Archived Harmwater, Make It Doesn't Harm When It's Snowing

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Jun 27, 2014
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The trait HarmWater harms when the character is on the water or when it rains, but in the desert or under a tree it doesn't harm. I'm wondering why the snow should harm as much as the rain, since it's only little flakes.
My suggestion would be to remove, or reduce, the dammages when it snows.

Thank you to read my first suggestion. ^_^
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Snow is still water, and there is two races that would need te harms aether trait. Dwarfs (iron tooth) and Dakkar, both freeze to death in the snow.
Well, when snow melts on skin doesn't it turn into a liquid? o-o
I'd say reduce, because you're still getting wet, but in lower concentration. Snow falls slower and less rapidly, so and most of the water when it melts would be turned to steam. You would still get small amounts of damage from the water in it.
But 1 cm of rain is like 10 cm of snow or something like that (if it is cold enough to freeze). So even if snow isn't just as bad, remember it comes in bigger quantities.
In the system, Snow is different textured rain. If their are a plains biome, and a snow biome and it's raining, switch biomes rapidly. The snow just turns in to rain, it is the same thing. It'd be hard to code in something that could tell when you change biomes that it's snow not rain.

For Dakkars and stuff, tons of snow would be falling down on it, and it soon be put out...
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In the system, Snow is different textured rain. If their are a plains biome, and a snow biome and it's raining, switch biomes rapidly. The snow just turns in to rain, it is the same thing. It'd be hard to code in something that could tell when you change biomes and it's snow not rain...

For Dakkars and stuff, tons of snow would be falling down on it, and it soon be put out...
Ooh, good point. It's just a different texture...
So if it's raining and I'm in a desert, I will get harmed?
Really ? Even in the desert where it doesn't rain ? O_O