Haunted House Theorys!


mr. blue sky (living here today)
Aug 6, 2013
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The haunted house in the Halloween world came out last night, (/warp Halloween).
And in the haunted house, there's a story behind it. This thread is mainly for sharing your theories, or thoughts of what the story is about, and how it leads up to, feel free to share your own theories, or read others.

For now, this is my theory.

(Note, this may spoil a bit of the haunted house things, so if you haven't been there yet, and don't want to know about the story, do not read this! <3)

So, first off my main thoughts are this. If you look around the house you'll notice lots of endermen, /but/ the endermen have names. Meaning, I have an idea that either the endermen are just lost souls of the house, /orr/ they're servants who died. And, the names they have above their head is how they died. Secondly, it seems like Alice, Cherolynn and Leo are all siblings, but.. it's a bit confusing, cause it keeps seeming like everyone is dying to one another. While I'm a bit confused about the "I'm burning thing" and the fact there's a trap in that room, where you fall into the fire pit and it says something about Alice. I'm planning on setting up a time line, it also says something about Leo being killed, as in "Cherolynn, did you hear what happened to your brother?" as it most likely means Leo is her brother. What /alssoo/ confuses me, is it says "You'd trade your daughters life for your own?" I'm thinking.. Alright, so what if Alice is the mother, and Cherolynn and Leo are the children? Because at one point it says "Did you hear the news about /YOUR/ brother?" Meaning, it could be her child. So, that's what I'm guessing, I have a feeling maybe Alice was possessed or something? Anyways, comment what you think.
colection of the prhases i've found thus far, i feel is should've recorde the grey text to becaust context, of all things, he hero sentene confussels me
this was all i found before venturing to the lower levels and died. also panda, can you show me this lava trap? i did my best but couldn't find it
colection of the prhases i've found thus far, i feel is should've recorde the grey text to becaust context, of all things, he hero sentene confussels me
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this was all i found before venturing to the lower levels and died. also panda, can you show me this lava trap? i did my best but couldn't find it

It's in the room that says that it's too hot, it's randomly triggered, and difficult to get in.
i sat randomly in a stair block in that room
this will take a while o collect them all if ther are more like these
also, something tells me the trap isn't randomly triggerd but triggerd by a pressureplate somewhere in that mansion, could be wrong...
edit: another one found
double edit: trap was random indeed
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So... is there a purpose to this place other than exploring for amusement and the photo shoot today? :u
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From what I have gathered, the family members seem to have committed atrocities to one another (Alice. Leo, Cherolynn, Cheryl(?)) Alice seems to be the daughter to either Cherolynn or Leo. But Cheryl seems to be the worse because in the undead infested dungeon there is a ritual room where Cheryl told Leo to run and the distorted "YOU WILL DIE HERE" phrase backs it up. Maybe she is responsible for all of the torturing and lost souls within the mansion? I'm feeling like we're missing some jigsaw pieces here.
i sat randomly in a stair block in that room
View attachment 43057
this will take a while o collect them all if ther are more like these
also, something tells me the trap isn't randomly triggerd but triggerd by a pressureplate somewhere in that mansion, could be wrong...
edit: another one found
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double edit: trap was random indeed
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Where did you see the "Leopold's sister was sweet" one? I haven't found that yet.
Where did you see the "Leopold's sister was sweet" one? I haven't found that yet.
i found it while walking on the dining table
now ur not gonna say to me that those can apear at random to!
also, can i lend enderpearl of someone, there is a place i just cannot reach without one...
edit: again at diningtable
and other ones
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I bet it was just a house where these annoying spirits like choose to haunt and be jerks.
That, and people forgot to call GhostBusters.
Who knows, Alice may have also been the person who was burned to death. She could very well have been burned alive in the tower.
the only fault i can see is this

i think Alice was the one who burned another person