Hands Of Gold: Spa And Salon


i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom



[|Theme I | Theme II | Theme III|]

The graceful figure of a woman twisted and turned through the bustling streets of Regalia, prodding peasants to the side as they blocked the path to her destination. The hubbub failed to sour her mood, as the day was one of rejuvenation and new beginnings. Her heels clicked enthusiastically against the cobbled streets, positioning her frame in the midst of the doorway to her establishment. She sucked in a deep breath, calculating her words carefully.

"Citizens of Regalia, poor and rich alike. I am proud to inform you that the Hands of Gold: Spa and Salon are now officially open for business! Inside the doors of the spa, you can find a plethora of relaxing activities to partake in. Aromatherapy for your troubled mind, massages given by the best Chien'ji workers you can find! We aim to please our customers, however outlandish the request may be. If this is not to your tastes, we offer a tearoom on the upper floor with homemade treats and goodies."

The woman paused in her speaking, an amiable smile passing her lips.
"If you're finding trouble meeting that special someone, we have a special service to set you up with Mr or Mrs. Right. Merely send in a letter and our experts will find you someone within a week, if not less!"



Find out more about us!

Hands of Gold is a new and upcoming spa that offers herbal and physical treatments for their patrons. The clinic is a place for relaxation, revelation and tea drinking! Adventure inside to snack upon the homemade treats and goodies that you can find in the tearoom lounge, or sign up to find your special someone. The Hands of Gold spa does a little bit of everything, no matter how large or small. If you're interested in becoming either a member, arranging an appointment for a treatment, or hoping to find somebody for you, you can either send a letter or walk right in.



[Template used from @Eccetra's thread.]

Executive Director
The highest authority of Hands of Gold. The Executive Directors takes full responsibility for the business and what may come of it. They are in charge of assigning its rules and regulations as well as presiding over the businesses general direction

  • Full Authority over the Business.
Board Directors
The highest authorities of Hands of Gold. The Board Directors are separated into three main areas of focus but may speak for one another in their absence. Board Directors are responsible for the overarching tasks, direction, and behavior of those in their field. They may increase or decrease anyone in rank, as well as promote individuals to High Members.
  • Full authority over the business under the Executive Directors.
Front of House
The front of the house consists of those who work on the lower floor of the spa. They maintain a cheery and approachable demeanor for the customers who find their way through the doors. They tend the counter and serve the clientele in the tearooms.
  • May access the opioid and alchemy storage.
    • May host training sessions and events without clearance.
    • May detain any Commoner deemed to be dangerous or life-threatening to the clientele or the workers



Character Name:
Accepted Character Application: [If none, merely write N/A.]
Has your character had any previous medicinal schooling?:
Rate your activity on a scale of 1-10:
Do you have skype: [Please note, this is the group's main way of communication!]
A letter addressed to the Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold:

Last edited:

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Gender:
Character Interests:
What is your ideal partner? (Answer ICLY.):
What are some of your pet peeves? (Answer ICLY.):
Favorite things to do:
Hates and dislikes:
Describe yourself in three words or less:

Short IC letter addressed to the Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold:
Last edited:

IGN: Mandyy_
Character Name: Poppy Cuffburt
Accepted Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/poppy-cuffburt.59531/
Has your character had any previous medicinal schooling?: No.
Rate your activity on a scale of 1-10: 8/10?
Do you have skype: Yes!
A letter addressed to the Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold:

Written in neat cursive a letter would hopefully find its way to the Lady Harhold!

Dear Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold,

Poppy Cuffburt at your service! A young woman looking for some extra coin, but this does not decrease how hard-working I shall be. If you do accept me, I wish to work for the lowest position at the moment; Front of The House, and of course work my way up from there. I do hope you see the potential and choose to accept me! But for now, Spirit Bless and protect you.

Poppy Cuffburt
IGN: Mandyy_
Character Name: Poppy Cuffburt
Accepted Character Application: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/poppy-cuffburt.59531/
Has your character had any previous medicinal schooling?: No.
Rate your activity on a scale of 1-10: 8/10?
Do you have skype: Yes!
A letter addressed to the Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold:

Written in neat cursive a letter would hopefully find its way to the Lady Harhold!

Dear Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold,

Poppy Cuffburt at your service! A young woman looking for some extra coin, but this does not decrease how hard-working I shall be. If you do accept me, I wish to work for the lowest position at the moment; Front of The House, and of course work my way up from there. I do hope you see the potential and choose to accept me! But for now, Spirit Bless and protect you.

Poppy Cuffburt
IGN: HoshiChomp12
Character Name: Christelle Tucker
Accepted Character Application: N/A
Has your character had any previous medicinal schooling?: Nope
Rate your activity on a scale of 1-10: 4 1/2
Do you have skype: Yup it's myahchei
A letter addressed to the Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold:

To the esteemed Archduchess Vivienne Harhold,

I am Christelle Tucker and I love the idea of this spa. I do not know much in the ways of medicine, but I am sure I could still be of assistance. Perhaps we could meet to further address my qualifications? I await your reply.

Best wishes and Spirit Guide,
Christelle Tomaise Pouvoire Langlais-Tucker
IGN: HoshiChomp12
Character Name: Christelle Tucker
Accepted Character Application: N/A
Has your character had any previous medicinal schooling?: Nope
Rate your activity on a scale of 1-10: 4 1/2
Do you have skype: Yup it's myahchei
A letter addressed to the Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold:

To the esteemed Archduchess Vivienne Harhold,

I am Christelle Tucker and I love the idea of this spa. I do not know much in the ways of medicine, but I am sure I could still be of assistance. Perhaps we could meet to further address my qualifications? I await your reply.

Best wishes and Spirit Guide,
Christelle Tomaise Pouvoire Langlais-Tucker

Accepted for IC Interview!
IGN: Nidakk
Character Name: Naumache Ni'kevvi
Character Age: 28
Character Gender: Female
Character Interests: Varran mostly, but she can have a thing for Urls under right circumstances
What is your ideal partner? (Answer ICLY.): A strong male Varran or url that can protect and take of her me
What are some of your pet peeves? (Answer ICLY.): Snooping and snitching
Favorite things to do: Sail along the coastline or talk to friends privately
Hates and dislikes: Pirates and dishonorable people, she also hate sexism against women.
Describe yourself in three words or less: Feminine, strong, attractive

Short IC letter addressed to the Archduchess-Consort Vivienne Harhold:
Dear Archduchess Harhold,

I am a female twenty-eight year old Varran that is having trouble finding love. I have tried to find a male Varran or, please don't judge me, Url that knows how to treat a girl like me. I was part of the Varran Cosiar but recently moved to Regalia and only have been here for five months. I can be a little shy around sailors or other human like races but typically I can manage. If you would like to see me for a private interview I am always free.

Naumache Ni'kevvi
yelp review/ augusta: place was nice, smelled okay, seris did amazing with my hair @Ryria