Gonsalvos Del Stavros

Discussion in 'WIP Character Sheets' started by Iknay, Feb 4, 2020.

  1. Iknay


    Jun 19, 2019
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    Gonsalvos Del Stavros

    Basic Information
    • Name: Gonsalvos Del Stavros
    • Age: 53 (looks more like 43)
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Ailor (Etosian)
    • Sexuality: Heterosexual
    • Preferred Weapon: Deception

    Skill Information

    Total Points: 58+ 10 Hobby Points
    • +20 Theatre Arts Skill
    • +10 Financial Case Skill
    • +10 Visual Arts Skill
    • +5 Conning Rogue Skill
    • +5 Diplomatic Case Skill
    • +5 Legal Case Skill
    • +5 Linguistic Knowledge (Alt-Regalian)
    • +5 Soul-Dragon Ritualism Skill
    • +3 Historical Knowledge (Dragon History)
    Body Shape
    • Average
    Body Fat:
    • Average Body Fat

    • Common
    • Etosian Dialect
    • Sulvaley Elven
    • Alt-Regalian
    Special Attributes
    Rank 5 in Soul-Dragon Ritualism

    Visual Information

    • Eye Color: Brown
    • Hair Color: Light Brown
    • Hair Style: Neck length. Kinda wavy. Well kept.
    • Skin Color: Pale
    • Clothing: Lykófos Diakomódisi styled clothing
    • Height: 5'11"

    Personality and Abilities
    Alignment: Neutral Evil. Gonsalvos has no scruples when it comes to getting what he wants. What he wants most of all is to have vengeance.
    Personality Type: Commander. Gonsalvos has a nigh unlimited well of ambition that motivates both him and others around him. Sadly, his ambitions are not the best for everyone.
    Religion: Rikkira Worship (7/10). Thanks to his Isldar heritage, Gonsalvos has knowledge of, and respect for, dragons. Because of his past, he serves Rikkira as the only true and living dragon. Outwardly, he appears a devout Unionist.


    Life Story

    An Unlikely Marriage
    In the year AC 248, Gonsalvos's father, Octavian Stravos, had a tragedy. Octavian's wife, Helena, died from giving birth to his firstborn son, Pavlos. Not bearing the thought of living without a spouse, he began searching for a suitable woman to wed.

    In that same year, Ara Amakiir, traveled to Etosil to learn more about the Etosian Hymns found there. Disappointed, Ara decided to try her hand at making her own hymns for the Etosians.

    One day, as Octavian was walking down the streets of Thessalo, he heard singing coming from the cathedral. Inside, he saw some of the clergy men listening to a fair lady showing off her piece. After she was finished, both the clergy men and Octavian congratulated her. Six months later, Octavian married Ara.

    What Octavian did not know was that Ara was a half-elf. She cut off the tips of her ears so she would not draw people's attention to her heritage. Whenever a person asked about her ears, she said that they were the result of an accident. Because few people in Etosil ever saw an elf, let alone an Isldar, Octavian never suspected Ara's heritage until after the marriage.

    Born in a Foreign Land
    The family of Solvras moved to the Duchy of Thassaly to avoid suspicion from those who knew Octavian personally. Octavian worked as a merchant in the slave trade and made friends with those in power while at the same time hiding the fact of his shameful marriage. Thus was Gonsalvos born in the Regalian Archipelago on September 11, AC 254.

    Gonsalvos did not inherit his mother's voice. However, he would sit with his mother during the evening and learn stories about the ancient dragons. Sometimes his father would teach him the ways of business, though his father concentrated on Pavlos's education most of all. Gonsalvos was never friends with his half-brother, Pavlos, as he would pick on him.

    Master of Deception
    When Gonsalvos was in his early teen years, he decided to get more into the arts. Because he wasn't the firstborn, his father turned a blind eye to his activities as long as he didn't get into trouble. Gonsalvos tried many things: painting, literature, and theatre. It was this last activity that he truly excelled at.

    The relationship with him and his brother was starting to grow worse. With his activities and Pavlos's growing number of friends, Gonsalvos started to feel more isolated and persecuted. Sometimes, Gonsalvos would go out in disguise to escape his notice.

    Burned by Fire

    The populace in the city started to grow more suspicious. Octavian's wife almost never appeared in public. Octavian did his best to ease the people's suspicion but it did not last forever. On January 18, AC 274, Octavian was convicted of owning an illegal substance and when his house was searched, one of the guards, who had experiences with Nelfin before, recognized Ara's heritage. Rumors started to flourish in the city and Octavian was pressured to admit his secret.

    Although Ara was a proclaimed Unionist, she was arrested and an investigation took place to determine whether she was an authentic Unionist or a Frisit worshiper. They never found out the truth, as she taken by a mob and burned at the stake.

    Because of Octavian's connections, he was not convicted and it was assumed that Octavian was tricked into marrying her. However, the pressure from his other associates forced him and his family to move to one of the Hellatian City-States.

    Act of Treason
    Pavlos was close to Ara, despite the fact that she was not his birth mother, and her death set him more at odds with him and Gonsalvos. This led to Gonsalvos being even more mistreated by his half-brother. After years of being abused by his brother, neglected by his father, and being jealous of his half-brother's heritage that he could not have, Gonsalvos decided he had enough.

    One night, Gonsalvos wrote a letter in his half-brother's handwriting and signature. In the letter was a plot between Pavlos and one of his friends back in Thassay on preparing for the murder of Octavian. Gonsalvos left the letter in Pavlos's room where it could be seen. When the letter was found, Octavian was furious and banished Pavlos.

    Gonsalvos was then made inheritor of the Solvras heritage. His father died the next year on December 14, AC 279 from grief of having lost both his wife and son within five years.

    ... Twice Makes a Fool
    Gonsalvos was alone to take care of the family affairs. He reverted the trade from slavery to shipping spice from the City States to other parts in the Archipelago. As the years went by, Gonsalvos grew lonely and began searching for someone to marry. He married a lady named Cintina, another person who had Isldar heritage, on May 30, AC 288.

    As the years went by he grew in both wealth and prestige as his business reached to the far ends of the Archipelago; a fine fate for his family of one wife and two daughters.

    During the Dragon Crisis, there was a search though out the City States to root out those who were sympathizers with the Dragon Cult. To both Gonsalvos's surprise and terror, Cintina was found to have been a Rikkira worshiper.

    Gonsalvos did not know till a year after, as he was on his journeys through the Empire. When he came home, he found his house in ashes. He asked around for what happened and it was then when the truth was revealed. Neither his wife nor his children were spared, the latter being only eleven years old each.

    "As My World Burned, So Will Yours."
    Gonsalvos sold what possessions he had and moved to the Calderliga Union to escape his past. When he arrived in Kallerwald, he became a money lender and joined with a Hanse. For years rage burned in his heart for the tragedies that befell him.

    When the Dread War came to a close, something sparked within Gonsalvos. If there was one thing that would help him see the destruction of the Empire, it would be Rikkira. During the night in his small cottage, Gonsalvos made an oath to serve the ends of the Dread Dragon in order to see the end of the Empire and the rise of a new one.
    #1 Iknay, Feb 4, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2020

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