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Played Character Gwenifer Vos

This character is actively played.


Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score

Character Information
  • Full Name: Gwenifer Vos
  • Race: Anglian Marya Slizzar
    • Default Shift: Anglian Ailor
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Female
  • Occult:
    • Void Arkenborn | Pride |
    • Born Mage | Void/God |
Core Concept
  • Religion
    • Although an antitheist in the most literal sense, believing the current gods are unworthy of worship, she is not antagonistic to them or ignorant of their power. Instead she engages in an extremely scientific approach to worship, viewing magic and divinity as natural occurrences instead of great feats. When committing an act of worship, it's often "by the book" the same way you would fill out a tax form, all circles are drawn to mathematical perfection, but her words are often hollow and emotionless as if they're things that need to be said, instead of her true thoughts. Her approach to faith borders between mockery to the true zealot and pious to the rest.
    • However apathetic to true faith she might be, several heksen traditions and Anglian folk beliefs have wormed themselves into her daily routine though it's unclear whether this is from genuine belief or habit.
    • It should be noted that through some ironic twist of faith, she is considered an Evolvist due to both her mentality of overcoming the gods and constant dealings and worship of Pride and Int throughout the years, even if she views them simply as "Merchants of power" rather than true gods. ( Thus receiving the Evolvism Religion boons)
    • She will always refer to gods and divine beings (Arken, spirits & etc.) as their common ailor or elven names (e.g. Pride as Thirun) unless forced to use a different name by them or their followers. She holds deep disdain for any non-Ailor or non-Allorn derived religion, viewing their gods as particularly unworthy, this also extends to defeated/dying pagan faiths such as the blood covenant though not Draconism.

  • Concept
    • Standing somewhere between a mystic and a scam artist, she is the embodiment of the immoral occultist with a penchant for the macabre trying to escape her tortured past.

Expanded Concept
  • Other Races/Cultures
    • Much like most Anglians, she possesses a strong dislike of outsiders, in her case that means anyone outside of the swamps she was born in or her loved ones. Along with this comes her dislike of any deviation from the Anglian Ailor standard, this is per individual basis meaning that a draconic Songaskia would be more disliked than a normal one.
      The general ranking, from most favorable to least is, Ailor and miscellaneous Nelfin( bar alternate forms such as that of the Fin'ullen) & human races with Songaskia being at the bottom, the next big grouping being Eronidas, Bralona, Allar and Snake Slizzar, Asha and None-Ailor like Maraya. The least favorable chunk being Urlan, particulary formaly Ailor ones for abandoning their humanity and Yanar who she views as simple constructs barely above animals and magical automation.
      These views generally aren't affected by occult status, meaning a talking skeleton ranks above a Songaskia as long as it was once an Ailor.

Appearance Information
  • See Spoiler for Mutations and Notable Traits
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: Gwen does not shift out of her Default ( "True Self" ) glamor form unless actively forced to do so. Any form too far outside the default glamor, including her birth form, should generally be treated as causing discomfort and avoided when possible.
  • Birth Form
    • Pushing the boundaries for what is considered normal, Gwen in her natural form reaches the maximums for slizzar size, bearing stark white scales that are accented by purple markings and less vibrant tentacle like hair that reach down past her shoulders. With unnaturally black sclera and golden red-ringed irises, her natural form can't be described as anything but terrifying.
  • Default Shift - True Self
    • In contrast, the ailor guise she was born in is rather plain. Standing not too far from the hinterland average at 5'11, she sports ginger hair and a matching complexion, though uncommon not unseen among anglians, a consistent mark, her eyes carry over from her birth form, though notably lacking the snake-like pupils. Her build is ever shifting depending on how she views herself, gaining and losing muscle and fat as needed to represent a true self, though it does hover around the slightly muscular and well endowed varieties. Similarly, her clothing is pragmatic and utilitarian
  • Ailor Birth Form - Prideborn
    • While her current appearance doesn't telegraph her parentage due to years of subtle shifts, this shift is almost identical to her original ailor disguise, though it's still somewhat idealized. She heavily resembles her father, standing at 6'10 and possessing either golden blond or nearly white hair. Her facial features, though more stereotypically velheim, still unmistakenably resemble her "True Self" shift. Along with these changes, her build will always be visibly muscular and covered in a mix of red and gold voidscript. Unlike her other forms, whether it be due to familiarity or something else, this form causes less discomfort to her, but the shift is still associated with "I am a living god" schtick like her other more arcane forms. When consciously changing into the shift, height may vary for convenience/effect.

