Archived Group Tags

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Oct 17, 2013
Reaction score
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Hey I've noticed that alot of us often clutter our threads at the bottom with multiple tags or a spoiler that contains a wall of tags. It's not exactly a bad thing per se since it's something that we're all used to, but I just thought it would be alot more efficient if players could create group tags, like for example the @-Staff one. I don't exactly know how it would be implemented, but I thought it'd be a cool feature to the forums.

To give an example, let's say catcat wanted to tag everyone in the crimson inquisition in a lore announcement. Instead of tagging every single member in the bottom of the thread, he could just tag @CrimsonInquisition , a group tag he created the tags everyone in the crimson inquisition. Feedback? Is it possible?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like this idea.


Perhaps create some random tags and let people subscribe for them?

I actually really like the idea of being able to... Subscribe to different tags.

It would make tagging peoeple easier and this way you know who you are tagging is actually interested in the subject matter or involved.

The tags system works by tagging ranks. When you use the "Staff" tag, it tags everyone with the rank "Staff." A similar concept is with Staff Roleplay. I think it only works for ranks starting with Staff.

So with that in mind, it may not be entirely feasible -- someone would need to go through and add the Noble rank to everyone who was @Noble and it might only work if we had the rank @Staff Noble.

I'll leave it open outside my own speculation, though, and do a bit of research to see exactly how this gypsy magic works and what we can customize.
Ryciera I'm not sure that's correct. The @-Staff command subsequently tags Thortuna, Addrion, Omnomivore, and Gethelp. All of whom are rank three game. However so is Diaphonos and he isn't on that tag group. So through process of elimination, it seems that that group does not look for people with the Game3 tag (since Diaphonos has it and he isn't in that group) and you yourself are not on it although you have the "staff member" tag. It feels like these are editable.
What if, the tag automaticly tagged everyone who subscribed him/herself to the tag? so if someone did (example) @Valors when i'm subscribed to that tag (why wouldn't i be, i'm one of their servants after all), i also get a 'tagged'. and if i unsubscribed myself from that tag, i wouldn't get a notification from @Valors. 100% automated system, but i have no clue if that is even close to possible.
Remember that the forum service, Xenforo, isn't Massive owned. I believe that the way this is done is that either staff do it each time or the "leader" of the group (eg. Satisarah for Valor) could add/remove as they wish
Group tags? Love it
Subscription idea? Love it
I seem to have a problem where when I'm tagged in a thread 90% of the time if it was the first post on said thread (original post) and I'm there with the other 20-something people, I don't get a notification. if there's only a few people on the post, I usually get the notification. Not sure if any of these ideas would help in those specific scenarios, but I can't see what to lose from the implementation.