"Do something."
That's...kind of the point. Regalia is a military state and holds to the belief that human's are the superior race. The guards are supposed to be at least a little racist, as are most nobles. Now, every character is different, but that's the kind of setting we're trying to set. It adds a bit of tension and conflict to everyday life. Jaak was once accused of beating a child (Rightly so, as he did it), and a vespid told the guard. Jaak turned right around and said the vespid did it and that he was lying. Guess who got arrested?The illogic you speak of, happens to be very logical in the sense of the guards misusing their privileges, to steal, squander, and kill civilians. Civilians meaning everyone on the server besides the crazy nobles who kill and torture people for no reason...that includes all the races. I include all the races because of the fact that the guards tend to be incredibly racist singling out a civilian from the others just because he is an orc and because of the fact he is an orc, jailing him. I use and orc here as the common example of a guard's racism.
And just out of curiosity, could someone list all the penalties that someone could be charged with and their consequences. And an additive to that, how much of a consequence would be taken off of the total charge if a person were to admit and turn themselves in for a crime?
However, to the original point, I've witnessed a guard's death firsthand. @Ryciera