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Grudge Against Fury


Dwarves are my Roman empire
Aug 1, 2019
Reaction score
Once more, after half year of not having posted of grudges, the same handwriting that declared grudge upon Tarlok half a year ago once more was found around the Regalia

For slaughter of my kin, who wished to reclaim Ruton, artifact forged by our god, I, Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid, declare a grudge upon Arken of Fury

All those who are wanted by Fury are to be given asylum in mercenary keep under protection of Deathbane militia. Even if they are afflicted or wanted by state, I shall protect them to thwart Fury's plans
Anyone who wishes to thwart Fury's plans will have assistance of Deathbane militia if they ask for such

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I name myself Fury's Champion, and take this grudge against myself. In His dedication, I shall drown you in a river of blood made from your own Militia.
