Archived Half-breed/mixed-breed Race Section.

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Tiro David Enge
Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
Oregon, United States
What I want to suggest is a mixed-breed and/or half-breed section on the Massivecraft lore area on the main website under the Races of Aloria where the lore staff would put detailed descriptions of each possible mix breeds, all the rules following role-playing as said mix breed, which races can interbreed, and what side effect there may be in doing so.

I love mix-breeds. My main, and first, character Tiro Martin is half human, 1/4 tigran, and 1/4 elf. Then my second character Zara 'Toro' Harren is half human, half orc. I've been told I'm good at balancing out the traits of these characters and making it realistic but I often have questions about them that most people can't answer. With the topic of mix-breeds only be covered briefly here, under section five which is labeled "Race interbreeding possibilities", there isn't that much information given about them and therefore hardly anything to go off of. I see plenty of player with mix-breed/half-breed characters that don't know how to balance the traits at all. They'll say something like half human/elf half yanar and not have any yanar traits. Or they will try and make a half breed vampire character. In my opinion the reason for all this is because there is so little information given about mix-breeds. I don't think it would be that hard to make a section for them and I think it would be worth it in the end.

--Some questions I have about interbreeding races--
With enough race interbreeding wouldn't there be side effects? Like health issues and what not? Also wouldn't (after a lot of gene mixing) the person be unable to have children do to extreme perversion of the original blood line? Like how mules are sterile because the donkey and horse genes, despite being incredibly similar, aren't completely compatible? I've had these questions for awhile but I have yet to find someone who can answer them.

Yet again this is just a suggestion thread, please give your honest opinion but keep any flaming and arguing out of here. Thank you for your time.
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I think a mix-breed page is a lovely idea. It would answer any questions mix-breeds have about what they can and cannot have when it comes to their characters and would prevent mass confusion when it came to certain details. Of course, I also know that it comes down to the person role playing the character to come up with the trait changes, but as you mentioned there are those who claim to be half of something and have next to no traits of that race and all of the other.

As you know, but other's do not, I had a lot of problems when I was creating my Elf-Orc Rian. Was it possible to have a half-Elf half-Orc character? I wasn't entirely sure and could only go off of the fact that both creatures were mammals. To play it safe I had used a weaker orc to pose as his mother, and gave him slight characteristics like skin tone tinting changes, small tusks, defined muscles, as well as a "hot-headed" temper.

I, too, wonder about the sterilization of different race possibilities. Where the two races are similar enough to mate, but the offspring's genes are so dynamic that it cannot breed itself (as you mentioned). With this in mind I had decided to make my character completely sterile because of the vast differences between the two races as far as body build, aging, and different brain functions when it comes to intellect. But one must wonder if my mindset was wrong in making him so. But how could we possibly know otherwise and not have to just assume?
Also wouldn't (after a lot of gene mixing) the person be unable to have children do to extreme perversion of the original blood line?

So... the offspring of a half Yanar- Qadir, and an elven-orc wouldnt be able to mate with a human? Despite the fact that all the races stated are able to do so? Considering the Yanar is a Nymph.
So... the offspring of a half Yanar- Qadir, and an elven-orc wouldnt be able to mate with a human? Despite the fact that all the races stated are able to do so? Considering the Yanar is a Nymph.
I wouldn't think that two creatures with completely different body builds, brain function, and aging, like an orc and a human/elf, or a feral tigran and a human/elf, ect would allow for a completely successful child who can breed and is in perfect health. Because, like I stated above, despite Donkeys and horses being incredibly similar, once they have a child (a mule) it is sterile. But this is one of those things I have a question on, thats why it was in the question section so I'm not sure what you mean by this comment?
I wouldn't think that two creatures with completely different body builds, brain function, and aging, like an orc and a human/elf, or a feral tigran and a human/elf, ect would allow for a completely successful child who can breed and is in perfect health. Because, like I stated above, despite Donkeys and horses being incredibly similar, once they have a child (a mule) it is sterile. But this is one of those things I have a question on, thats why it was in the question section so I'm not sure what you mean by this comment?

