Preserved Sheet Benjamin Miramonte

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Sep 19, 2015
Reaction score


Benjamin Miramonte

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Benjamin Montoya Wodenstaff-Miramonte
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Girobaldan Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To gain political popularity in Regalia

Skill Information

Proficiency Points: 19/19 (-10 School of Statesmanship)

  • +4 Thin Blades: (+4 from Proficiency Points)
  • +10 Commerce: (+10 from School of Statesmanship)
  • +10 Judicial: (+10 from School of Statesmanship)
  • +10 Diplomacy: (+10 from School of Statesmanship)
  • +5 Astronomy: (+5 from Proficiency Points)
  • +10 Naval Command: (+10 from Proficiency Points)
Cultural Points: 29/29
  • +19 Ship Sailing: (+5 from Daendroque Boost, +14 from Culture points)
  • +10 Dancing: (+10 Culture points)
  • +5 Instrumental music: (+5 Culture Points)
  • Common: 9/10
  • Daendroque: 10/10


Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Long flowy hair
  • Skin Color: Daendroque olive tan
  • Clothing: A variety of suits and outfits with furs or coats, mainly in blues or blacks
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: Daendroque Rapier
Visual Information (Expansion)

Benjamin's face is mostly square, with a bit of roundness to it. His earlobes are attached and both sport a single ring of gold around them. His face sports a loose bit of facial hair, well kept and trimmed, the sides often nothing more than clean or stubble. His hair is a deep black color, pulled back into a loose, low, bun. His hair when not tied, reaches to his shoulders, with a slight curl to it. Finally, His eyes are a deep brown color.

Benjamin stands at a height of 5 feet, 10 inches. Due to his ripped body build, he retains a well visible muscle mass, but lacks a V shaped body. He keeps himself well in shape through fencing training, running, and weight training. His body is relatively scar-less, with the occasional scratch from Mariposa training. His skin is an olive-tan tone, more from his mother's side. His body hair is well kept and often trimmed to clean it up.

He prefers to adorn himself in fine silks and furs, predominantly shades of blue or black. He also may adore fine leathers as a vest or other bits. At times, he'll adorn the fashion of a cavaliers hat with his clothing. At times his wear will adorn trims of gold to display his wealth or position. Whenever he carries weapons upon him, they're more for use of sparing, often being a simple Dressolini Spadi, or for combat, the Daendroque style Longsword.

He speaks in a very friendly tone, pleasant and charismatic. His voice tends to only grow loud when speaking over something he's passionate for, or to rouse excitement. His speech contains a slight Daendroque accent, and to keep it as smooth as possible, he replaces words he tends to forget with his own native tongue, but is prone to accidentally getting carried away with his native speech. He's fluent in Daendroque being his native tongue, and picked up common well enough with a few issues as listed above.


Personality and Abilities

Perception: Upon first meeting Benjamin, strangers would perceive him as a friendly, young male with quite a bit of life in his eyes. Talk of him could be summed up as lively, brash and passionate. Despite his very easy-going personality, he can be seen to hold up intellectual conversations with others. The Miramonte displays open confidence, and tends to speak his mind, but careful to watch his tongue in the wrong situations.

Ambitious with a strong yearning to impress others, the Miramonte has high hopes for himself. He often displays himself as friendly and easy-going to make more allies than enemies for himself. He believes there's greatness for himself if he plays his cards right, and takes every opportunity he can get, with no lines to draw, as he believes to further himself in life, risks and opportunity cannot be slowed by morality. Being given head of Miramonte has put his worries of failure further upon his shoulders, as he believes he now carries the legacy of his blood family, and now his own.

Loved ones: Benjamin has a close bond to those he considers loved in his mind. Family is rather important in his life, and makes sure he is with good terms with his family, patching up arguments or disagreements between members. He tends to consider many people his friends, whether knowing one for years, or newly met acquaintances. Despite being those he trusts the most, his close ones are those he worries of disappointing, most.

Morality: Benjamin fits within the category of Lawful Neutral. He believes law is essential for the survival of civilized society. He uses law to benefit himself and further his goals. He however, has his tendencies to step out of law when the law is not to his benefit. These cases he tends to put more thought into, as he wants to purely benefit from his actions above all else.

  • Sigurna Wodenstaff: (@SpunSugar)- His cousin, and head of the Wodenstaff family, he has a deep respect for her, and seeks to impress her, despite her current distant.
  • Leon Wodenstaff: (@Timisc)- Husband to Sigurna, and Previously his commander in the Safeguard Rangers, he had a liking toward him, despite his very distant nature.
  • Darcie Miramonte: (@Walnoodle)- The Miramonte finds Darcie very pleasant company. He believes she'll be very helpful for the future of the family.
  • Juliette Miramonte: (@AtticCat)- While skeptical of her during their first interactions due to Rikkira's possession over her, he now has faith that she'll do much to impress.
  • Raina Viduggla: (@Nesstro)- Previously his cousin, he finds her company enjoyable whenever the two chat.
  • Garth Viduggla: (@BeashSlap)- Garth, a friend made through his wardship to Raina, despite his dislike for northerners, he finds Garth enjoyable to party about with.
  • Amelina Peirgarten: (@seoulmate)- A friend to Sigurna, and now himself, he grew a liking towards the Peirgarten head, and hopes to grow a closer bond between Peirgarten and Miramonte.
  • Aline Peirgarten: (@Plutopup)- A potential love interest, the Miramonte grew feelings for the Peirgarten at an event hosted by Wodenstaffs. Ever since, he has found himself greatly enjoying her presence.


