Haunting Pasts, Burning Futures

Haunting Pasts, Burning Futures
The burning sensation as the whiskey was poured into the tall plants mouth was all that they could feel at this moment. And the faint stinging sensation of the burning plant like skin on their upper arm. They could feel themselves shake with every movement as they sat on the ground before the sound of papers rustling.

Nyth's gaze shot to Darcie, who had been napping away on her desk prior to the plant silently entering the room and drinking themselves to the void with the whiskey bottle sitting next to them on the floor. The noblesse would blink away her exhaustion, yawning before noticing the plant and nearly falling out of her chair in surprise but caught herself. She'd notice the shaking form of the loyal plant guard, causing immediate dread to fill Darcie's mind as they slowly reached out to grasp Nyth by the left shoulder. A sharp pained hiss and a sharp gasp caused Darcie to snatch her hand back before she spoke up in a cold tone.

"Nyth...What happened to you." It was a demand, not a question which caused it all to pour out from the poor plants mouth as broken sobs escaped them.


Nyth had been out buying supplies to make more jam seeing as they sent over their last few jars of blackberry jam that night. They continued along, the streets silent and barren due to the fact that the streets were crawling with Arkens and a Dragon Lady flying about. Once they made their way down Main Street and turned off into the many winding paths of the other districts in the city a voice brought chills down the plants spine.

"Well I'll be damned if it isn't my dearest plant." The deep tone of the smooth Daen tone that remained so vividly in Nyth's mind. The plant would slowly turn to look at the taller and tan man. Granted now they were around the same height due to the recent changes of the plant. As the Daen man closed in on Nyth like a wolf cornering it's pray, clearly ready to strike at any moment.

"I thought you were still working at the Keep, Frederico."

"Now you have a backbone? I should give you a good wallop for that, just like in the past. Now be a good plant, and come here."

The venomous tone in the man's voice set Nyth on edge but then again just seeing the man himself nearly made him break.


That's what all it took before in the blink of an eye Nyth felt the stinging sensation of having their cheek punched before a hit to the throat causing them to gasp for air as well as drop the items they had been carrying, giving the ailor the opening to grab the plant by their hair and dragged them off.

It'd take a couple of minutes to get where they were going before they ended up at a small hidden away shop on the harbor. Once the plant was shoved down, having lost what they bought, they simply stared up at the man. They could feel themselves collapsing internally as their breath escaped them in sharp breaths and they couldn't think straight. The sound of what seemed to be fire crackling snapped them out of their blind panic and they instantly turned from where they were on the ground. However the sight sent a chill of horror down them as they felt their mouth go dry.

The sound was indeed fire crackling and embers popping from the now lit mini forge. In a darkened area where no one was sure to find them, the only thing they could see was the outline of the Daen man. The heat now beginning to take over the room before the man grabbed an iron and making their way towards the plant.

"This'll teach ya' to not speak back to me, darling."

"No!" And the next few moments went by as the plant let out a horrid and pained wail of a cry, the fire crackling up their arm and the heat of the iron on the now open skin. By the time the pain had begun to dull a new mark now littered their already scarred up body, the burn mark of a fancy 'F' now plagued the plants body before being thrown out to aimlessly wander before finding help.

The plant was in near hysterics by the time they finished the story, clinging onto the desk in a desperate attempt to regain themselves. All the sounds that they could hear now was the dark voice of him and their own screams.

Once they were finally calmed down enough and managed to get Darcie to not bother them about the subject any longer, they made their shaky way to a familiar estate they had been able to stay in so many times before in that week, Touvre.

Tagging those who might be interested;

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Haunting Pasts, Burning Futures
The burning sensation as the whiskey was poured into the tall plants mouth was all that they could feel at this moment. And the faint stinging sensation of the burning plant like skin on their upper arm. They could feel themselves shake with every movement as they sat on the ground before the sound of papers rustling.

Nyth's gaze shot to Darcie, who had been napping away on her desk prior to the plant silently entering the room and drinking themselves to the void with the whiskey bottle sitting next to them on the floor. The noblesse would blink away her exhaustion, yawning before noticing the plant and nearly falling out of her chair in surprise but caught herself. She'd notice the shaking form of the loyal plant guard, causing immediate dread to fill Darcie's mind as they slowly reached out to grasp Nyth by the left shoulder. A sharp pained hiss and a sharp gasp caused Darcie to snatch her hand back before she spoke up in a cold tone.

"Nyth...What happened to you." It was a demand, not a question which caused it all to pour out from the poor plants mouth as broken sobs escaped them.


Nyth had been out buying supplies to make more jam seeing as they sent over their last few jars of blackberry jam that night. They continued along, the streets silent and barren due to the fact that the streets were crawling with Arkens and a Dragon Lady flying about. Once they made their way down Main Street and turned off into the many winding paths of the other districts in the city a voice brought chills down the plants spine.

"Well I'll be damned if it isn't my dearest plant." The deep tone of the smooth Daen tone that remained so vividly in Nyth's mind. The plant would slowly turn to look at the taller and tan man. Granted now they were around the same height due to the recent changes of the plant. As the Daen man closed in on Nyth like a wolf cornering it's pray, clearly ready to strike at any moment.

"I thought you were still working at the Keep, Frederico."

"Now you have a backbone? I should give you a good wallop for that, just like in the past. Now be a good plant, and come here."

The venomous tone in the man's voice set Nyth on edge but then again just seeing the man himself nearly made him break.


That's what all it took before in the blink of an eye Nyth felt the stinging sensation of having their cheek punched before a hit to the throat causing them to gasp for air as well as drop the items they had been carrying, giving the ailor the opening to grab the plant by their hair and dragged them off.

It'd take a couple of minutes to get where they were going before they ended up at a small hidden away shop on the harbor. Once the plant was shoved down, having lost what they bought, they simply stared up at the man. They could feel themselves collapsing internally as their breath escaped them in sharp breaths and they couldn't think straight. The sound of what seemed to be fire crackling snapped them out of their blind panic and they instantly turned from where they were on the ground. However the sight sent a chill of horror down them as they felt their mouth go dry.

The sound was indeed fire crackling and embers popping from the now lit mini forge. In a darkened area where no one was sure to find them, the only thing they could see was the outline of the Daen man. The heat now beginning to take over the room before the man grabbed an iron and making their way towards the plant.

"This'll teach ya' to not speak back to me, darling."

"No!" And the next few moments went by as the plant let out a horrid and pained wail of a cry, the fire crackling up their arm and the heat of the iron on the now open skin. By the time the pain had begun to dull a new mark now littered their already scarred up body, the burn mark of a fancy 'F' now plagued the plants body before being thrown out to aimlessly wander before finding help.

The plant was in near hysterics by the time they finished the story, clinging onto the desk in a desperate attempt to regain themselves. All the sounds that they could hear now was the dark voice of him and their own screams.

Once they were finally calmed down enough and managed to get Darcie to not bother them about the subject any longer, they made their shaky way to a familiar estate they had been able to stay in so many times before in that week, Touvre.

Tagging those who might be interested;

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Nu Merina will help you plant boy