Glowstone Art Thread


Dec 8, 2013
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I'm jumping on the art thread band wagon by starting up my own art thread! I tried sharing my drawings on my Facebook page but I'm no where nearly as active on Facebook like I am here. I also was not reaching the Massivecraft crowd as well as I wanted so this should be more successful than other things I've tried.

Enjoy the drawings ^-^ I also do skins as long as I have something to work off of, but do not take requests all the time for Humans, Elves, Ersin, Dwarves, Orcs,Mekket, Crelin, occasionaly Maiar, and occasionally Yanar. I am not obligated by any mean to do the skin for you.

Since I post so quickly leaving no space for people to reply afterwards, If you want to comment on a specific post then hit the "Reply" button in the post that contains which drawing you want to comment about. Thanks!
If you don't like something about my drawings, just rate it "evil" or "This is so goth." I don't take hate against my characters lightly. Try to avoid calling any of my characters by what animal they may or may not represent and then I won't ruin your day.
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This drawing is a bit old, back when Old Regalia was around. I won't explain the full story of this but here is "Saving Budde" Featuring my Maiar Kailani ^-^ @ds200
Kailani's decorative helmet (For festivals, ceremonies, etc. to look nice for her land friends) Not for when she's in Regalia!

An old staff Kailani "owned" before she sold it off to a merchant in Teled Methen *Cough cough stolen cough*
Kailani's half lore-incompliant timeline (Before I started following the lore like a bible)
If you have no idea what is going on in the timeline, here you go:
Ceryl is a kingfisher-Vaporeon-griffin who had fallen in love with a water drake (whose name I cannot remember) on the island of Kelmoria. When the volcano erupted, The father water drake had a bird carry their egg to Regalia, leaving it in a stream. When it hatched, a human found it and raised it. It was named Halcyon. After Halcyon grew feathered wings (and she looks like a Vaporeon-furry) She marries with a brown Mekket and has Aether. Also, when Halcyon's mother died, her corpse vanished, leaving behind an egg to be hatched into a dragon-Leafon named Rue. Aether is transformed into Kailani after Lore Changes started happening, turning her into a lore-compliant Maiar with no memory of her draconic childhood or who exactly her parents were. Kailani goes through several reworks, turning into a powerful woman who falls in love with the all powerful, man-eating male Maiar Kreen. Together they have Karis, a Maiar like Kreen but with night-black skin. Kreen took Karis from the hostile enviroment of Regalia though, leaving Kailani behind by herself. Soon after that, she finds her second mate outsie of Regalia, having a child and agreeing with him to let him keep custody of the child. The second mate dies by unknown reasons, possibly Qadir, and Kailani is alerted to return to the tropics where the child was kept and brings the 7 year old Maiar named Makaha to Regalia. Backtracking to Halcyon, her gay friend who is a red Mekket asks her for a child, so she has an affair with the gay friend's mate who was a blue-eyed albino Naga, giving birth to another albino Naga. By now, the timeline has converted over to the lore, and will not include any more racial-cross-breeding or dragon genes and such. Only Maiar, or possibly Yanar.
Kailani's half lore-incompliant timeline (Before I started following the lore like a bible)
View attachment 60305
That's an n at the end. <3
I didn't know you did art?! It is awesome!
I was inspired by a song and a talk with a friend, which led to me drawing myself in a Rin Kagamine outfit from this video. Enjoy :3
(Yes that's one of my fingers in the blurry corner of the picture.)
I blurred out what Spiky Glow was roaring, but this is what I look like when pissed off/ What I draw when I'm mad. This was originally directed towards one of my enemies, but they can converse with each other to helplessly try figuring out who my sledge hammer is aimed for :D <3
Hey guys, since I post so quickly leaving no space for people to reply afterwards, If you want to comment on something specific then hit the "Reply" button in the post that contains which drawing you want to comment about. Thanks!
"I Just Like Colors" is more of a message to anyone who might think I'm gay but I'm not. This was drawn on my brand new big sketch pad and illustrates my new form which is my fluffy white dragon self merged with my previous aether cat! :3 enjoy~ 20150629_051455[1].jpg
Glowstone, I want to see you draw Budde, the best you can imagine him. Your art is very good and I'd to see how it would turn out :)
Don'tcall Kailani a fish. I take offence to that. She is a MAIAR And I've lost my faith in humanity, so that's why I use her to kill humans. Kailani eats fish, she is not one.

Too bad you don't have kill perms too. Even if you did eat her, the sewage sickened meat would probably kill you.
Soo Aggresive @Suzzie was only making a joke >_>
The art is nice, particularly the drawings of Kailani, but if you want to improve, you can't interpret any constructive criticism/negative comments as 'hate against your character.' Receiving criticism is such an important part of the artistic process, and while you'll get a lot of love for your art, which I like, you also need to hear what's wrong too.

