Preserved Sheet Hallcón Jöbllé, The Valorous Ranger

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Looks good to me! Just one final thing: you can remove Warrior School of Rangers from the special permission slot. Since I last reviewed your app an Expert level was created, meaning Warrior is no longer special permission. Aside from that minor detail...

☼ Approved! ☼
@Eccetra requesting a re-review as I made some edits; removed mentions of Alte-Hathel Ranger training (as its not taught anymore) and added the Discipline of Falconry
Hello here is my review!
Morality: Towards other Rangers, Hallcón could be called Lawful Good, sticking to the codes and laws of the Rangers and Nelfin lands while still working for the good of the people. To all others, he seems more Chaotic Good, not much caring for the laws and rules of Regalia and other places as he still wants to help the people. This over all leaves the Ranger in an odd light, shifting with each person.
Define which of the disciplines that he follows and consider weighing this on how upholding this code, almost to a religious extent would affect him as a character, or how it would influence his other traits and consider adding them.

7 - Wandered away from the outer walls of the city, finding his way into an Ailor campwhere he was beaten by the Ailor settlers
What were his motivations for wandering away?

15 - Seeks out Sael'dinia for information to learn the location of the School of Rangers
The school of rangers itself did not formally exist until much later after the ranger crisis which exists in more recent years, I would recommend having a good read through here to be sure.

Recent Times | 41 - present
Did he participate in the ranger crisis? How did it affect him?

Be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done. @Eternal_Wrath
Thank you for the Review, edits are made in the blue!

Define which of the disciplines that he follows and consider weighing this on how upholding this code, almost to a religious extent would affect him as a character, or how it would influence his other traits and consider adding them.
I added an extra sentance to help re-enforce part of this, but I believe he other wise fits, please correct me if anything is out of place. I also made an edit stating that he doesnt fully adhere to a single part, that being the near equality of religions as he's an Elven Empire Loyalist.

What were his motivations for wandering away?
Added an extra phrase here to explain his childish wonderlust and exploring

The school of rangers itself did not formally exist until much later after the ranger crisis which exists in more recent years, I would recommend having a good read through here to be sure.
Thats my bad for mistaking "280 AC" with "208 AC" lol

Did he participate in the ranger crisis? How did it affect him?
And saddly no, he would've been attending the school during this time
  • 60 Total Points
    • +10 Light Bow (From Points)
    • +10 Blades (From Points)
    • +10 Staves (From Race)
    • +10 Historical (From Race)
    • +5 Nature Care (From Points)
    • +5 Athletics (From Points)
    • +5 Rouge (From Points)
    • +5 Perception (From Points)
    • +5 Hunting (From Points)
    • +5 Religious (From Points)
  • Body Build
    • 10 Light Bow + 10 Blades + 10 Slaves + 5x2 Acrobatics = 40
    • Athletic
    • Extreme low fat
Bare in mind that racial bonuses are not counted. I'd like for you to also list the source such a +5 Nature Care (+5 from Points) just to clarify. Otherwise, re-approved!