  • Reserved for Future updates

  • Alt Shift - Embodiment Of A Living God
    • This shift builds on the default, establishing her as a twisted image of Elen. Up to three pairs of white feathered wings sprout from her back, her sclera changes from black to a gold matching her irises. Her hands gain a soft golden bioluminescent glow, additionally the affected area may gain a gold to white to skin color gradient that reaches up to the elbow, similarly runic patterns of bioluminescent skin may cover parts of her body.
      She may gain up to a foot of height and her build may become more sculpted/perfect, dependent on whether or not clothing would allow for it and/or if it would work in the scene.
    • When possible, she manifests several magical effects, including but not limited to radiant glow and/or halo ( solid disk ) behind her head, levitating off the ground, her voice gaining a echo and/or a chorus effect.
    • This shift is almost directly tied to the inherent issues present in many silven, meaning it's pretty much almost exclusively used when expressing superiority over others, be it magical or otherwise, and is associated with delusions of grandeur. Basically this form is mostly for her going mad with power to degree of proclaiming to be a living god, so use it sparingly or to accent lines of dialogue.
  • Jackal Head
    • A disguise form that is used extremely rarely, literally just her current shift with the head of a white furred jackal ( Lew clade ).

  • Visual Drift
    • While Gwen has never formally changed her shift, due to her mind subconsciously searching for a consistent image of the self, she has unknowingly used her abilities resulting in her ailor form significantly drifting away from her twin. While possessing various minor traits to differentiate them from each other, the most striking difference is in their apparent age as Gwen appears to have stopped aging around 18, corresponding with her slizzar abilities awakening. Apart from the apparent age difference, her facial features have also changed, no longer being identical to her twin but rather appearing closely related. It should be noted her features do occasionally shift towards an idealized self, while minor between days or even months if you were to compare her now to a future self she would appear slightly different. Her build is the most volatile aspect of her self, gaining and losing muscularity as needed to fit her image or facade.
  • Golden Eyes
    • A striking feature for those outside Regalia and even inside the crown city, appearing with her awakening her eyes appear almost identical to her "birth form" only lacking the snakelike pupils.
  • Split Tongue
    • An anchored trait that possesses no known origin, appearing out of a warped idea of the self, regardless of form or any further shift she might take, she always possesses a split tongue. Due to years of this trait being present, she has to re-learn to speak if her current form lacks it.
  • Shifting Markings
    • Much like her body, her tattoos and markings, unless firmly settled in her mind's eye, will always shift. For example, if she had a full tribal sleeve on her left arm, the pattern might shift drastically between viewings or even change arms, taking whatever form Gwen remembers, but a tattoo that she holds close will only minutely shift, mostly in the form of being free from the regular issues associated with aging. Entire pieces might even disappear and reappear years later as she remembers she has them.
  • Consistent Markings
    • She has a consistent line of ancient seraph and kathar altalar text running down her spine, starting at the base of her neck and ending at her tail bone. The actual contents of this tattoo is largely a copy of obscure protective rituals associated with the planes and arken.
  • Bone Marking
    • Although not outwardly visible, all her bones are covered in voidscript.

Combat Style

True Mage | Melee | Range |

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
    • Intelligence:0
    • Mindcontrol Pack | Magic Var | Slizzar |
    • Shapeshift Pack | Magic Var | Slizzar |
    • Safeguard Pack | Magic Var | Magic Invest |
    • Wardrobe Pack | Magic Var | Magic Invest |
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 14
    • Magic Bolts Pack
    • Magic Snare Pack
    • Magic Distort Pack
    • Magic Curse Pack
    • Magic Resist Pack
    • Magic Bolster Pack
    • Magic Disengage Pack
    • Magic Warp Pack
    • Magic Counter Pack
    • Magic Feather Pack
    • Magic Revive Pack
    • Magic Revenge Pack
  • Magical Talent | 10/10 |
  • Medical Hobby | 3/10 |
  • Native Languages
    • Anglisch | Native | Literate | Regional |
  • Learned Languages
    • Nelfin Languages
      • Altalar | Fluent | Literate |
      • Allorn | Fluent | Literate |
      • Agasi | Conversational| Literate |
      • Sulvaley | Fluent | Literate |
      • Katharic | Fluent | Literate |
      • Saan | Conversational | Barely Literate |
      • Sinnayed | Conversational | Literate |
    • Ailor Languages
      • Common | Fluent | Literate |
      • Letz | Fluent | Literate |
      • D'Ithanie | Conversational | Barely Literate |
      • Calem | Fluent | Literate |

