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Played Character Gorm Havfrossen I The North Breaker

This character is actively played.
Jan 20, 2020
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name:
Gorm Havfrossen (Gorm Hahv-fross-in)
Race: Ailor (Stormenn - Velheim Culture)

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hobbies: Athletic

Core Concept


- Gorm arrives on the docks of Regalia to seek out those that would take on the man for employment as a Mercenary or Craftsman. Perhaps even both!

- Gorm devotedly worships the Fornoss' Vola Pantheon. With a primary focus on Blodruna, the Crimson Carnage.


Strength: 7
- Technique Parry Pack
- Diving Tackle Pack
- Concussive Blow Pack
- Breakthrough Pack
- Heavy Throw Pack
- Steady Body Pack
- Oceanic Pack
Constitution: 1
- Iron WIll Pack
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 7
- Ritualist Slaughter Pack
- Ritualist Hunt Pack
- Ritualist Roots Pack
- Ritualist Gale Pack
- Ritualist Surge Pack
- Ritualist Expulsion Pack
- Ritualist Exchange Pack
Magic: 0

Gudhjarta Packs:
- Bulwark Pack
- Rage Counter Pack
- Chaining Throw Pack




Currently a Vampire (Torrghlas Bloodline)?: No

Heritage Mechanics:
  • Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.​

  • Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.​

  • Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.​

  • Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.​

  • Stormenn Ailor can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.​


- Common (Free)
- Skodje (Native)
- Kriv (Learned by Association)

Appearance Information


- Gorm is slightly above the average of height among the Velheim people, normally found wearing armor that has furs of different beasts sewed into it. As well, normally seen having a greatsword of their own design trapped to their back just over their fur cloak.

- Vampire Form: Gorm's transformation is one that he rarely uses for good reason, this form that he was 'blessed' with discards the humanity that is seen normally as an Ailor. Becoming more of a Cyclopian horror of muscle and flesh. A monster in his own right that he only uses to feel 'safer' in some regards.

Plot Hooks


Devoted to Blodrúna: Little things are as important to the man than his religious zealotry to the bloody work of the Crimson Carnage.

Sentinel of Crookback: In his daily life, Gorm attempts to keep those that are even loosely connected to Crookback safe.

Undercity Enforcer: Obtaining a rather useful designation as an Enforcer within certain crowds of the Undercity, his combat prowess is tried and true and tested.
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Switched out Ironheart for Turtle Up after weighing which was better overall.
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Changed around Gorm's Profs. Getting him out of being a 'Bruiser', settling more on sword and shield.