Shelved Character Heinrich Benac

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
@Caelamus Hjello my friend, I ping you again to let you know that I have added more afflicted specials and changed theee disguise pack magic thing to Defilibabadating bite, I can't imagine it being necessary IRP atleast for me. I have never used the ability yet so I just decided that it would be best to put that point to 'actual use'

Hopefully you been having a chill day
@Caelamus Hiya my friend! I noticed that Trickshot was no longer a thing in roguery. So I am only notifying you that

I only swapped it to Dirty fighter, see if thats what fits my fancy. I might change it if it does not work with me / if it does not get used for a while. No other changes or points arranged!

oh and I will be changing Berserker Fury out cuz I realised I have no idea what it is good for.

EDIT: OKAY I have decided to swap Berserker Fury to Battle Flurry

Hope you have a nice day!!
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@Caelamus Heya! Happy New Year!
with the help of a friend I looked through my boy's points again. I apologise for the constant changes

EDITS: Not-Afflicted proficiencys completely redone, I added more specials, I tried to give Heinrich's concept a bit more detail and explanation for myself in terms of what heinrich's religion and belief would be. marked in turqoise

I wasn't sure if this was Re-review worthy, my bad if it was not. due to the changes I adjusted some of my points.
Using the ailor free pack to get my wisdom so that I could add a number to my constitution. and due to recent events
I got rid of one spell point and added it to strenght for that sweet sweet fury
I didn't remove the magic specials off my sheet for generally reminder for myself as to what my character is able to do.

Though I will test out if the Berserker fury is working out for me, if it is not I will change it in the future.

@ reviewer
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