Good Bye.


Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
This thread will probably be locked for off topic and deleted but i just want to say, good bye massivecraft! I think my time has come to an end now i have not quite yet reached my one year mark, but i have met some good people on this server and i wont forget you guys. Good bye.
I don't know you, have never met in game and never talked to you on the forums. So, can I have all your silver please(nod)
Oi! As your fac leader, I call dibs lol. No worries, I'll store all your stuff till you come back.
Been a pleasure fighting with you quesk you and sevrish were loyal till the very end, and I'll be sad to see you go.
You know what this thread made me think of.. Does anyone have log books about their time on massivecraft?
I don't I find it would be allot of time to make one, but I was wondering if anyone did?