Half-varran Released, Wulong & Rashaq Races Retired


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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A half Varran Male
Content Changes:
Half-Varran have taken over the visual design of the Rashaq, and inherited some Wulong qualities while tying them into Varran and Ailor society so as to avoid creating a dissonant tribal race in the middle of high-society and mid-society roleplay. Many of the clan based aspects of the Rashaq were inherited by the Orcs and Varran, so their race has essentially merged back into the Varran race. The Wulong are being phased out in preparation for the Sihai Update.

Further Changes:
  • https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Orc and https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Varran now contain reference links to the https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Half_Races page. This page is a bit bare bones right now, but a few Lore Staff will help update the Half-Races page to allow for more information to flow. Ideally however, Half-Races play between both parent races, so they can shift between cultures.
  • https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Race was cleaned up, Rashaq, Wulong and Lampar were removed. Lampar are currently still supported by the Lore, but we've removed them from the /Races page to avoid players choosing to play said race in light of the coming removal, until we have a valid niche replacement. Also fixed up some spelling errors and added Half-Races at the bottom.
https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Race was cleaned up, Rashaq, Wulong and Lampar were removed. Lampar are currently still supported by the Lore, but we've removed them from the /Races page to avoid players choosing to play said race in light of the coming removal, until we have a valid niche replacement. Also fixed up some spelling errors and added Half-Races at the bottom.
yknow, now that i think about it, i havent seen a lampar in yonks
wonder what the deal is with that

A half Varran Male
Content Changes:
Half-Varran have taken over the visual design of the Rashaq, and inherited some Wulong qualities while tying them into Varran and Ailor society so as to avoid creating a dissonant tribal race in the middle of high-society and mid-society roleplay. Many of the clan based aspects of the Rashaq were inherited by the Orcs and Varran, so their race has essentially merged back into the Varran race. The Wulong are being phased out in preparation for the Sihai Update.

Further Changes:
  • https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Orc and https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Varran now contain reference links to the https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Half_Races page. This page is a bit bare bones right now, but a few Lore Staff will help update the Half-Races page to allow for more information to flow. Ideally however, Half-Races play between both parent races, so they can shift between cultures.
  • https://wiki.massivecraft.com/Race was cleaned up, Rashaq, Wulong and Lampar were removed. Lampar are currently still supported by the Lore, but we've removed them from the /Races page to avoid players choosing to play said race in light of the coming removal, until we have a valid niche replacement. Also fixed up some spelling errors and added Half-Races at the bottom.
Any ETA on the Sihai update? PLUS: Are the various Sihai races going to be separated into various different IRL Asian cultures? Will one be Japanese-like?
When the wiki mentions 'Songaskian' Does this only mean Jenne Songaskians, since they're the only race that can reproduce outside of their own race/subrace or is this an over sight?