Archived Have Vampires Be A Thing That's Applied For.

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Jun 23, 2013
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I think vampires should be something you apply for on the forums. So many people are vampires, and only a select few actually role play them well. The rest just run around screaming, "im a vampr come and kil me crimsun!" Besides, people don't even think twice when a vampire is running around on rooftops shrieking and asking people for blood in public. This should be changed. If vampires were something you had to apply for, the good role play would increase drastically. Vampires shouldn't just be running around broadcasting their vampirism and people not even caring.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Yes! They should have to apply on the forums. Other than that, let the idiots be agni and other races. Sounds good.
Sounds decent, but then the "spreading" roleplay aspect wont really exist, considering you have to sign up to be infected. Imagine you having to have to sign up to get the h1n1 flu.
I think vampires should be something you apply for on the forums. So many people are vampires, and only a select few actually role play them well. The rest just run around screaming, "im a vampr come and kil me crimsun!" Besides, people don't even think twice when a vampire is running around on rooftops shrieking and asking people for blood in public. This should be changed. If vampires were something you had to apply for, the good role play would increase drastically. Vampires shouldn't just be running around broadcasting their vampirism and people not even caring.
It's a problem that needs to be fixed. Sounds like a great idea. Go ahead and see if you can edit a poll into the thread to get some feedback
Sounds decent, but then the "spreading" roleplay aspect wont really exist, considering you have to sign up to be infected. Imagine you having to have to sign up to get the h1n1 flu.
Well, there is that. Hmm... There's a way around it though, I'm sure there is
Lots of people don't have access to the Internet, website, forums, etc.
Tubbytundra then how did they even get to Massivecraft? Also, they could have some in-game sign ups, like every once in a while.
If people didn't have access to the Internet and the forums, they wouldn't have Minecraft.
People could get to massivecraft from friends. Besides, most people have access to the Internet, but not everyone has access, or easy access, to the website, forums, etc.
As for that comment about the spreading, that's true...but then again, it would be better than people running into the sun and running back to shelter to show people that they're vampires and such. Maybe the staff could have a trial run with this idea to so how it turns out. If it didn't work out, just put things back the way they were.
Lots of people don't have access to the Internet, website, forums, etc.
You do realize if they were able to play Massive on a friend's computer regularly enough to want to be a vampire for RP purposes, then they could sign up for it from said friend's computer, right?
TrolledPan1337 very good idea, I was thinking like being "worthy" of being a vampire, and then they can be cursed by the higher vampires, (rp staff again) and they have to go through mental tests, persuade to become a vampire, etc etc. This was a 3 second idea people, no judgements.
Some people don't have access to forum
-I learn it recently from a guy in the forum that have access and if you are reading this then is must have a access to forum <3
I quite like this idea. Though I'm still fairly new, it's astounding how many people I've seen flaunting their vampiric nature. Perhaps if people were forced to put some effort into becoming a vampire, we wouldn't be flooded with them. Since I do know this is supposed to be a sort of spreading disease, perhaps we could have people afflicted with certain vampiric traits, such as sun sensitivity, when "infected". That way, we wouldn't have proper vampires everywhere, just sickened players. Not sure how this would work as far as implementation in the actual plugin, but hopefully it's not too difficult.
I'm not a fan of this. Are vampires really so much of an issue on the server that this is necessary? If anything this would create needless work.
I'm not a fan of this. Are vampires really so much of an issue on the server that this is necessary? If anything this would create needless work.
Well, while that is a fair point, how often do you personally see Vampires flaunting themselves around, asking for blood in general or non vamps coming out right and saying "I went te be wit teh vampirez"
(Note: I realize I'm exaggerating on the want-to-be vamps thing :P)
I both like and dislike this idea, yea it would be better control on vampire RP but as was said before, not everyone has access to the forums (example parents not letting kids use certain websites and this is a server for all ages) not to mention it gets rid of the ability to force infect people who do not want it in the first place, which is an ability I like and think they should have. Also it gets rid of something thats rather fun to hunt, which are idiots who can keep their identities secret, which even a lot of vampires may have interests in doing so they can preserve their own safety, in a sense, i have kinda grown a liking to the troll/bad RP vampire because it gives me something to oppose.
I wouldn't mind signing up. Though, if you really want blood, living with an Elf helps, not begging at spawn. :P
Those Vampires are called Bloodelings and they are the center point of all the trouble...
Totally agree with Tech
Bloodelings need to be killed, by not only Crimsons or Slayers, but other vampires as well... -_-
I think vampires should be something you apply for on the forums. So many people are vampires, and only a select few actually role play them well. The rest just run around screaming, "im a vampr come and kil me crimsun!" Besides, people don't even think twice when a vampire is running around on rooftops shrieking and asking people for blood in public. This should be changed. If vampires were something you had to apply for, the good role play would increase drastically. Vampires shouldn't just be running around broadcasting their vampirism and people not even caring.

