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Half Orc Seeking Occupation/employment/activity


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
Reaction score
A finely written letter dons one of the Tavern letter boards where one would usually seek employment or employees for whatever purpose. It bears the signature of Tristan and a half-assed Kade Family stamp, reading the following:

"Half Orc seeking employment or occupation or any activity. Whatever the subject, he is not too fussed, payment is preferable, but the money will not go to the Half-Orc, it will instead go to me, Tristan, as the Half-Orc is still a minor by Ailor standards and doesn't understand saving money yet. His skills include diving, fish-diving, speaking Ithanian (he speaks Common too), being angry and looking angry. He is 15 years old (though looks more like he is 30) and goes by the name of Ryker, though he will never introduce himself as such. He has no real combat experience, beyond just using brute Half-Orc force and his tusks to bite at people, but in no way is this a preference for body guarding, the boy is open to doing pretty much anything within reason. I request to be present or guide him in the first few times for whatever anyone would like to hire him to do, purely because he can sometimes be a bit difficult when it comes to adapting.

Pen a letter to Tristan at the Park row road house number one. Don't worry, the Half-Orc can't read."

((Letters can be replied to on this thread))
A letter with a black and orange seal was delivered to the designated location.

To Tristan,
If your son's a fan of diving and fishing, I'm hiring for my fishing and shipbuilding company. Whether you want this to be a full-time or part-time job is up to you. I'm also hosting a water-based event on the 22nd and 23rd; perhaps that could be an opportunity for your son to show others something he's good at instead of being stereotyped.​
Spirit Bless,
Valbrand Haagenvig​

((Just a heads-up that it's somewhat difficult to get some roleplay out of this job unless you bring someone to RP with, which I'll assume if Tristan takes up this offer, my character and Tristan will be with Ryker while he works.))

How does he feel about hauling the bodies of large game animals?

-Ingvarr Norrvakt
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How good are a half-orc's lungs? He likes diving, you say? I might have an idea.

Since the dawn of time, or at least since beasts and men began putting things in the ocean to use as a means of travel, they have been presented with a problem: barnacles. These bothersome little shits of animals stick to a boat's hull in vast numbers, increasing the drag and thus decreasing the speed of a ship considerably, not to mention the structural damage that they can cause.

Science aside, essentially, I need two things done: first, an inspection of some of the naval vessels that I have been charged with, for the presence of barnacle build-up, and any other damage caused by wood rot or canon shot (one-by-one, of course, while the other ships remain in service); and second, some help in performing some experiments with the hope of finding a fix, or at least some form of inhibitor, to the barnacle build-up problem. In other words, Ryker may be able to help with the physical aspects of an experimental setup that I have in mind.

Ryker would be paid daily for his work, an amount approximately equal to that of a dockhand. Let me know if you're interested.​

— Chris Black