Archived Guilds

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Mama Darkiepoo
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Right, to start off, I know we already have factions. (Duh, I'm not that much of a noob.)) But I was thinking, what about guilds? Places for people of the same profession, hobby or something else. I would say that guilds like that would be pretty awesome, especially if they had some sort of area in Regalia where they can just build a place for themselves. Guilds could have a chat for only the guild, just like factions. Guilds, however, shouldn't be involved in warfare or the claiming of land, they should either have a place in Regalia or like 4 chunks outside the capital.

So, what do you guys think? I think guilds would be a great addition and one that would improve RP.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Right, to start off, I know we already have factions. (Duh, I'm not that much of a noob.)) But I was thinking, what about guilds? Places for people of the same profession, hobby or something else. I would say that guilds like that would be pretty awesome, especially if they had some sort of area in Regalia where they can just build a place for themselves. Guilds could have a chat for only the guild, just like factions. Guilds, however, shouldn't be involved in warfare or the claiming of land, they should either have a place in Regalia or like 4 chunks outside the capital.

So, what do you guys think? I think guilds would be a great addition and one that would improve RP.
That is very interesting, I'd love for there to be a writers guild again, and for practical reasons, weren't there merchant and builders guilds back in meadevl times?
Seems like something that players could organize fairly simply. Buy yourself a "guildhall" in Regalia, and start offering services.
This sounds interesting. However, would someone in a guild also be able to be in a separate faction? So for example would I be able to be in the Merchants Guild and at the same time be in the faction Oasis(just using Oasis for an example it doesn't just have to be Oasis)
This sounds interesting. However, would someone in a guild also be able to be in a separate faction? So for example would I be able to be in the Merchants Guild and at the same time be in the faction Oasis(just using Oasis for an example it doesn't just have to be Oasis)

Yes, that's one of the reasons I would like something like that, to allow interaction in a (semi-)private place, but without having to join another faction.
Turn a Faction into a guild as Rooseus said, Ive seen a few of those in my time.. I mean not all have been great.. but they still work.
Great idea! Supported. It wouldn't work as a faction, and its not supposed to be..
I definitely agree, I think there should be some level of exclusivity involved though, based on skill; you'd only be a member of one guild and that would have to be something you dedicate a lot of time to. These could either complement and interact with the market, or possibly conflict, which could be a problem. Particularly with the upcoming traits system! Would love to see this implemented alongside that.
I like this idea, maybe a Mage guild can start up. But I'm afraid dark will burn it down if she knew I was in it.
I like this idea, maybe a Mage guild can start up. But I'm afraid dark will burn it down if she knew I was in it.

hmm a mage guild would be very interesting, the role-play would be interesting and it would be a nice place to teach new people how magic works and what is ok and what is not ok.
hmm a mage guild would be very interesting, the role-play would be interesting and it would be a nice place to teach new people how magic works and what is ok and what is not ok.
That's what I was thinking. But the Regalian Acadamy might over shadow it.
That's what I was thinking. But the Regalian Acadamy might over shadow it.

i doubt it, i have a player description i like, and then one from the staff that sounds boring, it's either going to have mages enrolled and guarded if they want to go out while they live in the academy. Or they will just have public speakers there where people can come and go from... I prefer the first option and if the second one comes true the guild could most likely be a better option for me, either way we will see what goes on, though i doubt the academy will overshadow a mage guild.
Right, to start off, I know we already have factions. (Duh, I'm not that much of a noob.)) But I was thinking, what about guilds? Places for people of the same profession, hobby or something else. I would say that guilds like that would be pretty awesome, especially if they had some sort of area in Regalia where they can just build a place for themselves. Guilds could have a chat for only the guild, just like factions. Guilds, however, shouldn't be involved in warfare or the claiming of land, they should either have a place in Regalia or like 4 chunks outside the capital.

So, what do you guys think? I think guilds would be a great addition and one that would improve RP.

I think that would be possible even with the factions plugin.
What I mean is that there would have to be a permanent AND peacefull guild faction which claims all guild buildings in regalia. Secondly they would grant lifted access for each of the members of the corresponging guild.

+ That way this idea could be done using only the Plugins that are already there.
+ Regalia is unclaimed (meaning it is more then doable)

- Requires a mod to occasionaly Go Into the Guild Fac and manage the elevated accesses (add/remove people as requested) On that note I would suggest to make guilds something you have to apply for on the Forums in order to keep things organized.
- Guild "ranks" wouldn´t have power since they only have different levels of access and changes in rank would have to be requested and then be executed by rank2/rank3.

As of the time of writting this I dont see any fatal flaws here which would speak against this variant seeing as it manages to avoid any coding/plugin changes. Feel free to tell me though if you find any important flaws.
Guilds are still around within Britain today, to an extent. Within The City of London (Not London.. The City of London. City within a city, odd stuff, etc) the electoral system to become "The Right Honourable, The Lord Mayor of The City of London" is still somewhat rooted within Medieval guilds (Now called Livery companies). Here's a little list of the 108 guilds that still exist within The City of London alone: Apothecaries, Fishmongers, Masons, Mercers, The Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers, Bankers, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, Butchers, Bakers, Wax Chandlers, Fletchers, Goldsmiths, The Hackney Taxi Drivers, and the Guild of The Chartered Accountants. There were, and are still, guilds for practically any and every profession. Surely they should have a place in Regalia; no?
I think that would be possible even with the factions plugin.
What I mean is that there would have to be a permanent AND peacefull guild faction which claims all guild buildings in regalia. Secondly they would grant lifted access for each of the members of the corresponging guild.

+ That way this idea could be done using only the Plugins that are already there.
+ Regalia is unclaimed (meaning it is more then doable)

- Requires a mod to occasionaly Go Into the Guild Fac and manage the elevated accesses (add/remove people as requested) On that note I would suggest to make guilds something you have to apply for on the Forums in order to keep things organized.
- Guild "ranks" wouldn´t have power since they only have different levels of access and changes in rank would have to be requested and then be executed by rank2/rank3.

As of the time of writting this I dont see any fatal flaws here which would speak against this variant seeing as it manages to avoid any coding/plugin changes. Feel free to tell me though if you find any important flaws.
That completely defeats the point... If this is done IT cannot be a faction, its meant to be something that is for a group of people with similar ideas, ideals hobbys (RP wise) etc to be able to talk and interact without having to leave their respective factions, so they can still have bases. Or that's how I see it anyway.

Good luck, this would be great for roleplay purposes.
Supported. Very interesting feature, hopefully it gets implemented.
I would like to see guild HQs be a thing in Regalia, the faction embassies are one of the things that made Silveredge feel so much more alive to me.
I surport this 200%. :) And if there won't be any official guilds, then you can count on me to make one. ;)
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