicated fourty percent of their land to the wheat company. Things were looking great for the Banastres. Their wealth had increased drastically.

Current lands and holdings

County of Thurany in Southern Anglia, littered with some woodlands near the Dragenthal border, it was overrun with plains of mines and farms.
Held by Count Marcel Banastre

County of Turolia,
filled with farms stretching miles on this flat landed county, above the County of Thurany.
Held by Count Henry Banastre

Banastre Minerals Trade & Transport,
a mining business dating back a hundred and fifty years ago.
Held by Count Marcel Banastre

Banastre Wheat Production Company,
a farming business founded a month ago, still in its developmental phase.
Held by Count Marcel Banastre



Crest: A mockingbird on a background of blue and black.

Family Animal: A mockingbird.

Values: Determination, Deceitful, Courtesy

Colours: Blue and Black

Politics: Conservative

Family Trade: Farming and Mining

Ithanian, Leutz-Vixe


Looks: House Banastre usually have black hair and blue eyes, with tall builds.


Family Tree

Red: Unplayable/Deceased
Blue: Playable
Green: Played
Orange: Playable with high expectations
Purple: NPC

- Adalbert Banastre: 57 / Male / Concerned
- Linna Banastre: 54 / Female / Sour
- Adric Banastre: 29 / Male / Courageous
- Miana Banastre: 27 / Female / Kind @Rochelle_

- Baric Banastre: Deceased / Male / Manipulative @Reijuu
- Marcel Banastre: 25/ Male / Loyal @BahDoctor
- Henry Banastre: 23 / Male / Ambitious @EcologicMammal

Second Family Line

- Warin Banastre: 52 / Male / Strict
- Elise Banastre: 49 / Female / Smooth

- Evon Banastre: 28 / Male / Sly @SenileKaboose
- Bastiel Banastre: 26 / Male / Persistent

Third Family Line

- Alcott Banastre: 45 / Male / Humble
- Kathrin Banastre: 38 / Female / Quiet

- Orland Banastre: 21 / Male / Sarcastic

Bastard Line:

- Rollam Grey: 18 / Male / Sadistic


Family Recruitment


OOC Info

Roleplay Character Applications:
Roleplay strength?:
Roleplay weakness?:
Skype?: (PM me your name, if you would like).

IC Info

Character Name:
Character Age:
Physical Description:
Personality: (A short description will be good).




(Subject to change)

I can remove you from the family if I see you are unfit in playing your character.


Staff Recruitment

Character Name:
Character Age:
Applying for?:


Last edited:


Placeholder text.

  • More detail added in history for more relevancy to today/this month.
  • Switched Henry and Orland Banastre.
  • Other general fixes.
  • Added wealth.
Aaaaa masssssive amount of edits!
  • Added the Duchy of Thurany in Anglia and various other holdings.
  • Trivia added.
  • Wealth updated to 8/10.
  • Some other fixes.
References: None

Roleplay Character Applications: No legitimate characters

Activity?: Most weekends

Roleplay strength?: Getting really into it and putting myself in the shoes of not only my character but the ones I interact with as well to better see their perspective

Roleplay weakness?: Feeling like walking up to someone and just engaging in roleplay is interrupting their life even if they are doing nothing.
Warnings?: No, I have never had any form of punishment's inflicted on me or broken any rules.

Skype? (PM me your name, if you would like): Yes, I'll PM you the name if I get accepted

IC Info

Character Name: Bastiel Banastre

Character Age: 26

Physical Description: Tall (6'2"), averagely muscular, but his muscle doesn't show a ton, slim (about 173 lb.) Black hair, light, almost baby blue eyes.

