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Heron Charles The Pure; Canonization


Valentinian Shill
Jan 30, 2017
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Exarch Balthazar IV- 17 of February 306 AC

In Service to the Way,

His Most Holiness, DU PONT,
Exarch of the most revered Synod, Reverend of the Sancella in Loiree, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, LANSING,
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, DU PONT,
Reverend of the Sancella in Vultaro, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, BELIINI,
Reverend of the Sancella in Montania, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

His Holiness, AHERNE,
Reverend of the Sancella in Anglia, Ordained servant of the Imperial Spirit and his faithful, Salutation and Imperial benediction.

It is known that after one's passing and their elevation to the Everwatch, all reflect on their actions and past as we should do in life . We have seen and heard when Charles Montagaard passed on the fields of Ulvar. Our Empire, regardless of race or creed mourned his passing. Since then the Synod has continuously summoned to the dignity of his Imperial Holiness to in our most holy mission to administer the Sancella, to interpret the Holy word. It is in these trying times where our nobility is divided and lack of leadership within houses makes itself apparent where man can turn inward in history and learn from our predecessors.​

It is often stated that selflessness is a virtue, but it is a virtue that is not exclusive with ambition. The soul of humanum is at its brightest when his passion is being put towards the good of the Empire, even at the cost of his lessers. Heron Vladimir Kade, blessed be his name was an embodiment of this ideal, his actions still resonating within our Empire and way of life. A reminder of our responsibility to strive for greatness for Unionism and for our Emperor. For these reflections of ours, we have drawn comfort and instruction, the Sancella forever young and steadfast in its duty to give guidance to the faithful so the Spirit's pervading light and love reach all men. Today we have come to the conclusion of the debate whether Charles Montagaard, Undercrown of Regalia was enough of a paragon of human ideals to be declared Heron.

We have not only looked at his reign from a spiritual perspective, but also observe what he had done for the Empire and his Imperial Holiness. While disdained by the nobility, he brought forth wealth and victory against the enemies of our Holy Regalia. His dedication and zeal for his Imperial Holiness are a lesson in loyalty that ought to be remembered. While the Synod does not approve directly of his methods, the Synod has recognized that the intentions of Charles Montagaard were true.

The Sancella had seen him die the same way he had lived, charging headfirst into those who oppose our Empire, inspiring all around him to be martyr's in their own right. It is said by those who lack faith in our Empire that the Elven army took no prisoners. But the true records of the clergy who were present that day note that the reverse was true, no Regalian even considered surrender in that battle. It are by these actions where many sublime words apply that the Synod declares Charles Montagaard Heron of Crusaders and names him "the Pure" as an example for all holy warriors who take up the sword in defense of our faith, for his blood spilled far from home on the shores of a heathen land. With all the love of a father, We impart the Apostolic blessing to each and everyone of you, Venerable brethren and beloved sons. May it be the occasion and forerunner of the Spirit's blessings.

Written in Regalia, on the 17th of February, the feast of Heron Aethelhard, in the year 306, the first of our Exarch Balthazar IV.
"PEACE, Peace for all mankind forever.. FOREVER!" -Robert Burke

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"I suppose they can do whatever they please with what remains of his legacy." The Duke of Calemberg muttered to his empty office, sliding the proclamation off to the side of his desk. "It won't change the fact that he's dead."
Juliette scowled at the news and murmured darkly, "He is no Heron to me."