Archived Helpop Needed For Bow That Won't Repair

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Magnate of the Deep
Jan 22, 2013
Reaction score
Harrison, AR
This is not really a complaint so much as a plea for help. I play online late at night when apparently no mods are online to assist me with this helpop.

I have a bow that for whatever reason, when I attempt to repair it, I put in the materials needed into the anvil it tells me 30 xp needed, I grab the repaired bow, put it in my inventory, then when I close the anvil screen it makes my character throw the bow and materials down. I pick it up and it is still nearly broken with no repair done and I lose my xp (at least until I logoff and back on - then my xp reappears).

This is a repeatable / re-creatable event should someone need to see it.

I have even tried gaining over 40 levels of xp just to see if it was giving me a wrong readout on required level and nothing seems to work. Please help! I've submitted a helpop on 5 or 6 separate nights and not gotten any responses before I had to log and sleep.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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Is this an enchanted bow or a normal one. Because if it is normal use an mcmmo anvil. If it is an enchanted bow try reparing it with another (non enchanted) bow.
Get a level like 5 levels higher than it says -- sometimes anvils lie. It will definitely fix your problem, I have had it before.
This is an echanted Power V, Flame I, Infinity bow....I've gathered 10 levels and beyond higher than I need still no luck.

Using The anvil at levels as high as 46 when it says I need 30 don't work either, so i'm confused.
Yea this happens to me all.the.time. And am still looking for a good answer to it. All I do is just put the stuff i want to enchant away and try it again a couple days later.
This is more of a bug report than a complaint thread. I sugjest you post there instead.
Well im 99% sure the server cant fix it, so I wouldnt bother, because its a bug either minecraft or bukkit.
The least they could do is validate I'm telling the truth remove 30 levels of xp from me and give me a new bow with the same enchantments. Seems like an easy enough fix but going on day 6 now with no response to my in game helpop requests.
This has happened to me before, and it's just a glitch. Relog your minecraft, and it should work.
When I relog, all it does is gives me back my xp, but I'm still stuck with a Power V, Flame I, Infinity I bow that I can't repair and I'm a bit livid to say the least, considering what I put into getting this bow. I don't want to lose it, and I can't use it because it'll break, so I've got to be able to repair it.

If the bow itself is glitched, then it's as simple as having a mod make an enchanted one and hand it over and deduct xp from me. I could then hopefully repair the new bow when it is damaged. I'm not asking for a handout, I'm willing to spend the xp needed, I'm just going to be extremely frustrated if I am told, "Sorry, you'll have to make another" as that'll just send a message to everyone not to put to much effort into anything here because there is a chance that you won't be able to use it the first time you need to repair it. It's annoying to put that kind of time into grinding out a dark room to earn silver to buy these enchants, etc...then to grind another 30+ levels to repair it only to find out you can't.
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