Preserved Sheet Harlow Ketch

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@KrakenLord01 Harlow is Aphar/Scor now. Recording here, so you know I'm not changing it.
Cured of Cahalism. Will probably be editing when the arc is done.
@KrakenLord01 Did some re-analysis, felt I'd get more use out of spells that are less combat oriented. Replaced Super Self 2 with Astral Being 1 and Light Mend 1 with Element Control 3.
@Acosmism updated for char app changes. also removed magic bolt. i did not replace it with anything
prof update hehe. also full maquixtl now. and not a knight
@Athelois quick re-review, exchanged wind magic for sensor
bumping for raid use weheheh
@sonofthestars changed kit because i wanted to be a con goon instead of an omnigoon
@Carlit0o Sorry for changing yet again, but Harlow is a Cahal now. Added Cahal points and Cahal form, ended it off there.
It did not last long. Keeping in re-review for Cahal points though, in case of reinfect.
big edits, need new reviewer
  • profs changed to fit new wisdom and magic stuff. may edit again soon since demonology keeps waking me up at 3 am
  • religion and core concept changed
  • visual info changed
  • backstory changed
@Caelamus quick one but
  • harlow is half-maquixtl half-teledden now, but no functional changes beyond i guess being taller
  • harlow was infected with cahalism
@Caelamus edited profs again i am so sorry, no longer cahal + mage kit + added more constitution
@Caelamus i am so sorry. incredibly minor update, didnt mark for re-review, but moved one point back to wisdom and changed magic to fit new update
@Caelamus teledden update, just added free spell because harlow has teledden specials from custom kit, otherwise no changes
some quiet point changes, replaced bastion with protectorate pack and mimicry with thaumaturgy for zagreus larp
wehehe updated for bruiser, needs new reviewer
hello i dropped mirror incantation for resilience pack and bruiser parry for bruiser slam