Archived Have Vampires Be A Thing That's Applied For.

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Jun 23, 2013
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I think vampires should be something you apply for on the forums. So many people are vampires, and only a select few actually role play them well. The rest just run around screaming, "im a vampr come and kil me crimsun!" Besides, people don't even think twice when a vampire is running around on rooftops shrieking and asking people for blood in public. This should be changed. If vampires were something you had to apply for, the good role play would increase drastically. Vampires shouldn't just be running around broadcasting their vampirism and people not even caring.
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Because Vampires are an infection not a 'subscription,' they should be infected.
But players do not roleplay its an infection, the whole idea is that an infection is to make a person ill, vampires are hardly ill, there are still too many positives to being a vampire in my opinion, those noobs that run around like the thread suggests are the most annoying players on the server, all they do is 'lol' 'troll' and spend all there money on ridiculous priced items. This idea encourages roleplay on a roleplay server, it snothing but win in my eyes!
This "infection" is spread literally EVERYWHERE. It's not even realistic for Algaron or Crimson to hunt vampires anymore, because there are just too many. Even if my idea wasn't put into play, something has to be done to lower the numbers.
This "infection" is spread literally EVERYWHERE. It's not even realistic for Algaron or Crimson to hunt vampires anymore, because there are just too many. Even if my idea wasn't put into play, something has to be done to lower the numbers.
Not sure if I agree with that. When I brought my friends on, they were all like, "lets be vampires!".
Within three days they all begged me to help then cured themselves, and they became random races.
Any guesses why they stopped being vampires? Here's a few hints.
1) They were always starving.
2) They were always burning
3)They could not set up a home anywhere without people coming and attacking them for being who they were

I think this is more than enough of a counter to the issue. Most people who are vamps basically get to walk out into the wilderness, knowing that no one is going to come and help them if they are attacked because they are monsters. Perhaps we should lay off the vampires somewhat, seeing how much flak they get anyhow.
How's this?
One cannot become a vampire unless they make a roleplay character (that is a vampire, obviously) that gets accepted. Characters are only accepted for being lore compliant, therefore we won't have as many god-rp'ing vampire noobs. No more infections through altars, nor through drinking blood. Only through command by an admin/moderator.
Because Vampires are an infection not a 'subscription,' they should be infected.

You don't sign up for the infection. You sign up for the roleplay.
You should be able to roleplay what you want. So apply for Vampire and you can roleplay as it. But if your approved RP character is a vampire you should automatically be turned back into a vampire. But you will still be reevaluated.
So if you want to "infect" someone point them towards the Vampire Applications. Then when it is accepted the mods or admins or whatever we assign to do this will turn on some variable. D00Dcanbeturnedintovampire=1
Now he can be infected, and now we don't have friendgots who don't even RP and just stand in fountains.

OR we can just have a list of people that have approved roleplay characters and then they can be the only ones as vampires.
That way we could point the noobs to the forums to have to make a REAL RP character, while learning about it on the way.
I both like and dislike this idea, yea it would be better control on vampire RP but as was said before, not everyone has access to the forums (example parents not letting kids use certain websites and this is a server for all ages) not to mention it gets rid of the ability to force infect people who do not want it in the first place, which is an ability I like and think they should have. Also it gets rid of something thats rather fun to hunt, which are idiots who can keep their identities secret, which even a lot of vampires may have interests in doing so they can preserve their own safety, in a sense, i have kinda grown a liking to the troll/bad RP vampire because it gives me something to oppose.

If they don't have access to the forums, chances are they don't have an approved RP character.
And they probably can't RP to begin with.
How's this?
One cannot become a vampire unless they make a roleplay character (that is a vampire, obviously) that gets accepted. Characters are only accepted for being lore compliant, therefore we won't have as many god-rp'ing vampire noobs. No more infections through altars, nor through drinking blood. Only through command by an admin/moderator.
That would totally ruin it.
They shouldn't be turned into a vampire instantly, instead they should be able to use the altar of darkness to turn themselves. People who didn't get accepted will get a message that says "Go home, you're drunk <nickname/playernamehere>" or "You aren't worthy!"
If you get accepted it will be like "You are now a vampire!" or rather "You are now infected!"