Life Story

Childhood: (Birth to ten)

Benjamin was born on a summer's day of July 17, 279 AC. in Girobalda. He was born to Raoul and Lucinda into house Wodenstaff. From birth, Benjamin was a lively child, rather happy and joyous as he was in his youth. He was a social butterfly with many of the fellow noble children, and more so with his siblings and cousins. Being born the first child and his lively personality, it garnered much of his parents attention, and he surely enjoyed it. He and his mother bonded over her prowess in dance, whilst his father's skill with fencing drew his wonder and attention. But what really had captured the young Benjamin's attention, was the sea.
Adolescence: (Ten to Twenty)
As Benjamin grew older, he was influenced to attend the school of Statesmanship, learning the in and outs of Commerce and such. However, the adolescent Benjamin still had a love for the sea. Being his extended family were made up of many sailors, he was privately tutored by them while he attended statesmanship. He'd go to learn captaincy upon the high seas from his family, sailing between the Isle and it's many counterparts. However around the age of sixteen, tragedy struck as his mother died of illness while he was out upon the sea. The death of his mother devastated him for a time, however he continued his family schooling upon the seas. Between his free-time on land, he tried to bond further with his equally devastated father, picking up thin-blade combat as a pass-time and even drinking from him.
Adulthood: (Twenty-Now)
With this new-found knowledge and graduation from statesmanship, it attracted the attention of his cousin, and most recent matriarch of the family, Sigurna Wodenstaff. He was placed in charge of advising over the distant land claim of hers in Daenshore, and operated the lumber camp for a time, further enhancing his abilities. Upon hearing the death of his cousin, Calder, to the Elven fleet's invasion of Girobalda, he quickly sailed out to meet with Sigurna in the Archipelago. After arriving, the Wodenstaff made a good deal of acquaintances in the holy city, and Serving under Sigurna's husband, Leonzio, in his Safeguard Rangers. After their departure from the Archipelago, the lone Wodenstaff wondered on what his next movement was in life, however it had come to him in a letter. However with the recent death of their patriarch, the Miramonte's asked Benjamin to step in his place. With this newfound leadership, the Miramonte grew much more ambitious in the city, and seeks to bring a name to himself and new family.

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The Wodenstaff family was taken out of nobility by @SpunSugar. Understand you cannot go around saying he is noble currently, or lay claim to Wodenstaff titles and such ICly, as the family is no longer in the nobility system, and you will be arrested noble pretense if you go around doing such. If it is reentered however, it's a different case. Note, however, you do not have a Trustee permission to run the Wodenstaff family as nobility, even if SpunSugar was alright with your pursuing nobility as Benjamin. If you wish to eventually have your branch of the Wodenstaffs exist as nobility, you need to try and apply for Trustee at some point. Likewise, Imperial Favour can grant you nobilty ICly, if you wish to pursue that instead. -- There is nothing to fix here, I just want you to be aware of the situation.

He believes there's greatness for himself if he plays his cards right, and takes every opportunity he can get, no matter how deceptive
You say before he's a very friendly and easy going person, but also he will take every opportunity for greatness he gets. How far can this go? Will he betray his own kindness and outward persona in order to get what he wants, or does he have a line to not cross?

Morality: Truly, Benjamin is a neutral, wavering between lawful and chaotic. He tends to keep out of affairs unless it benefits him or his family. He believes in bettering his future and the future of his family, while the betterment of the empire, itself. At the end of the day, he cares for what he deems right in his own mind.
Chaotic neutrals do literally anything and everything, usually hate structure of law and order, and are pretty random people. Benjamin does not seem to be that kind of person, so I'd say he's likely lawful neutral instead. Consider that going forward.

Anxiety of Failure: Ben has a deep anxiety of looking like a disappointment to his family. For the longest time, he's had fear of looking like a fool, ever since childhood, always trying to seem as charismatic and likeable as he can. Ever since Sigurna placed him in charge of the Daenshore claims, and more recently Miramonte, he's grown much more worried of disappointing his families.
How does this actually affect him, though? I understand the anxiety, but how does it play out in his life to constitute being an actual weakness. Remedy this paragraph to account for this.

Make these edits in purple and tag me when done.
The Wodenstaff family was taken out of nobility by @SpunSugar. Understand you cannot go around saying he is noble currently, or lay claim to Wodenstaff titles and such ICly, as the family is no longer in the nobility system, and you will be arrested noble pretense if you go around doing such. If it is reentered however, it's a different case. Note, however, you do not have a Trustee permission to run the Wodenstaff family as nobility, even if SpunSugar was alright with your pursuing nobility as Benjamin. If you wish to eventually have your branch of the Wodenstaffs exist as nobility, you need to try and apply for Trustee at some point. Likewise, Imperial Favour can grant you nobilty ICly, if you wish to pursue that instead. -- There is nothing to fix here, I just want you to be aware of the situation.

I'm aware of the situation and have discussed it between Spun and Tim. Not trying to run Wodenstaff family nor play out Benjamin as Noble without Trustee, I keep Wodenstaff ties in for the IC history and his Character history. I will make changes to the app as directed as well, but just wanted to set this part straight. :D
Changes made in purple. Removed weaknesses to further flesh out the character for another time. If need be I will put one back. @Mooffins
-Needs Re-review. Made changes for proficency update along with history changes to accompany for captaincy @Mooffins
Changes made in proficiencies to add statesmanship over Captaincy, and changes in history to accommodate this. @Mooffins