Well... I heard that Yanar could mate with humans if they are nymphs... and they have wood on their skin.

Genetics + Massivecraft = new lore.
Well... I heard that Yanar could mate with humans if they are nymphs... and they have wood on their skin.

Genetics + Massivecraft = new lore.

I don't think it would be new lore entirely. I think it would just be getting more technical. You won't have to change much, only the fact that if a species is bred with another the child has a possibility of being unable to produce children of it's own.
Well... I heard that Yanar could mate with humans if they are nymphs... and they have wood on their skin.

Genetics + Massivecraft = new lore.

Even massivecraft follows the horse + donkey = sterile mule rule. Have you tried to breed two mules on Massive? It doesn't work. Yanar can indeed mate with humans as nymphs because they are incredibly human like but the off spring would have to have yanar traits, like leaves growing out of their hair or vines or bark just to a less extent compared to their yanar parent. I'm not saying that surten races can't breed together, I'm saying that their child would most likely have health issues or be unable to reproduce if the two parents were dramatically different, but I doubt the health issues and sterile part applies to Yanars seeing as they are natural healers.
but I doubt the health issues and sterile part applies to Yanars seeing as they are natural healers.

So... Qair-Yanar can mate with Elven orcs, and still having a quarter of Yanar blood in their system would allow the offspring to mate with humans!

Then since they have more human blood, they could mate with humans and so on, though with health issues that will perfect as THAT offspring keeps breeding with ONE single race, in this case, humans.

-throws hat in the air and dances-
Due to creative freedom, we consider no sterility among interbreeds, halfbreeds or anything for that matter, aside from genetic infertility caused by some unrelated gene.

There are some inherited traits, any half orc for example has two hearts, wheras a half Human, half Maiar would have swimming hands and feet, but not the ability to breathe underwater.

We however, do not recognize qartet breeds. A interbred character is always half one part, half another part. If a child is born from an orc and a half yanar half human, it is half orc half human, or half orc half yanar. This is either chance, or whatever racial definition is strongest in the parent. This simply exists for simplicity, and the bred result does not have any of the traits of the unmentioned genes. An orc/yanar/human/elf mixture would for example have genes of all, but be classified as a half yanar half human by the player, and thus not inherit the two orc hearts or the elf awareness.
So... Qair-Yanar can mate with Elven orcs, and still having a quarter of Yanar blood in their system would allow the offspring to mate with humans!

Then since they have more human blood, they could mate with humans and so on, though with health issues that will perfect as THAT offspring keeps breeding with ONE single race, in this case, humans.

-throws hat in the air and dances-

No... The more complicated the race mix the more likely they are to be sterile... Do you know anything about breeding animals? The fact that they have Yanar blood in their system has nothing to do with allowing them to breed with a half orc. Half orc half humans would be sterile by default do to the immense difference in genes, the only exception would be other orcs and humans. Yanar can't do anything about a sterile creature to my knowledge. Therefore the Yanar human off spring could only mate with other Yanar, humans, and maybe elves. But thats it. I think you are missing the point of this thread, and conversation all together...
An orc/yanar/human/elf mixture would for example have genes of all, but be classified as a half yanar half human by the player, and thus not inherit the two orc hearts or the elf awareness.

And if that mixture mated with a human since the rise of the elven empire and until the current day in lore. Would they be considered 100% human?
Due to creative freedom, we consider no sterility among interbreeds, halfbreeds or anything for that matter, aside from genetic infertility caused by some unrelated gene.

There are some inherited traits, any half orc for example has two hearts, wheras a half Human, half Maiar would have swimming hands and feet, but not the ability to breathe underwater.

