Preserved Sheet Harald Von Drachenburg

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@MantaRey. Updated to include the new hobby skills and reinvested points. Also realised I hadn't updated the physical stat from before but the rest of the information was still correct from before
@MantaRey I did some proficiency reworking. I took the fifteen points from perception training and put them into Blades Combat and added Anima Care so I can have some hot falconry rp
Hi there, sorry for the wait. Having a holiday with Billy. All looks good, so I'll call this approved. @Wumpatron
So, turns out I have zero desire for falconry. Switched out the five anima care for hunting knowledge to round out the character.
@MantaRey I am once again asking for a rereview

App has been updated with the Paladin Special Permission
  • Proficiency points reworked for the new cap to Blades Combat per the permission
  • Life story has been made to include the details of the Special Permission and just general cleanup of lore
@MantaRey removed hunting knowledge since I just don't use it. Added 4 points in Society Knowledge and placed the last point into Command Tactic Skill.
@MantaRey character birthday and Ailor lineage update on the same day, did the Drahl.
@MantaRey reinvested 5 points since knights have had their buff removed. Three into General Tactics and two into Command Tactics
Given the Society Knowledge update I've added one point to Pole Combat Skill to round out the Viridian Knight proficiency spread. No other edits to report @MantaRey
@MantaRey moved out dead points for some Historical Knowledge and Thin Blades so I can get a nice saber action.
You dropped this, king. @Wumpatron Reapproved.
@MantaRey I moved some of my hobby category points for body art, 4 points moved total so not much else changed.
@MantaRey more shifts because I want more Regalian roleplay. I moved more points I had in arts skills to have Arcanology for Artifact Knowledge. I'll be doing another shift for Arken Knowledge following the current war with Kreiburg if it'll be allowed at that time.
@MantaRey I moved out points to be less prog centric and more IG focused. So my Frontline Tactics was halves to 5 bringing my 5 Statescraft to be a talent. I removed Siege Tactic bc it wasn't a very practical investment. I used my free ten points to invest in Fist Combat and in Short Bow Combat respectively to give the character more versatility and the fact he backhands people a surprising amount of times in roleplay.
Full update of proficiencies, the Life Story is going to be changing later on in line with recent lore changes, etc. etc.
I will be taking this application for review!
  • Non-Talent Racial Boosts require an investment of 10 points before receiving the boost.
  • Specify what Proficiencies are going into Physical Stat calculation.
  • Please spend 3 Linguistics points for Ithanian if it's not a parent language.
Make changes in different color of choice and tag me when finished. Apologies for the wait!
To the review process hazzah. Updated profs, that is all