Preserved Sheet Hadrian Grey

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Mildly Thotistic
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score


(Special thanks to @Narrju and @Lumiess)


Basic Information

  • Name: Hadrian "Rainy" Grey.
  • Age: Ninety-seven (Appearing in his mid-twenties).
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Velheimer Ailor.
  • Sexuality: Bisexual.
Skill Information

Proficiency Pool: 60 points [Capped at 36].

  • Combat Proficiency:
    • +10 Axes Combat Skill (+10 from Velheimer proficiency Boost)
    • +10 Blades Combat (+10 from points)
    • +6 Unarmed Combat (+6 from points)
  • Body Proficiency
    • +24 Rogue Training (+24 from Vampirism)
    • +10 Athletic Training (+10 from points)
    • +10 Perception Training (+10 from points)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical: 36.
    • Shape: Muscular.
    • Body Fat: Average.
  • Languages
    • Common (Fluent)
    • Skodje (Native)
  • Mutations (Survival tree)
    • Vampiric Healing
    • Adaptability
    • Blood Frenzy
    • Claw Lust
    • Blood Rush
    • Internal Steeling
    • Bloodboil Skin
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Ocean Blue.
  • Hair Color: Blonde.
  • Hair Style: Slicked-back undercut.
  • Skin Color: Lightly tanned.
  • Clothing: Imperial themed clothes, or either his house armour.
  • Height: 6'0.
  • Body Build: Muscular.
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword.
Personality and Abilities

  • Despite being of an imposing build, Hadrian appears calm and friendly. This stance and disposition is certainly not always the case, however, as appearances are often deceiving. The Velheimer may look frightening during certain occurrences, especially in situations involving his occupation. He takes his jobs serious, and strives for perfection in a workplace environment. All in all, Hadrian is a pleasant individual to be in the company of.
  • Hadrian is generally indifferent. He used to of a calm and shy disposition during his times in Nordskag, though his time in Regalia changed that. Hadrian's personality took a fortunate turn, and his confidence grew by a large amount, primarily due to the praise he often received by people he looked up to. He now is proud of who he became, and would by no mean give that away. Though nonetheless, if he was to face rejection or failure, he'd show parts of his old side again. His ever so confident attitude would simply disappear. He's afraid of failing, especially when it matters.
  • Hadrian never became acquainted with his father and he scarcely knows his own particular mother as he left his parents when he was younger. But despite everything, he still cherishes his own mother, even though he wouldn't want to see her again for personal reasons. In the presence of friends, Hadrian shows his better side and usually acts like a harmonious and cheerful individual. He'll be full of joy and not be afraid to show those emotions.
  • Hadrian doesn't wish to harm people, though during certain instance there's no way he is able to mitigate inflicting harm upon another due to his work. If he wants something achieved, his inherent ambition mitigates most moral hindrances. Even so, he'd rather chose a peaceful way over a harsh approach. The Velheimer usually only does what's best for him and those close to him, even if such a thing results in trouble later on.