Personality (A short description will be good): Bastiel refuses to back down from a challenge, and will try his hardest to achieve something. At times, this works less in his favor. Bastiel is also rather sociable, and enjoys tests of thinking and strategic ability. Bastiel is a true supporter of the trading part of his families mining business and will state that as his favorite when asked what part of the families business he enjoys most. Bastiel sees himself as a bit of a thinker and a master of quick thinking, which he is actually rather mediocre at, but it still has gotten him out of several tough situations. Bastiel can usually be found with his cousins or at a tavern somewhere.
@Suitman727, I would like you to construct a google doc, and make a character sheet. I will run through it and see if it fits Banastre lore and the previous Bastiel's interpretation.
OK, can do, just use the character application template?
If you want. PM me anything else.

Character Name: Carl Jonnson
Character Age: 37
Applying for?: Guard
Skype?: Starpoo1
References: You
Family Recruitment


OOC Info

References: @Cain_et_Abel (Because you asked) @Empaul
Roleplay Character Applications: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lavellan-tarliye.52122/ , https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/maddis-corshaal.50781/
Activity?: Everyday?
Roleplay strength?: Probably that I really think about how my characters work and would act. I like to try and see the world directly through their eyes.
Roleplay weakness?: I have problems bothering people IC without a real reason ok. I have a meme addiction.
Warnings?: None :3
Skype?: (PM me your name, if you would like). You know this

IC Info

Character Name: Miana Banastre
Character Age: Twenty-Seven
Physical Description: A tall woman with dark hair and light eyes, she has a comforting look to her with no obnoxiously sharp angles in her face or body, generally seeming pleasing to the eye. Appearance wise, she never dresses too poorly, and tries to make a good impression with her clothing and poise.
Personality: (A short description will be good). A kind, warm woman Miana has a sort of charm to herself. She aims to please and likes to create a good image of herself in the hearts of others, sometimes being outwardly kind to those that may not fully deserve it. She values her family deeply and values their opinions most.
lol my actual ign is Skanderbeg, but I did a bad and broke my forums account so this'll do.

Character Name:
Ivran Sahdaie
Character Age: Eighty-two
Applying for?: General Servant - Can be taught specifics if need be.
Skype?: ninjapig6970
@Patsie @Rochelle_ @Empaul
lol my actual ign is Skanderbeg, but I did a bad and broke my forums account so this'll do.

Character Name:
Ivran Sahdaie
Character Age: Eighty-two
Applying for?: General Servant - Can be taught specifics if need be.
Skype?: ninjapig6970
@Patsie @Rochelle_ @Empaul
I'll set this as Pending right now and get back to you in a day or so.


OOC Info

References: Demonizer877, Lumiess, Miss_Confined, Eccetra, Optimalfriskies

Roleplay Character Applications:
Salvia Heiwynn, Juliette d'Eluise, Momirobara Wakahisa

Activity?: Get on daily but sometimes have break days.

Roleplay strength?: Creativity ; Creating skins for fun, Adding new topics into roleplay, Fun event ideas

Roleplay weakness?: Grammar ; Spelling probably should be checked before posting important docs.

Warnings?: None
Skype?: (PM me your name, if you would like).I'll pm it~


IC Info

Character Name: Miana Banastre
Character Age: 27

Physical Description:
Miana is a slim figure with slightly brought shoulders standing tall and wearing dresses and other outfits to trick others into giving her a nicer out look. She looks calm and almost rustic more keen to a warm fire place than to a bed of roses. Her hair is raven black with only hints of brown hanging shoulder length and very wavy. Her eyes are a dark blue like the rest of her family as she also sports a very prominent collarbone.

Personality: (A short description will be good) Miana acts like a mother to most. She is very kind yet tends to show this through gestures rather than brought smiles or grand speeches. She is very polite and has a good sense of humor she tends to hide out in public. She enjoys reading and is over all calm and quiet having big dreams she knows are unrealistic like opening a children's library.



OOC Info

References: Demonizer877, Lumiess, Miss_Confined, Eccetra, Optimalfriskies

Roleplay Character Applications:
Salvia Heiwynn, Juliette d'Eluise, Momirobara Wakahisa

Activity?: Get on daily but sometimes have break days.