Only other tip I can give is use a scanner if you have one, that way the image quality should be a bit better. Have you ever tried digital art? I get the impression that it's a much neater art form, particularly when mastered, and although it's not one of the classical medium of art, you can get some really satisfying outcomes.
I have no idea what a "scanner" is, and I'm not going to buy one. I am God awful with digital art. It is sloppy and just terrible when it comes to me using it. I have spent my entire life drawing on paper and I won't stop now to draw sloppily. It is very unsatisfactory and I will not do it for the sake of drawing. Do not try to change my ways, I am drawing because I like it and it's too dangerous to express my feelings vocally or any other way.
No need to have a go. It's just something in which I thought you might be interested. To be plain with you, I think you need to work on your general attitude, because I'm not getting the impression that it's all too positive in respect to your art.
or attack my characters without clarifying right away that it was a joke.
Seeing that attack at me I'm just going to say one last thing here. I'm not a serious person. I wanted to joke around, and try and be funny. Clearly that got lost half way, and I'm sorry. But I would have appreciated if you took me to the side and said 'Hey, was that a joke? Because I didn't like that.' rather then flat out get hostile. Please. Do that next time.
I really like your art, it's really neat. Don't think that I don't like it or anything, it's all adorable.
And please refrain from spite rating me. I'm deleting all my posts from this thread to be polite.
Anyways, after that fiasco, meet Endstone and Glowstone
GlowDragonAngry.jpg 2015-06-30_19.05.26[1].jpg
1. Real name: EndstoneIron
2. Nickname: Endstone, End, Iron, Cat from Void
3. Favorite color: Black
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary school:
6. Middle school:
7. High school:
8. College:
9.Hair color: Black, and they're scales.
10. Tall or short: Tall
11. Sweats or jeans: Neither, my scales would tear both.
12. Phone or camera: Are those the things mortals carry around all the time?
13. Health freak: No..?
14. Orange or apple: Death.
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Possibly.
16. Guy friends or girl friends: Both are fine.
17. Piercings: no.
18. Pepsi or coke: Is that mortal slang for flesh or blood? Coke I guess.
19. Have you been in an airplane: Does possessing someone who is on one count?
20. Have you been in a relationship: Yes.
21. Have you been in a car accident: In a way.
22. Have you been in a fist fight: Of course!
23. First piercing: None.
24.Best Friend:
25. First award: Angriest Person in the Room Award
26. First crush: Behesael
27. First word: I might have been "Fire" but I don't remember.
28. Any talent: I work a sledge hammer pretty well.
29. Last person you talked to: Wutienda
30. Last person you texted: I don't "text"
31. Last person you watched a movie with: My sibling, Glowstone, who forced me to watch a documentary on flowers. *cringe*
32. Last thing you ate: Head
33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: The First Flower (Nova Nature Documentary)
34. Last song you listened to: Bodybag - Beartooth
35. Last thing you bought:
Wilton 22036 20 lb Head, 36 In. BASH Sledge Hammer

36. Last person you hugged: Wutienda
37. Food: I can't put my claw on it, but if I had to choose, I'd pick the flesh of mortals.
38. Drink: Blood, duh.
39. Bottoms: ?
40. Flower: Anything dangerous.
41. Animal: Jaguars
42. Color: Black
43. Movie: The Human Centipede
44. Subject: Biology
Have you ever? (Put an X in the brackets if yes.)
45. [x] fallen in love with someone
46. [x] celebrated Halloween (BEST DAY EVER!)
47. [x] Had your heart broken
48. [] went over the minutes/ texts on your phone
49. [x] had someone like you
50. [x] hated the way someone changed
51. [] got pg
52. [] had an abortion
53. [x] did something you regret (I hugged Glowstone..)
54. [x] broken a promise
55. [x] hid a secret
56. [x] pretend to be happy
57. [x] met someone who has changed to your life
58. [x] pretended to be sick
59. [x] left the country
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it (Set my sledge hammer on fire)
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing (Dropped a box of candles, one of them broke in half and I cried)
62. [x] ran a mile (Chasing a mortal)
63. [x] gone to the beach with your best friend
64.[x] gotten into an argument with your friends (Who gets to possess what)
65. [x] disliked someone (Almost everyone!)
66. [x] stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever
67. Eating: Rotting Meat
68. Drinking: Blood, as always
69. Listening to: Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Song (Feat. EileMonty & Orko) - Die In A Fire (FNAF3) - Living Tombstone
70. Sitting or laying: Sitting
71. Plans for today: Try tolerating Glowstone for once, gather some souls,
72. Waiting for: The Apocalypse
73. Want kids: Oh hell no.
74. Want to get married: Undecided
75. Want to travel: Already do :3
What do you look for in a partner?
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes
77. Shorter or taller: Tallers
78. Younger or older: Why?
79. Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous I guess.
80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: Trouble-Maker >;3
81. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Both.
Have you ever:
83. Lost glasses: Yes
84. Snuck out of the house: Yes
85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: Yes and no.
86. Killed somebody: Mortals count I'm assuming.
87. Broke someone's heart: Many, yes.
88. Been in love: Yes.
89. Cried when someone dies: Depends on the person.
Do you believe in:
90. Yourself: Yes
91. Miracles: Sometimes
92. Love at first sight: No
93. Exist: Yes
94. Santa clause: No
95. Aliens: no
96. Ghosts/ angels: My sibling practically is an angel, so yes.
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: Unspecified
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes
99. Do you believe in Estel: I guess.
100. Post as 100 Truths: Maybe ;3