Life Story
  • Born to a nondescript, but well off Anglian woman who had fallen for a particularly devilish trick by the Pride Arken, she, along with her twin, are raised the Anglian swamps in a community consisting of Dragon Worship and Old Gods holdouts. They receive a proper courtly education from her mother and step-father.
  • Around 15, she starts to be bullied relentlessly due to being the town "freak", insults and beating becoming commonplace. It crescendos at 17 when she is almost killed due to a stomping resulting in several broken ribs, after that she becomes more withdrawn and starts embracing the outsider role, mostly avoiding the town.
  • At 19, coinciding with the death of her mother and the disappearance of her father, she has fully embraced her role as witch, and in turn rejected her slizzar identity. A few years later, she had joined up with a band of void cultists, fully engulfed in the arts of occultism by this point. She spends her days traveling performing various acts of mysticism from divining and scams to actual magic.
  • Years of nomadic life and travel along trade routes have led her to Regalia, whether intentional or not, she was trapped in the city by the vampiric scourge that ran through
Recent Events and Life in the City
  • With the passing invasions, she has acquired an apartment in the city, which is officially owned by "Alena Hass" , an extremely generic mundane alternate identity.
Last edited:
Reserved For Further Use
@Caelamus Sorry for the early tag, got force graal'ed because vampires aren't your friends.
The liguistic update got rid of the tag.
Slight reduction in used points.
Changes in red.
@Caelamus New format + prof changes considering arconology got gutted and the new prog trait system
@Caelamus Changed wording/terms in Religion, Default Shift, Life Story and some other bits, went silven + general formatting stuff and prepping for the incoming prof system change.
I apologize for the changes being unmarked, going through google docs to forums is a pain and I hunting down single words to mark green is hell.
@Yurs slizzar update, specified subrace, changed mother and father around and updated ability count, added a grand total of 6 words to the life story.
Changed Time Magic To Space Magic, specified Mauli Slizzar in the ability section.
Tag went poof.
Changes in pink
Need a re-review since technically there's a pretty important life story change and I'm not sure if I got all the name changes to abilities right.
Updated to fit the new lore changes/renames.
Changes in PINK
You know what they say, new magic, new me...
Changed 3 words on the app
Specified that she's a born mage
A ton of specials and new packs
You know what they say, new magic, new me...
Changed 3 words on the app
Specified that she's a born mage
A ton of specials and new packs
You can only have Heks Wisdom or magic, you have to choose between those. It's understandable if this is written from the context of a Heks witch who fell from graces and began meddling with the void later in life but you'd still lose the ability to make use of that pack at all. I would recommend removing magic and using the mythic packs as they make a bit more sense for a character who uses Heks or to remove mention of Heks and pursue a different route. Corrupt bog witches who follow that one vampire bloodline are viable.

Number them so it's easier to read in the future.
You can only have Heks Wisdom or magic, you have to choose between those. It's understandable if this is written from the context of a Heks witch who fell from graces and began meddling with the void later in life but you'd still lose the ability to make use of that pack at all. I would recommend removing magic and using the mythic packs as they make a bit more sense for a character who uses Heks or to remove mention of Heks and pursue a different route. Corrupt bog witches who follow that one vampire bloodline are viable.
  • Slizzar Societyvex: Slizzar are capable, because of their shapeshifting, to break the usual requirements of Society Point Buy Packs. So long as it is explained in a Slizzar's Backstory (for example: "Lived in Anglia as an Ailor for ten years studying Heks Wisdom, before running away with the Knowledge"), they can Point Buy any Society Point Buy pack regardless of meeting the requirements.
Mechanical Justification:

Being none mundane, which is an issue still present even without magic due to being a silven, is mitigated by the societyvex special, which allows the slizzar to break all requirements for a pack.

Balance view argument:

The pack is only mildly useful in progressions due 2/3 of the specials being hyper specific to either Anglia or niche circumstances in progressions, the 3 others being unusable due to not meeting investment requirements or marken status.
The one special actually usable irp boils down to not being mauled by animals if it comes up in an on server event. Functionally it's the lacroix of investments, a lore aftertaste to empty calories.
Going the vampirism route just feels more unbalanced in comparison, chucking 4 point buys plus 5-6 functional specials from affliction alone on top of what she has already.

Specials have been numbered.
Ability Information
  • Slizzar Racial
  • Void Silven | Power |
  • Void Magic | Born Mage |
    • Specials
      1. Heat Immune
      2. Cold Immune
      3. Prison Break
      4. Chain Break
      5. Memory Break
      6. Arcane Sight
      7. Scan Sight
      8. Pocket Sight
      9. Evil Tongues
      10. Altered Voice
      11. Arcane Wardrobe
      12. Emote Infuse
      13. Surfwalking
      14. Airwalking
      15. Arcane Mastery
      16. Dressage Cleanse
      17. Rune Smith
      18. Nature Element
      19. Metal Element
      20. Light Element
      21. Dream Element
    • Greater Mage
      • Knight Summon
      • Magic Bolt
      • Illusioned Self
  • Mythic Point Buy
  • Heks Wisdom Pack
You put mythic point buy here which is the issue.
Some point changes since a lot of stuff got yeeted, a few new shifts and fixing up the languages.
Changes, as always, in pink.
@RaggedyGrace Bump after a week + changed tahnic to radiant since I had missed that in the conversion.
Hello, I apologize for the very late delay. Here's my review:

Everything checks out and looks good. Though something to note, I would suggest placing your altered shifts and appearances underneath a spoiler as to help better read what their natural and default shift is.

@RaggedyGrace Silven Update Changes In Green
  • Arken Parent Power --> Pride
    • Dispension granted in ticket
  • Added a Prideborn shift that more accuretly resembles the Arkenborn Requirements
  • Split Shifts into spoilers
  • Adjusted Backstory to make more sense.