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Played Character Hexarra

This character is actively played.


Not An Elephant Shrew
Apr 22, 2013
Reaction score

Character Information
  • Full Name: Hexarra Gray. She is also frequently referred to by a nickname, "Hex".
  • Heritage / Culture: Hexarra is part Remet-Asha, and part Kathar. She culturally knows little of both sides and their histories, aside from what she already learned from the books of the libraries.
  • Age: 25
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female | She/Her
  • Religion: Initially, Hexarra had found herself gravitating towards Aldurism since the nihilistic aspects of the religion appealed to her, yet the optimistic side of herself drew her closer towards Draconism. She is not a devout follower, but finds the Dragons as ones who should at least be appreciated.
  • Occult: Although born with magic, Hexarra is not a particularly skilled mage by any means. Her few spells appear during heightened moments of tension, like flight-or-fight.
  • Character Occupation: Many evenings are busied with late-night shifts at the Golden Willow Tavern. Hexarra finds some passion in bartending and serving drinks to the regulars that stop by the bar. She is also a part-time amateur alchemist on the side, all to in the efforts to make better money.
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Hexarra's eyes are as red as crimson carnations.
  • Skin Color: Her skin is as gray as cloudy days.
  • Hair: Black, with a subtle rusty tint.
  • Height: She stands at 5'11".
    • Hexarra's nails are crowned with feline-like claws while her legs are partially covered in black fur and are shaped like an Asha's.
    • The Feka's pupils appear normal for most of the time, but narrow into slits whenever she is provoked or frightened.
    • A dark short-furred tail extends from her, always swaying and truly representing her emotions, although this particular part of Hexarra is consciously hidden with long outfits.
    • A set of horns point up from Hexarra's head. She wasn't born with them, but found them to be aesthetically appealing and applied the mutation to her own body after seeking help from another more capable of such magic.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Hexarra has some education on alchemy, but she wouldn't consider herself a professional either. Her personal research chases after the understanding of bodily alterations with the intentions of changing aesthetics or efficiency for the better. With also a great love for housing birds, Hexarra knows how to care for the most basic avian, such as pigeons and sparrows.
    • Hexarra is able to sense the corruptive desires of most individuals, knowing some questionable things that rest in their hearts. (Kathar Mechanic 4)
    • Although now more rarely used, she is capable of subtly manipulating the vices of others as a curse. (Kathar Mechanic 5)
    • Darkness barely hinders Hexarra. Her claws also draw sparks when struck together, which is sometimes done out of boredom and habit instead of practicality. (Remet Asha 2)
    • The presence of magic has an effect on the Feka, causing the fur on her tail to stiffen. (Remet Asha 3)
    • Hexarra has a sharper sense of smell, sight, and hearing compared to the average person. (Remet Asha 4)
  • Languages: Hexarra speaks and reads Common.

Hexarra was born in the heart of the Regalian Empire, where millions populated the sprawling urban center. Her arrival was an unfortunate situation to her vampiric parents who were loyal espionage agents of the Dread Empire. Not wanting to jeopardize the meticulous efforts put into their mission, the Feka-Brood was left at the front doorsteps of an orphanage. Hexarra was raised underneath the State's care, and little to no memories are kept from this particular time.

And she was still there in the orphanage, lingering around like a ghost in the walls. Hexarra took up on reading books that covered topics which piqued her interests, such as alchemy, birds, and fiction. There was a sense of freedom to be had from imagining the mere aspects of changing reality to one's whims, or simply flying high in the sky, or emotionally stepping into the shoes of another. From there, dreams were conjured within Hexarra and seemingly brightened her path despite the defeatist attitude that she often suffered from.

The time arrived where Hexarra grew out of the State's system. Left to fend for herself with limited connection and no permanence, she gravitated towards Crookback, where being abnormal seemed to be the status quo. In an attempt to keep herself afloat and no longer on the streets, Hexarra had put herself into debt to the undercity moneylenders through verbal contracts, garnering up enough borrowed coins to survive with a decent place to sleep. From here, she hopes to make an impression on the world, one that's true and kind, even if the world hadn't been that way towards her.

Combat Proficiency and Abilities
Attack Stat: 12
Defense Stat: 12
[9/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 1
    • Rebound
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Wardrobe Pack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Escape Artist
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 2
    • Arcane Aura
    • Arcane Shove
  • Charisma: 4
    • Hosting Presence
    • Hazard Presence
    • Saving Presence
    • Fiscal Presence
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