Roleplay strength?: Creativity ; Creating skins for fun, Adding new topics into roleplay, Fun event ideas

Roleplay weakness?: Grammar ; Spelling probably should be checked before posting important docs.

Warnings?: None
Skype?: (PM me your name, if you would like).I'll pm it~


IC Info

Character Name: Miana Banastre
Character Age: 27

Physical Description:
Miana is a slim figure with slightly brought shoulders standing tall and wearing dresses and other outfits to trick others into giving her a nicer out look. She looks calm and almost rustic more keen to a warm fire place than to a bed of roses. Her hair is raven black with only hints of brown hanging shoulder length and very wavy. Her eyes are a dark blue like the rest of her family as she also sports a very prominent collarbone.

Personality: (A short description will be good) Miana acts like a mother to most. She is very kind yet tends to show this through gestures rather than brought smiles or grand speeches. She is very polite and has a good sense of humor she tends to hide out in public. She enjoys reading and is over all calm and quiet having big dreams she knows are unrealistic like opening a children's library.

I'm going to place this as pending for now while I check with your references. Just a note however, Miana is already being played by Rochelle_, so if everything checks out you may be invited to play a different character if interested. (@BahDoctor update the damn thread already)


OOC Info

References: Demonizer877, Lumiess, Miss_Confined, Eccetra, Optimalfriskies

Roleplay Character Applications:
Salvia Heiwynn, Juliette d'Eluise, Momirobara Wakahisa

Activity?: Get on daily but sometimes have break days.

Roleplay strength?: Creativity ; Creating skins for fun, Adding new topics into roleplay, Fun event ideas

Roleplay weakness?: Grammar ; Spelling probably should be checked before posting important docs.

Warnings?: None
Skype?: (PM me your name, if you would like).I'll pm it~


IC Info

Character Name: Miana Banastre
Character Age: 27

Physical Description:
Miana is a slim figure with slightly brought shoulders standing tall and wearing dresses and other outfits to trick others into giving her a nicer out look. She looks calm and almost rustic more keen to a warm fire place than to a bed of roses. Her hair is raven black with only hints of brown hanging shoulder length and very wavy. Her eyes are a dark blue like the rest of her family as she also sports a very prominent collarbone.

Personality: (A short description will be good) Miana acts like a mother to most. She is very kind yet tends to show this through gestures rather than brought smiles or grand speeches. She is very polite and has a good sense of humor she tends to hide out in public. She enjoys reading and is over all calm and quiet having big dreams she knows are unrealistic like opening a children's library.

Will vouch too.


OOC Info

References: Demonizer877, Lumiess, Miss_Confined, Eccetra, Optimalfriskies

Roleplay Character Applications:
Salvia Heiwynn, Juliette d'Eluise, Momirobara Wakahisa

Activity?: Get on daily but sometimes have break days.

Roleplay strength?: Creativity ; Creating skins for fun, Adding new topics into roleplay, Fun event ideas

Roleplay weakness?: Grammar ; Spelling probably should be checked before posting important docs.

Warnings?: None
Skype?: (PM me your name, if you would like).I'll pm it~


IC Info

Character Name: Miana Banastre
Character Age: 27

Physical Description:
Miana is a slim figure with slightly brought shoulders standing tall and wearing dresses and other outfits to trick others into giving her a nicer out look. She looks calm and almost rustic more keen to a warm fire place than to a bed of roses. Her hair is raven black with only hints of brown hanging shoulder length and very wavy. Her eyes are a dark blue like the rest of her family as she also sports a very prominent collarbone.

Personality: (A short description will be good) Miana acts like a mother to most. She is very kind yet tends to show this through gestures rather than brought smiles or grand speeches. She is very polite and has a good sense of humor she tends to hide out in public. She enjoys reading and is over all calm and quiet having big dreams she knows are unrealistic like opening a children's library.

After a certain situation I was just informed off, I'm going to have to reject this application. Any additional information please pm me here about if you so wish.