GlowDragonNormal.jpg 2015-06-29 05.20.19.jpg
1. Real name: GlowstoneGold
2. Nickname: Glowie, Glow, Glowy, Glowstone, Gold (not reccomended)
3. Favorite color: Every Color!
4. Male or female: Female
5. Elementary school:
6. Middle school:
7. High school:
8. College:
9.Hair color: White fur, pink horns and crest, rainbow wing webbing
10. Tall or short: Tall
11. Sweats or jeans: Sweats!
12. Phone or camera: Both! ^-^
13. Health freak: Sometimes :P
14. Orange or apple: Orange!
15. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope.
16. Guy friends or girl friends: Both?
17. Piercings: No
18. Pepsi or coke: FANTA!! :D
19. Have you been in an airplane: Yup, it was fun and loud!
20. Have you been in a relationship: Yes
21. Have you been in a car accident: Do bumper cars count?
22. Have you been in a fist fight: Almost!
23. First piercing: None
24.Best Friend: If I said I might look mean and biased to all my buddies..
25. First award: I don't remember, I think it was something about being outgoing while at camp..
26. First crush: A cute alligator-bird in 1st grade :3 (What? He was nice to me!)
27. First word: Oats :3
28. Any talent: I like drawing?
29. Last person you talked to: My Mother
30. Last person you texted: My buddy :3
31. Last person(s) you watched a movie with: My family~
32. Last thing you ate: Philly Cheese Steak Hot Pocket
33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: BattleBots
34. Last song you listened to: HS Graduation Speech - Rhett & Link
35. Last thing you bought: Hmm...New sketch pad.
36. Last person you hugged: My cat :3
37. Food: Noodles
38. Drink: Milk or Fanta
39. Bottoms: Ti-dye fluffy pyjama pants
40. Flower: ALL FLOWERS!!
41. Animal: Cats or Dragons :3
42. Color: All colors :3
43. Movie: How to Train your Dragon 1 & 2
44. Subject: Science
Have you ever? (Put an X in the brackets if yes.)
45. [x] fallen in love with someone
46. [x] celebrated Halloween
47. [x] Had your heart broken
48. [x] went over the minutes/ texts on your phone
49. [x] had someone like you
50. [x] hated the way someone changed
51. [] got pg
52. [] had an abortion
53. [x] did something you regret
54. [x] broken a promise
55. [x] hid a secret
56. [x] pretend to be happy
57. [x] met someone who has changed to your life
58. [x] pretended to be sick
59. [] left the country
60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
61. [x] cried over the silliest thing
62. [x] ran a mile
63. [] gone to the beach with your best friend
64.[x] gotten into an argument with your friends
65. [x] disliked someone
66. [] stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever
67. Eating: Yogurt
68. Drinking: Water
69. Listening to: HS Graduation Speech - Rhett & Link
70. Sitting or laying: Sitting
71. Plans for today: Minecraft, maybe some drawing
72. Waiting for: I dunno.
73. Want kids: NO.
74. Want to get married: Undecided
75. Want to travel: I guess
What do you look for in a partner?
76. Lips or eyes: Eyes
77. Shorter or taller: Taller
78. Younger or older: Neither?
79. Romantic or spontaneous: I dunno..
80. Trouble-maker or hesitant: Hesitant
81. Hook up or relationship: Relationship
82. Looks or personality: Both :3
Have you ever:
83. Lost glasses: Yes
84. Snuck out of the house: No
85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: Not yet
86. Killed somebody: No
87. Broke someone's heart: Probably..
88. Been in love: Yes
89. Cried when someone dies: Yes
Do you believe in:
90. Yourself: Yes
91. Miracles: Yes
92. Love at first sight: No
93. Exist: Yes
94. Santa clause: Yup
95. Aliens: No
96. Ghosts/ angels: Yes
97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: A box of Oreos
98. Do you know who your real friends are: Yes?
99. Do you believe in Estel: Yes
100. Post as 100 Truths: Yes ^-^
Please take conversations into message so you don't necro my art thread, thank you.