Shelved Character Heinrich Benac

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


That insufferable Kathar.
Apr 16, 2021
Reaction score
The Sea
Roleplay Guilds
Serpents Hollow

⌘ Character Information ⌘
Full Name: Heinrich Ciran
adopted name: Heinrich Benac
Race: Ailor (Cearden-Velheim)
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Eye Color: Amber
⌘ Core Concept ⌘
Heinrich is an uncertain man still out looking for his path in life and learning who he is. He is a medic aspirant learning to use a sword, and a belief he was destined to become someone great and dependable.

In terms of religion and belief. Heinrich was raised by a family with belief to the Old Gods, though Heinrich is not a strong believer himself, willing to see and hear about other religions and the beliefs that follow. His belief on afterlife is uncertain, he wants to believe that when one dies, their soul can still watch over their close ones.


He usually has a bag with him, but also now usually has these things in his pocket dimension.

- A journal
- a spellbook
- pouch of regals
- alchemy, bandages, tools and herbs for medicine.
- loose feathers
- a dagger tucked on his boot
- shortsword
- bastardsword
- hatchet
- Tinderbox
- Clockwork Spider ( A gift.)
- applejuice.
- A colorful feather (a gift)

Proficiency Information

Points used 13/14
Duelist Pack - Technique parry

Brawl Stampede Pack- Brawl stampede?
Unyielding Strike - Unyielding Strike
Diving Tackle -Diving tackle

Bruiser Tackle - Bruiser Tackle
Bruiser Feint - Bruiser Feint
Rage Counter
Debuff Endurance
Rebound Pack
Radiant Relocat
Radiant Push
Sinistral Leap
Sinistral Puppet
Enchant Protect
Medical Revive [Free]


Medical Stance.
Medical Talent.


Common [Free] 9/10
Skodje [Parental] 2/10

Appearance Information

Exist Feathers behind his ears. [ Mutation]

Heinrich has a youthful appearance, most of the time the man wears a smile on his face, though it is usually more nervous kind. Heinrich's eyes are amber, he has long soft hair dark reddish brown in color and its usually kept in controlled mess. Heinrich wears quite desatured clothes that are covered in patches of dirt and dust.. He has a mutation in the form of feathers behind his ears.

Heinrich now has a few scars along his body.
Heinrich's left arm has been removed from the socket, now replaced with Doyentech limb
Heinrich is 175cm / 5'9

Heinrich's has an eagle owl, it is very temperamental and is prone to attack people ( though won't cause actual harm, just for funny in character interaction.) Named ' Crowley ' due to the owl's hatred of crows. Despite the owl's clear anger issues, it is most relaxed around Heinrich, though even the ailor has had his fair share of fights with the bird. But he is happy to do some tasks for the man. Atleast we think so.

When Heinrich is a Cahal, the owl has amber gems for eyes, and the bird appears identical but made out of dark stone, similar to it's owners cahal form.



Life story

CHILDHOOD: Heinrich was born to a woman of the Zac Medelpad name having a fling with a commoner. But not too long after Heinrich's birth, the father would take the boy off back to Ceardia to grow up in a controlled environment in hopes to train the boy for navy. Though unable to reach his father's expectations, his confidence and self-image was ruined.

ADOLESCENCE: Blissfully unaware of his actual mother's identity. He learnt to see some other woman as his mother. He was growing up learning things that interests him, learning medicine and testing his limits. It is thought that the closest thing to the actual mother.. was Heinrich's owl companion, which Heinrich had since birth.

ADULTHOOD: Heinrich and his owl studied medicine and the practices of a doctor, though he had not gotten the actual experience of one, his teacher only being the books.

Heinrich came to Regalia in order to learn more than what his home offered, learning the science of medicine and hope to oneday reach the line his father placed

Signed by





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@5eaweed Unlucky timing, you will have to update your point spread in accordance to the new proficiency update.
Beyond that though, this is a good app. Just add a few more lines to what they've done in adulthood to flesh out the story a little, and you'll be set. Mark changes made in green, and tag me once you're good to go.
@Ded Jok I changed the adulthood part to be longer, and I edited the proficiency, added the Special Traits/Spells/Mutations part with the aid of my friend cuz i had trouble understanding things.
@5eaweed All looks good! According to my own calculations it looks like you have 2 free points to spend. You're free to spend these in the future for IC learning. Approved for now, though!
@Ded Jok Asking for a re-review

removed Wood carving art and moved the proficiency points around, added information of His Drahl Companion birb.

8 points left for IC learning

changes are marked in green.
Unsure if required to tag, but thought i'd log it here anyway.