Applying on the Forums probably wouldn't be the best idea.
What I think should happen is, there should be a selected few main vampires that have permission to, Secretly, affect who they feel they want to, but those people infected can't spread it.
It could start with Mrs. Baver, as she is the creator of Vampires.
I both like and dislike this idea, yea it would be better control on vampire RP but as was said before, not everyone has access to the forums (example parents not letting kids use certain websites and this is a server for all ages) not to mention it gets rid of the ability to force infect people who do not want it in the first place, which is an ability I like and think they should have. Also it gets rid of something thats rather fun to hunt, which are idiots who can keep their identities secret, which even a lot of vampires may have interests in doing so they can preserve their own safety, in a sense, i have kinda grown a liking to the troll/bad RP vampire because it gives me something to oppose.

Yeah I agree. There is so many people who are jumping around and think that it's sooooo fun. But it's really really immature and they are spreading. Now the idea of going to a staff to get infected is not such a good idea and its because they won't really come to you just to "curse" you. It's just a wasting of time.they should instead put a stricter time limit where you can only turn into a vamp if you been on the server for like 2 month. And have a good reason to change instead of running around like an idiot and destroying for others.
I'm not saying that my idea is a perfect one, or even a very good one. But something has to be done, because most of the server's role play aspect is ruined mainly by the vampires.
I completely agree with this idea and believe that it would better the roleplay environment, especially in Regalia. In my experience, as well, a high percentage of god roleplayers are members who are, in fact, vampires. And to top it off, most every vampire I've met in game has either not read the lore on the website or they just ignore it flat out. This can throw a serious wrench in both server-led roleplay and general personal roleplay.

Well, there is that. Hmm... There's a way around it though, I'm sure there is

As to the issue of infection, I believe that if you apply for vampire on the forums and are accepted to become one, you should know well enough who is and who isn't worthy of being one too, and therefore it should hopefully be contained. Also, perhaps if a person proved themselves unworthy of being a vampire, there could be a thread or discussion devoted to requests to rebuke a person's vampiric power.

Just figured I'd throw my two bits in on the situation. I honestly find it appalling how many vampires disregard all the rules and refuse secrecy. It would honestly be a relief to see a significant drop in the number of vampires on the streets of the server, in my opinion.
Yes! They should have to apply on the forums. Other than that, let the idiots be agni and other races. Sounds good.

a Vampire is dead so technicly a Undead race would be second choice
Undead is good for Tanking when raiding
Agani is more for resisting fire swords and fighting in the nether
a Vampire is dead so technicly a Undead race would be second choice
Undead is good for Tanking when raiding
Agani is more for resisting fire swords and fighting in the nether

Actually in this sever's lore, vampires are not dead. They also do not have longevity (they age like humans) and they are in fact considered human race-wise.
Personally, the 'Vampire Issue' Is way too over played. I spent over a year being a vampire, and while it was entertaining, it didn't require me to spend a ton of time creating a back story for it, time that i didn't have at the time.
Sure, they are annoying, but its part of the vampire plugin. Forcing people to apply takes away from the fun working to make a dark alter. Image a player that spends a couple weeks to a month gathering all the supplies for a dark alter, only to find out that all their work was for not.
I agree that it can be annoying, but having been a vampire forever, its no more annoying than having to deal with all the noob vampire hunter factions. It was actually all the new people trying to murder all vampires that made me switch to Naga, simply because I was tired of their BS.
To anyone who can prove me wrong, please do so. I love arguements.
Heres a suggestion, reset vampire pluggin, make infection harder to obtain from other vampires, remove alter at spawn. Make it to where vampires can only infect other vampires from a set time, removing the alter at spawn will make it harder for them to obtain it.
I love the vampires just not particularly the people who rp as them and use the sayings as been said in the post. Maybe there should be some sort of test.
Here's a response. ;) I still think this needs input from a Rank 3 team member, my opinion would matter little.

Perhaps with a lot of votes from the community this suggestion could be realized.

How about 17 agrees that not enough?
I think vampires should be something you apply for on the forums. So many people are vampires, and only a select few actually role play them well. The rest just run around screaming, "im a vampr come and kil me crimsun!" Besides, people don't even think twice when a vampire is running around on rooftops shrieking and asking people for blood in public. This should be changed. If vampires were something you had to apply for, the good role play would increase drastically. Vampires shouldn't just be running around broadcasting their vampirism and people not even caring.

Personally looking back at it, I blame this on the non vampires doing/being able to do anything about it. Perhaps if pvp were inabled if they did any kind of /v command (exception of night vision) and a message near them that sates "so and so has been revealed to be a vampire" then PvP will activate on that person alone with no way to fight back.
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