We however, do not recognize qartet breeds. A interbred character is always half one part, half another part. If a child is born from an orc and a half yanar half human, it is half orc half human, or half orc half yanar. This is either chance, or whatever racial definition is strongest in the parent. This simply exists for simplicity, and the bred result does not have any of the traits of the unmentioned genes. An orc/yanar/human/elf mixture would for example have genes of all, but be classified as a half yanar half human by the player, and thus not inherit the two orc hearts or the elf awareness.

Ah, thank you. It makes sense now. Soo may I ask if making a section for this on the Race area of the lore section be a possibility? Because I've read orc lore time and time again and never saw the thing about the two hearts... That or I'm just dense and missing it.
I think you are missing the point of this thread, and conversation all together...

Yus, yus I amz. Yew c massivecruft iz down andz I iz veery bored with nuthing 2 do. Eef yew wantz, we could take this matter to a conversation.

(got bored of using the noob speech at the end)
Ah, thank you. It makes sense now. Soo may I ask if making a section for this on the Race area of the lore section be a possibility? Because I've read orc lore time and time again and never saw the thing about the two hearts... That or I'm just dense and missing it.

There were biology books in the Library, but that section got shut down due to poor rendering performance. Perhaps I will pu them up somewhere else later.
There were biology books in the Library, but that section got shut down due to poor rendering performance. Perhaps I will pu them up somewhere else later.

Ah, I wasn't aware that those books had anything in them that wasn't already mentioned here on the forums, the first thing I'll do when they come back is read through them all. Thank you for your help ^^
So if you wanted to be a hobbit, it would be 1/2 human, 1/4 elf, and 1/4 dwarf right?
I want abominations, I want to see a scaly cat or a feather tree.
We however, do not recognize qartet breeds. A interbred character is always half one part, half another part. If a child is born from an orc and a half yanar half human, it is half orc half human, or half orc half yanar. This is either chance, or whatever racial definition is strongest in the parent. This simply exists for simplicity, and the bred result does not have any of the traits of the unmentioned genes. An orc/yanar/human/elf mixture would for example have genes of all, but be classified as a half yanar half human by the player, and thus not inherit the two orc hearts or the elf awareness.

So does that mean if your character was say an 1/8 Human and the rest all Tigran. Does that mean, while no visual signs of being human, a vampire could still drink of it's blood and get a little more satiated than if the being were full tigran but much less than full human?
So does that mean if your character was say an 1/8 Human and the rest all Tigran. Does that mean, while no visual signs of being human, a vampire could still drink of it's blood and get a little more satiated than if the being were full tigran but much less than full human?

For all intents and purposes that character is considered a tigran.
For all intents and purposes that character is considered a tigran.

I know this is really old stuff that I'm chatting on, but I keep hearing people say that Half-breed Tigran's (The ones that are mainly human but with cat ears and tail, for example) are no longer role play compliant as of a few months ago? Some explanation please?
I know this is really old stuff that I'm chatting on, but I keep hearing people say that Half-breed Tigran's (The ones that are mainly human but with cat ears and tail, for example) are no longer role play compliant as of a few months ago? Some explanation please?
The Acclimated Tigran subrace was removed. Dunno if that's the same thing as a half-breed. It was removed due to the whole kawaii nekomimi thing that wasn't wanted but people kept doing.
I know this is really old stuff that I'm chatting on, but I keep hearing people say that Half-breed Tigran's (The ones that are mainly human but with cat ears and tail, for example) are no longer role play compliant as of a few months ago? Some explanation please?

Most people who go for half Tigran Half Human want to see this


We removed the acclimated race because of above, and stated that a Human Tigran child would look more like. Kinda ugly if you think about it.

Most people who go for half Tigran Half Human want to see this


We removed the acclimated race because of above, and stated that a Human Tigran child would look more like. Kinda ugly if you think about it.


Thank you for the clarification, Marty. Me and a friend were having a argument on this as he didn't believe that the "Anime Tigran's" as I would call them were gone. :/
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