Changed the Medical Training prof to go under Talent category due to the changes, removed 2 points from it since it was a 7 before and i'd assume the two points would be counted as 'wasted points' so I added the points to the points for IC learning possibilities.

added Light Mend I
@DedJok heya! I need a re-review
My character got infected with Cahalism, finally managed to add the cahalism thing to my sheet, I colored the changes in green as per usual. Thank you for your time in advance!
Removed Cahalism abilities n stuff
cuz my boy got cured
@DedJok heya! I thought I probably should update Heinrich's sheet due to the recent changes and stuff.
I marked edits in green.
So sorry but I still have yet to fully figure out the form, hopefully as an Aphar and the form not being necessary for the abilities.. I thought I should try and think real hard instead jumping to another rushed idea.

----Details of edits-

Proficiency edits:
I added the honed skill 2 points to vocal singing, i removed a point from circus art and made him really rusty with drawing since he hasn't done that much as of late. I added Husbandry art to explain Heinrich's pet bird, Crowley and according to my calculations im left with 6 points as of now, changed at later date when I fiddle with future IC training. I also added thee new Casting ranged combat, Heinrich having a Magic book.

Special traits, spells or mutations edits:
I specified as to what Heinrich uses as the conduit, and since Magic bolt has been removed I grabbed Element Control 5 as the exist gift.

Added the spirit familiar bird on the sheet, unfortunately do not have a name for them yet, I will add it once i think of one.

As stated at the start of the message, I haven't fully figured out the form yet, but with it being not a necessity considering Heinrich's cahal line doesn't require the form to use the abilities. Thank you for your time.
@Yurs Hiya o/ I assume you are the right person to ping. Apologies for the ping coming so soon, but i updated my sheet to the new template and added the prog talents n such. Thank you for your time in advance!!
@Yurs Heya my friend! I am requesting a re-review due to affliction :)

EDITS in green

I only changed dagger combat to Sword combat due to IC learning.

Other Edits
Other main things were just the fact my guy got turned into a sanguine, the form is like 90% solid though some minor details will probably be edited but the main shape should stay the same.

I didn't know how his mutation went since it was exist feather mutation and remained that way after the mutations change, so now his exist mutation has turned into void mutation, thus the color turning from pure white to black, feathers i mean.
@Yurs I believe i need a re-review for the update, I removed the dorkarth abilities and added thee.. necessary ones? I dont know if I need to list the specials. The form hasn't changed yet, I changed the color as red to sign that it might get changed due to the updates
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@5eaweed you can either choose darkness 2 from the Ailor Special Seizing Destiny, or the second Vampire Ability Pack (Weapon Summon - Instant Leap).

Tag me when you have made your decision on which to remove.
@FireFan96 i have decided to choose the second vampire ability pack, i forgot to remove the darkness 3 from my list.. I now took it off
@FireFan96 Hiya Fire lad o7

I realised I won't have more than 5 spells for a while if ever, thought I could use the points otherwise not used to give my lad some distance abilities not relied on his magical learning, and to make the sheet accurate since my lad had caster ranged before the update.. so it would be odd for it to disappear like that..

Changes made in GREEN

Thanks for your time
@Volaie Hiya! just a minor edit!

I gave my boy flesh magic, i did try and clear the colors of the former edits, but for some reason it didn't work so the old edits are still colored, apologies.

The only edit is the numbers changed accordingly and that I added fleshmagic, thank you for your timeee!
Hiya! I edited my boy due to being afflicted.

EDITS marked in green
I used some of my remaining points to add > Shadow magic and flexible magic.
and the affliction points to buy > wind, healing, space and affliction evasion pack!
( and I'll @ later for when I get the form figured out properly.)
I swear i hate using the colors cuz they always bug out for me and I cant change them back to normal
Approved but as a note @5eaweed The commutable from afflicted x do not contribute to the actual stat such as magic. They just give free packs.
@Caelamus heyo Cael! I updated my sheet according to the new magic thing.. though my character isn't yet fully mastered magic so I thought if its cool that I will add specials later when i figure out what else i want to get / what my character is taught ICly?
And I will list the disguise sometime later when I decide how I wanna go about it.
Hopefully this will still be good enough to ask for a re-review despite alot of it being still in progress

EDITS marked in green.

I picked from the schools what I think sounds dope and useful to me, added those.

Abilities picked using Affliction points are marked with a star next to them and the actual abilities for them are listed below as a reminder for me. I will list out the disguise to altered self once i have figured it out myself, I can tag for just a quick check up when i have decided.

Thank yoou!
SANGUINE FORM W.I.P [ Inactive ]
If you go exist mage you can only ever really be Cahal due to these lines on the spell point buy;
"It is not possible to change Void or Exist alignment of Spells later, so it is important to make this decision before Point Buying Spells."
"Spell Point Buy only allows a person to stick to either Void or Exist, which is important in some cases, for example a Vampire, as Vampires can only have Void Magic as a Void Affliction."

