Grand Armada


Snowdonian Pirate
Jan 3, 2013
Reaction score

Armada Banner. Artist: @Walrusaur_

The Grand Armada

The Grand Armada is a Regalian battleship fleet. It is an offensive fleet, supporting a doctrine of wiping out or subduing enemy fleets, and using superior firepower and/or innovative tactics to establish control over coastlines. The fleet is generally able to deploy in any part of the world.

Members of the Grand Armada personnel are privy to confidential war meetings and have access to occupational equipment and materials, such as heavy artillery and gunpowder, when "on-duty". To join the Armada, write a letter to the Admiral Black detailing your qualifications and experience; or approach him in person.

OOC Notes:
  • "On-duty" typically means actively working on the ships in progression posts only. Access to occupational equipment and materials is strictly forbidden in-game, in the city, where Armada characters are normally considered to be "off-duty".
  • An approved character sheet is compulsory.
  • Application letters can be posted in this thread, below.
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Grand Armada Personnel

Christopher Black @Film_Noir

<currently no player characters>

Maxence Peirgarten @_Owlet
Sonja Apoleno @Anseran
Benjamin Miramonte @Tracenator1

Marine Commanders
<currently no player characters>

<currently no player characters>

Naval Marines, Gunners and Sailors
<currently no player characters>

Carpenters, Surgeons and Chefs
<currently no player characters>

Special Units
<currently no player characters>​
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Selected Completed Missions
  • 18/12/305 AC - Support Ulric Typhonus in an assault on Iël. (Link to Progression) [Captain: Brydon Howlester; Navigator: Sonja Apoleno]
  • 3/3/306 AC - Chase the elven makeshift vessels into the Far West Sea. (Link to Progression) [Captains: Brydon Howlester, Maxence Peirgarten and Sonja Apoleno] (Lore Story)
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This is a great idea, I wish you luck!
Dear Admiral Black,

I've sought you out in person however you were busy on both accounts. So I'll send you this letter for better or for worse. I served in the Chrysant War, the Ranger Crisis, and the First Elven War. I come back again now to help turn the tides of fortune and blast those pointy-eared bastards back into the holes they sprang out of. I've roughly twenty years of experience as a Naval Commander, twenty-five aboard a ship, and twenty-five as the Captain of an Airship. Many knew me by the tri-corn hat I wore, they would make jokes that I was a pirate, however, that is most untrue (especially due to current rewrites). I consider you to be the best Admiral around so I've chosen to seek service in your Battlefleet.

Fair Winds,
Sir Jakkios Corvus.

Application; currently under re-review but I will do what I can to keep him as a Captain. Even if it means taking him out of the Viridian's, but we'll just have to see what comes of it.
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To the Admiral Lord Black,

Dear Lord Black, my name is Benjamin Miramonte, head of Miramonte. I've heard news of your grand Armada, and with history amongst the seas as the captain of my own ship in the Regalian Navy, I'd like to serve once more with my captaining skills upon the seas, especially in this time against the dreaded Elven fleet. I hope you shall consider me.

Spirit's Blessing,
Benjamin Miramonte