Now before I start I'm not trying to sound like I'm complaining but from a role-play perspective I see this as a problem.
There is a distinct lack of guards in regalia. I didn't see this as much of a problem a few months ago when the crimsons were still around. They were very active and quite annoying for a vampire such as myself but that's how things are ment to be. But after they were disbanded the security went down a lot. I came on after a month or so and role-played for a bit. And then I got into a situation where I had to fight. Lost and got stabed 4 times. when someone found me they went to find the guards. They came back 15 minutes Later. No guards to be found. I was ok with this because I thought it was a one off. But no in similar situations this has happend 2 more times to me and I was talking to my faction mates and this has happend to them aswell.
(I'm sorry if its a bit long. I write too much)