Glowstone Art Thread

So sorry I haven't been posting in awhile, I'm working on a big drawing project for the next few days to make up for it! :P
Welp, because I'm a lazy/impatient-boo I'm giving up the idea of waiting to release my drawing series all at once. Anywho, because I absolutely love Steven Universe and think that the idea of fusion is interesting, I decided to start up a series of drawings done by myself that are of what fusions between myself (Emily) and my dragons. Here's the first two done; Emitra and Sukari!
For those who can read the small text in the drawing:
Emitra's music is Glitch Hop from Monstercat
She is a fusion between Emily and Spectra
Her weapon was a rune-covered dagger (but I changed it to a magic spear so the weapon is a fusion between my staff and Spectra's dagger)
Spectra's stripes were warped into wild designs because of Emily
Silver arms and legs turn to gold
View attachment 63504
Sukari's music is Indie Dance and Future Bass from Monstercat
Her weapon is a fusin between Sukuru's whip and Emily's staff, creating a ball-and chain/rope thing
Sukari is a fusion between Sukuru and Emily
View attachment 63505

Soon I will be releasing the third fusion named Universtone (Because 'Universal' and 'Emily' don't fit together well.)
Here is the third fusion dragon release; Universtone! Because Universal is a dragon from space and I like video games, Universtone features a special Bosconian reference!
-music is strictly music from Beartooth.
-weapon is a god-leveled Battle Axe. (Fusion between my staff and two hand blade-things.)
-stands up around 6-7 stories tall
-is an unstable fusion that can easily go berserk, similar to Sugalite from Steven Universe.
-is grey because Universal's black scales mixing with Emily's light slightly bleaches the main scale color
-has four arms
20150725_153946[1].png download (2).jpeg
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Here is the third fusion dragon release; Universtone! Because Universal is a dragon from space and I like video games, Universtone features a special Bosconian reference!
-music is strictly music from Beartooth.
-weapon is a god-leveled Battle Axe. (Fusion between my staff and two hand blade-things.)
-stands up around 6-7 stories tall
-is an unstable fusion that can easily go berserk, similar to Sugalite from Steven Universe.
-is grey because Universal's black scales mixing with Emily's light slightly bleaches the main scale color
-has four arms
View attachment 63535 View attachment 63536 View attachment 63537
And I thought I was the only one who played that game, Bosconian. . u.
I had that game when it came out when I was like 6 and they sold those joystick-tv things ohmygod.
So I decided to goof around with some brushes in Adobe Photoshop instead of putting up leaves on my giant dark oak tree that houses Q'urebos.. This is the result; "A Glowing Dream"
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This was originally going to be a picture of my golden dakkar Aruna in the Aether dimension since she died, but I liked the background too much to obscure it so I removed her and just made it pixel art of the Aether. Also features my new watermark! (Due to change design soon.) Enjoy ^-^ Aether Picture.png
By the way, my current watermark is my face in front of a glowstone block if you can't tell. I will start putting my watermark on all my pieces here.
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This was originally going to be a picture of my golden dakkar Aruna in the Aether dimension since she died, but I liked the background too much to obscure it so I removed her and just made it pixel art of the Aether. Also features my new watermark! (Due to change design soon.) Enjoy ^-^ View attachment 65219
By the way, my current watermark is my face in front of a glowstone block if you can't tell. I will start putting my watermark on all my pieces here.
I suggest making the watermark colourless, or a little more transparent. I'm finding it really hard to focus on the actual artwork, as my eyes are draw to the center. or it could be just me and my ADD >.>;
Otherwise, cute pixelart!
I suggest making the watermark colourless, or a little more transparent. I'm finding it really hard to focus on the actual artwork, as my eyes are draw to the center. or it could be just me and my ADD >.>;
Otherwise, cute pixelart!
I have yet to get a little help from a family member to help me make my legit watermark, so this is what it will be for now, sorry :P Might get part of the new watermark done tonight.

Edit: I also have ADD, so I see what you mean ^-^
Another dragon gem fusion! This is a fusion between myself and Sepherius, a solid gold wyvern (Who I may draw later unfused.) The fusion's name is Citrine because I got tired trying to mash the names "Emily" and "Sepherius" together. If only it were as easy as putting together Steven and Connie. Anyways, Citrine's weapon is a square hammer like Sardonyx's since Sepherius usually attacks with melee claw attacks more than anything else, so he gets gauntlets that form the head of the hammer to represent that. Of course, they connect to my staff to make the hammer, with the magic ball on the end of the staff going to the boot of the hammer. Citrine is made of solid.. well, citrine that is clear because Sepherius is solid gold BUT Citrine cannot verbally speak. Citrine's voice appears in people's minds, and as the father you get from him, the quieter it is, like a voice. Citrine is also more dense that water, similar to Sepherius so they cannot swim, but they cannot drown either because they do not have any organs in them at all. Citrine is bipedal with digitgrade legs since Sepherius has digitgrade dragon legs and I walk on two feet. Also, the webbing on the wings that come out from the back of the wrists is gold. Citrine has no chosen music as of yet unlike the other fusions. Enjoy! o3o

Isn't he handsome *3*
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This pretty much sums up PvP for me:
  • I'm minding my own business, enjoying myself and what-not
  • I get jumpscared by an ever-so-rude attacker
  • I run injured to my PvP buddies
  • PvP buddy deals with problem :D

That or I just run away, hide in my den and/or log off once in a safe place.
Edit: If you don't recognise him from a previous drawing, the PvP buddy starring in this doodle is @TheComputerGeek2
This is inspired by Lion's Dimension but instead of a pink acacia tree, it's a gold tree like the ones from the Aether 2 mod. Under the tree are some of my prized possessions that I keep in an ender chest; An enchanted diamond shovel from @PonyoWantHam, Vanilla's Diaries, E'ami's backstory, E'ami's death story, a repaired love amulet, the swan feather that I won on Massivecraft's birthday, my Cream and Sugar hat (depicted as a white beanie), Numerous kiss tickets including one of my own, and a hovering water tome with some floating water. This will not be finalized since I might want to add more prized possession's to Sepherius' Dimension. This picture will stay in my signiture too so look for that if you ever want to see if I have updated my amount of belongings in my own pocket dimension. I made this because Sepherius has a mane just like Lion. None of my other dragons have manes, only him. Also, he's the embodiment of my name; GlowstoneGold because he's made of solid gold with glowstone webbing.
I'm really pumping out the drawings tonight! Here's a cute drawing of three characters from left to right:
Ishimura Zakamoto @Azrael0069, Wolfgang Zakamoto @Beowulf__X , Max Time @YuMortal

Drawn by me, kinda requested by Feonokk/They just told me about this happening and this is what came to mind @Beowulf__X