Personally, the 'Vampire Issue' Is way too over played. I spent over a year being a vampire, and while it was entertaining, it didn't require me to spend a ton of time creating a back story for it, time that i didn't have at the time.
Sure, they are annoying, but its part of the vampire plugin. Forcing people to apply takes away from the fun working to make a dark alter. Image a player that spends a couple weeks to a month gathering all the supplies for a dark alter, only to find out that all their work was for not.
I agree that it can be annoying, but having been a vampire forever, its no more annoying than having to deal with all the noob vampire hunter factions. It was actually all the new people trying to murder all vampires that made me switch to Naga, simply because I was tired of their BS.
To anyone who can prove me wrong, please do so. I love arguements.

They can read up in the Vampires plugin section that only worthy people that applied can become vampires. If they still spend the time to make it then, it's all their fault for not reading on the RP forums. The vampire hunters wouldn't murder you if good RP vampires would masquerade properly. You're problems are all the result of stupid, ignorant people who didn't read the instructions or vampires that this thread is trying to get rid of.
Shambang16 Care to tell me why you disagree with this as well?
That would totally ruin it.
They shouldn't be turned into a vampire instantly, instead they should be able to use the altar of darkness to turn themselves. People who didn't get accepted will get a message that says "Go home, you're drunk <nickname/playernamehere>" or "You aren't worthy!"
If you get accepted it will be like "You are now a vampire!" or rather "You are now infected!"

They can read up in the Vampires plugin section that only worthy people that applied can become vampires. If they still spend the time to make it then, it's all their fault for not reading on the RP forums. The vampire hunters wouldn't murder you if good RP vampires would masquerade properly. You're problems are all the result of stupid, ignorant people who didn't read the instructions or vampires that this thread is trying to get rid of.
Except, a lot of roleplay vampires are already vampires. They don't need to go through the infection. But if a character is applied for to be infected they would be?
Except, a lot of roleplay vampires are already vampires. They don't need to go through the infection. But if a character is applied for to be infected they would be?
RP characters that state they are Vampires and have a good life story that shows they can legitimately RP as a lore-compliant vampire will be turned into vampires upon approval, or they can type /v vampire or something to turn them into vampires at their convenience. If you already have an RP character then you can apply for vampire by showing your ability to play as a LORE-COMPLIANT vampire. You then add that you are a vampire somewhere in your character page.

But adding onto my earlier posts, Vampirism is caused by an infection. Yet you must cure it of your own free will and cannot be cleansed of it by others. As soon as you kill one vampire, another one is born. LITERALLY! Like if you kill a vampire he will just respawn at Regalia. So we need to limit the vampire population to a reasonable amount so it is realistic to the amount of people hunting vampires.
It is a shame, having so many vampire hunters but not being able to reduce the population of vampires.

I think we should totally scrap these "Vampires" the server has made and just go back to the classics days of Stoker, Rice, and Matheson. But definitely not Stephanie Meyer, cuz I liek the way it burnz. It's atrocious how many people want to be blood-sucking mortals that don't live a day longer then the layman. I would rather be an immortal blood-sucking seductress who lures victims into dark forests to drain them dry. I especially hate the vampires that say they are good, they have no right to call themselves vampires.
Why do you disagree?
I agree that it can be annoying, but having been a vampire forever, its no more annoying than having to deal with all the noob vampire hunter factions. It was actually all the new people trying to murder all vampires that made me switch to Naga, simply because I was tired of their BS.
To anyone who can prove me wrong, please do so. I love arguements.

Please, I dare you to name 3 Vampire hunting organizations other than the Crimsons. I dare you.
Secondly the entire point of the Crimson inquisition was to make it so less people were vampires. You have proved it's success.
Please, I dare you to name 3 Vampire hunting organizations other than the Crimsons. I dare you.
Secondly the entire point of the Crimson inquisition was to make it so less people were vampires. You have proved it's success.
Well, name a templar faction that doesn't hate vampires. (Jokes, or at least I hope its only a joke.)
I have been on this server longer than you, so I am going to stick by my reasoning.
However, since you seem so sure in yourself that you decided to be rude, I respond with this.
There are a lot of people who hunt vampires. That's not a bad thing as much as a fact of life. Also, notice how I said new people. I am not going to the bottom of the f list to find random vampire hunter factions. Not worth my time.
All things aside, I rather liked your argument (or counter argument. not sure) save for the rude tone. Not sure what I said that offended you so much, but whatever. Have the nice days.
Please, I dare you to name 3 Vampire hunting organizations other than the Crimsons. I dare you.
Secondly the entire point of the Crimson inquisition was to make it so less people were vampires. You have proved it's success.

RPwise it was to make less vampires, the real goal was to get the point across that vampires are dangerous and openly admitting to vampirism in turn is dangerous.
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