Guards (lack Of)

Have you had a lack of guards situation happen to you?

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Aug 20, 2013
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My house
Now before I start I'm not trying to sound like I'm complaining but from a role-play perspective I see this as a problem.​

There is a distinct lack of guards in regalia. I didn't see this as much of a problem a few months ago when the crimsons were still around. They were very active and quite annoying for a vampire such as myself but that's how things are ment to be. But after they were disbanded the security went down a lot. I came on after a month or so and role-played for a bit. And then I got into a situation where I had to fight. Lost and got stabed 4 times. when someone found me they went to find the guards. They came back 15 minutes Later. No guards to be found. I was ok with this because I thought it was a one off. But no in similar situations this has happend 2 more times to me and I was talking to my faction mates and this has happend to them aswell.
(I'm sorry if its a bit long. I write too much)
There is something of a lack of guards, but that's perfectly acceptable; you can't expect then to be online 24/7, and if there was a huge guard force, all it'd mean would be that there would be even more of a difference between peak an off-peak times.

Besides, with the rise of guilds such as the Wayfarers, this should become less of a problem (once they're granted jail perms, of course)
There is something of a lack of guards, but that's perfectly acceptable; you can't expect then to be online 24/7, and if there was a huge guard force, all it'd mean would be that there would be even more of a difference between peak an off-peak times.

Besides, with the rise of guilds such as the Wayfarers, this should become less of a problem (once they're granted jail perms, of course)
Wayfarers, Gauntlet, and Guards oh my.
There are almost always guards about during high traffic hours, some even outside those timezones. I'd also mention some guards walk about out of uniform; there are usually more "guards" about then there seems.
Meh, what I find a problem with the guard situation, is that when one of my characters get attacked by something, no guards to be seen, and when I'm trying to kill or injure somebody, here comes five guards :I
When there aren't many guards online, there's the Radiant Gauntlet and Alorian Trust of Wayfarers. So usually, there will be plenty of security upkeep around Regalia, even if it isn't the guards who are participating in the peacekeeping.
There is something of a lack of guards, but that's perfectly acceptable; you can't expect then to be online 24/7, and if there was a huge guard force, all it'd mean would be that there would be even more of a difference between peak an off-peak times.

Besides, with the rise of guilds such as the Wayfarers, this should become less of a problem (once they're granted jail perms, of course)

Half the guards don't take me seriously when I try to help (as a Wayfarer)
The guild is alive and well, it's just Barbas who seems to have disappeared.
I'm not sure whether to thank you or glare at you, so imagine I'm doing both.
I'm the opposite of that. I am a wayfarer, and I've still had a lack of guards situation. A shared one with about 5 other people there. And no guard.
@Alex Silverbell
They do? They tend to take me pretty seriouslyā€¦
What have you spoken to them about?
Whenever I try to assist with a situation, I just get ignored, and (this may be stretching it alittle bit) but whenever a citizen calls for a guard, I try to help, but they flat out don't want it. It's really discouraging. And Barbas has been oddly absent, we haven't done anything as a guild for awhile.
Guards not around to see or arrest guy who attacked me with dagger... Guards around to see me threaten him for attacking me, and arrest me (and not him).

Personally, I find it fine just now :D
Lets funny things like that happen. Plus, even then, you've really got to rp as if there are guards in a lot of places.
Everywhere I look there is a guard or two thats trying to find a reason to arrest someone, I am quite sure theres enough guards for me o-o
That doesn't normally happen to me... try finding someone else to go around with, then they can't ignore you so easily.
I'm not always in uniform.

Always watching, though. Always.

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Guards are human in every way shape and form, not machines. Guards are often on, and about. Not always in uniform or the like but if you pay attention to the times you see guards in uniform I'm sure that an off duty guard would have no problem slapping on some armor to beat up a rag-a-muffin.
Wait, the Wayfarers are a thing?

The Guards are on almost always. I'm an insomniac so I'm on almost always in every timezone. I see at least 1-2 guards on at any one time. As someone previously mentioned, Guards do not /always/ walk around in their Armour, but they are there.

As of late, the Guard is taking on a reshuffle and somewhat update with the change from the Tyhponus Era to the Lamperouge/Kade/Coen Triumvirate Era instead. We're working on some documentation and will be posting a list of the Guards and such on the Forums at some point, along with a copy of the Laws and yada yada boring stuff but relevant all the same.

There is not a LackOf Guards, there is actually quite a few active Guards, though I agree their time centered zone is peak hours. There is always something going on in the Guard, always. Trust me, we're either training or facing Vampires/Raids or even occasionally a Demon or whatever.

Guard John has been stationed in the Rift after a Cannon accident he suffered after a battle between Thomas Kade and Guard John, where Thomas resorted to Cannon fire due to Johns superior combat skill.

Expect a lot more Guard RP coming up soon, we've got a lot planned.
@BillyA835 @SupremeCripple
Guards are only there to /help/ roleplayers immerse.

Ideally any roleplayer should always act as if there is plenty more NPC guards around that could jump them anytime they pull a katana on a tavern goer.