- Casting school
-Magic Throw

- Displacing School
-Arcane Knockback

- Materialism school
-Pocket Dimension

- Afflicted Evasion pack ✦

- Afflicted Cursemaster pack ✦
-Power Curse

- Afflicted Predator pack ✦
-Instant Leap

- School of Illusionism ✦
-Altered Self

Disguise; TBA
I can't review this. This actually burns my retinas Please change it to a darker color.

heyo Cael! I updated my sheet according to the new magic thing.. though my character isn't yet fully mastered magic so I thought if its cool that I will add specials later when i figure out what else i want to get / what my character is taught ICly?
That's fine, just have points set aside for it and @tag me whenever you learn a new thing and change the tag to Needs Re-review.
@Caelamus Sorry my bad I have dark mode on so I had no clue how obnoxious the color was! I changed it to a darker color hopefully it is readable now.

And I have been vampire before despite the fact my boy is exist, i was told that it only means that the spells / exist stuff are void temporary, i dont know if that was changed. But I am so far intending to go with cahals only anyway.

and will i have to put the sheet under re-review when I put the rest of the specials or do i just need to tag you so you can check it n stuff?
@Caelamus Sorry my bad I have dark mode on so I had no clue how obnoxious the color was! I changed it to a darker color hopefully it is readable now.

And I have been vampire before despite the fact my boy is exist, i was told that it only means that the spells / exist stuff are void temporary, i dont know if that was changed. But I am so far intending to go with cahals only anyway.

and will i have to put the sheet under re-review when I put the rest of the specials or do i just need to tag you so you can check it n stuff?
Unless you were told that recently, like post spell point buy update then no that's not applicable anymore because the wording on it is very clear. With how it is written it defines a character as being locked to that dimension once they start dabbling into it. It cannot be changed past that point without potentially divine intervention IC. If you go exist, you can only ever be exist. If you go void then you can only ever be void. It clarifies very clearly, to repeat the lines on the wiki under spell point buy;
"It is not possible to change Void or Exist alignment of Spells later, so it is important to make this decision before Point Buying Spells."
"Spell Point Buy only allows a person to stick to either Void or Exist, which is important in some cases, for example a Vampire, as Vampires can only have Void Magic as a Void Affliction."

It also states on the Cahal page this line; "Characters with Void based abilities or afflictions cannot be infected with Cahalism due to the saturation of Void essence. This includes Mages."
"Characters with Exist based abilities or afflictions cannot be infected with Vampirism due to the saturation of Exist essence. This includes Mages."

I don't mean to bludgeon you with the wiki here, but yeah. You can't really swap back and forth anymore. What you choose now is basically set in stone. You are unfortunately probably going to have to retcon them being a vampire in the past and treat them as only ever having been Cahal.

I am going to just approve the app though. But yeah, this character is probably going to be exist only for now on.
I don't know if this is tag worthy but logging here that I just updated the medical knowledge to the artificer thing.
@Caelamus Heyo peep! I changed my melee / ranged stuff according to the new update, I dont know if I have messed something up about it or no. Edits have been marked with dark blue, keeping in mind that the platform is usually white so It shouldn't burn your eyes no more!
@Caelamus Elloo, I think this is a change that requires a re-review?

EDITS marked in blue

I changed the afflicted points to the new cursed point by one.
- picked the curses; Feral, Recovery and Predator
- Added the specials from those, though some are still not picked

I might change the illusion magic from using an affliction point someday but as for now, we going with this. Thanks for your time!

Question; if I pick out the specials do I just @ the reviewer for a headsup rather than put it on re-review?
@Caelamus Elloo, I think this is a change that requires a re-review?

EDITS marked in blue

I changed the afflicted points to the new cursed point by one.
- picked the curses; Feral, Recovery and Predator
- Added the specials from those, though some are still not picked

I might change the illusion magic from using an affliction point someday but as for now, we going with this. Thanks for your time!

Question; if I pick out the specials do I just @ the reviewer for a headsup rather than put it on re-review?
Just ping me to let me know but I don't really mind if you just add in specials later.
@Caelamus Hiya Cael! I think I have gotten a good idea on what my boy's cahal form looks like! pinging to let ya know and also to ask if it looks fine! the eyes would not give advantage in combat ofcourse, nor even function as actual eyes. only mimic what his actual eyes do. I was working on a text description but I don't have colorful words for it yet.

I will update the art of it and change minor things about such as possible more deets on the back but the concept will be the same. I am forcing myself to make a decision.
@Caelamus Hiya Cael! I think I have gotten a good idea on what my boy's cahal form looks like! pinging to let ya know and also to ask if it looks fine! the eyes would not give advantage in combat ofcourse, nor even function as actual eyes. only mimic what his actual eyes do. I was working on a text description but I don't have colorful words for it yet.

I will update the art of it and change minor things about such as possible more deets on the back but the concept will be the same. I am forcing myself to make a decision.
Very cool. Go for it.