Help Save Indiana!


oh boy
Jun 19, 2013
Reaction score
United States

Has recently lost his premium. He's turning into nublet... He's already a vampire! IF we can work together, we can save him! IF we raise 150s, we can turn him back into his old self! Please send a donation to indiana105 to help save him!!!
Premium bought.
me no ned premsum to liv. Me iz vamp and a god rper nows. #NonPremLife
He can get that himself, if he can't afford Premium that's not our fault.
This is what it feels like to be in Government.
Peoplz iz misundr stnding meh. Me like Vamp and god rp. Me nicknam is "Super_Vamp" and me happy. #NonPremsumLife
I am not a premium, and I am rp staff! Who needs premium?
That said, I may get it in the near future. What I may not do, is give you money. You can get more money then what I will give you by killing one mob.
Fair choice, Though Premium does play a fair part in what keeps the server alive.
And if we don't help the future generation, premiums will be no better than the god roleplaying vampires that walk the streets at night and even worse, in the tavern 24/7.

And anyone who helps donate will receive a "I care about Indiana105" shirt, and if we raise it this week, everyone who participated will get a "<3 Indiana" baseball cap.

My eyebrow raise is better...
And if we don't help the future generation, premiums will be no better than the god roleplaying vampires that walk the streets at night and even worse, in the tavern 24/7.

And anyone who helps donate will receive a "I care about Indiana105" shirt, and if we raise it this week, everyone who participated will get a "<3 Indiana" baseball cap.

Understood. But premiums are already rather like that in many cases, or worse like Chron, so that doesn't change much.
Fair choice, Though Premium does play a fair part in what keeps the server alive.

Granted. But premiums will continue, without or without my help.
-Quietly glances to the left, then right, then up at his green name tag. Silently, his yellow eyes flick to the roleplayer down on his luck, he hangs his head, and stares pitifully at Indiana like one might glance at a poor sopping wet puppy with tearful eyes. Sighing, he looks bemusedly for a hat or something he can toss a silver into.-

[Similar to Paloin, toss me a message. A silver and my eternal pity is yours. Forever shall your dreams be haunted by my willful gaze, as if endlessly daring you to improve yourself. But hey. Its a silver. Regalia was due for a renaissance era of patronage anyways.]

I REALLY don't think you need a donation fund for someone who is most likely able to support themself premium in the first place. Its sort of like ME asking for donations from random people so I can get premium for myself.
also, not all vamps are nubs. Being non-premium doesn't make you become one.
Anyways. Miner is just trolling with this entire post. Also I found 20$ on the street yesterday.;)
Kull, PickAccess, Mecharic, and Sherburne. You get T-Shirts.(hug)

They took me two seconds to make and are just dyed white, named "I <3 Indiana." Honestly, why would you want these?