Life Story

Birth & Childhood
  • He was born on the 22th February, 280 AC in Nordskag.
  • Hadrian is a bastard - he doesn't really know who his father is, as he left him when he was young. His parents were never married. Therefore he now goes by the surname "Grey".
  • He left his mother when he was fairly young, due to his mother not being able to take care of him. Early on he learned to be responsible on his own.
  • Hadrian took the first chance to sail off elsewhere as he wasn't as much of a Velheimer as his peers, and feel like he didn't fit in. He wasn't alone in this endeavor, and was accompanied by his older brother.
  • Hadrian had heard of a School who specialized in the use of longswords, and since being a youngling he was interested in such weapons. Therefore, he made his way over to the city Magnamere.
  • He joined the school with ten, and graduated ten years later.
  • In the meantime, Hadrian worked on a farm to make some money and to have a shelter to sleep in. This work lasted for the duration of his schooling.
  • After the many years passed, Hadrian made enough money to sail off to the Crown Isle. At this time he was no longer dependant on his brother. His brother sailed back to Nordskag while Hadrian continued his journey.
  • Hadrian arrived in Regalia, and began looking for an occupation.
  • The Velheimer had a lot of occupations within the city, which ranged from being a guard, to being a mercenary and eventually becoming a guard in the Arcane Office. These jobs ended up being transient professions.
  • Hadrian managed to climb up all the ranks in every order he was in, leaving him satisfied. Once the Arcane Office was disbanded, he took a while off to enjoy his life, and he eventually met Ardige Viduggla who later on employed him in his house as the Kaptalon of the Antikk Talons Guard.
  • Shortly after that, Hadrian was infected with Vampirism by a man named Philippe. This happened around the age of twenty-five, where he got infected with Vampirism - and since then remained a Vampire.
  • At the same time he began leading the Devout Few alongside of the Horatio for a few months. A crime organization known to most citizen in the city, that evaded justice by the hands of lawmen. He was bored of the usual city life, and chose to take a different approach. This life as a criminal was enjoyable to him as it meant recognition, power and wealth to his name.
  • Hadrian became invested in the criminal lifestyle, and to this day he remains invested in the profession without an end in sight.
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  • Art: Link.
  • Changelog:
    • March 17th, 2017 - Character sheet done.
    • August 8th, 2017 - Updated to the new template, complete overhaul.
    • March 5th, 2018 - Character received another rewrite, and the template has been updated.
    • July 20th, 2018 - Rewritten to fit the new Vampire lore.
    • September 19th, 2018 - Overhauled for the new proficiency update.
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Here's my review -
  • I'd like for you to rework your main ambition to be a bit more specific, especially in regards to the second part.
  • It would be beneficial if you went ahead and detailed your clothing more closely.
  • Not all of your personality traits meet the 4-5 sentence requirement. Make sure to elaborate and give examples when relevant.
  • Given that you're a commoner, it's not exactly a weakness to be uneducated. Please replace this weakness with something more suitable. Remember that it's important that it needs to actually affect your roleplay and hopefully make it a bit more interesting.
  • The transition from working on a farm to studying at the School of Mariposa is not very smooth. Look to adjust that by adding another bullet about what happened between the two.
The adjustments are good, just a few more things I picked up on.
  • Having an exact weight doesn't actually abide by current protocol, so you're going to have to remove that. The body build should be sufficient in this case.
  • To be brave is to be able to face up against fear, whereas shy and insecure are both forms of fear. You can fix this just by replacing brave with a new weakness.

Made the changes, removed his weight and also switched out the strength brave with creative.
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Updated the character sheet to the new template, I also gave it a complete overhaul. Requiring someone to re-review it.
Character rewritten and updated, requiring a re-review!
Main Ambition(s): With his previous ambitions achieved, his current wish is only to live life in its fullest.
Consider editing this to being a whole new ambition. It could open up more potential for RP by reinvigorating the character with new goals.

  • +20 Longsword (+10 School of Feer-Drakken, +10 points)
  • +10 Greatsword (+10 School of Feer-Drakken)
  • +10 Battle Command (+10 School of Feer-Drakken)
  • +10 Unarmed Boxing (+10 points)
  • +3 Syndicate Contacts (+3 points)
  • +2 Sneaking (+5 points)
  • +2 Quick Fingers (+2 points)
You should only have 17 points left to spend, as 10 were invested into the School of Feer-Drakken.

Hadrian is generally indifferent. He used to of a calm and shy disposition during his times in Nordskag, though his time in Regalia changed that. Hadrian's personality took a fortunate turn, and his confidence grew by a large amount, primarily due to the praise he often received by people he looked up to. He now is proud of who he became, and would by no mean give that away.
What about his anxieties? Fears? Try going into more detail regarding how he feels on the inside about situations in this regard.

Makes changes in purple and @ me when done. @Dardy
Character sheet adjusted to the new Vampire Lore. Requesting a review.