Archived Give All Custom Head

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Custom title
Aug 30, 2016
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Give all custom head

In the donate to give all list, a few custom heads appear.
Here are a few examples of custom heads that could be offered:


^ From left to right: cheese, beer mug, ham, honey and enpty bag.

After a number of times that the item has been donated the recipe for the head becomes available forever (aka, server upgrade). Then a new custom head appears on the list of items available for give all.

If a head remains on the list for too long (too few donations) it gets replaced by a another custom head.

The server already allows crafting some custom heads and this idea will probably be easy to implement. Custom heads provide nice props and decoration and they help bases in both factions worlds and in Regalia. These items are purely decorative, which means that there is little chance of using them to break the game.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hey!! While I love this idea, I do want to explain what would need to happen in order to make this work.

The current custom heads that work include.. Pumpkin, Melon, Apple, the two present variants, and the arrows. Now these heads exist with Mojang-owned accounts. Those skins will never change. However, since these "new" heads wouldnt be the mojang owned... Massivecraft would either need to find accounts that happened to have skins with that head.. but then we come across the issue if they change skins, then the head that gets spawn is whatever they change it to. Now the other option would be for Massivecraft to purchase new accounts? But i do not know if that would happen.
I've seen a few servers that have these kinds of heads. The unique feature is they aren't locked to a UUID, but some very long line of characters.

I have no idea if we could explore this option, but I figured I'd put it here.
Give all custom head

In the donate to give all list, a few custom heads appear.
Here are a few examples of custom heads that could be offered:


^ From left to right: cheese, beer mug, ham, honey and enpty bag.

After a number of times that the item has been donated the recipe for the head becomes available forever (aka, server upgrade). Then a new custom head appears on the list of items available for give all.

If a head remains on the list for too long (too few donations) it gets replaced by a another custom head.

The server already allows crafting some custom heads and this idea will probably be easy to implement. Custom heads provide nice props and decoration and they help bases in both factions worlds and in Regalia. These items are purely decorative, which means that there is little chance of using them to break the game.
Hey!! While I love this idea, I do want to explain what would need to happen in order to make this work.

The current custom heads that work include.. Pumpkin, Melon, Apple, the two present variants, and the arrows. Now these heads exist with Mojang-owned accounts. Those skins will never change. However, since these "new" heads wouldnt be the mojang owned... Massivecraft would either need to find accounts that happened to have skins with that head.. but then we come across the issue if they change skins, then the head that gets spawn is whatever they change it to. Now the other option would be for Massivecraft to purchase new accounts? But i do not know if that would happen.
I'm willing to turn my 3 alt accounts into Pot Heads for the server
Hey!! While I love this idea, I do want to explain what would need to happen in order to make this work.

The current custom heads that work include.. Pumpkin, Melon, Apple, the two present variants, and the arrows. Now these heads exist with Mojang-owned accounts. Those skins will never change. However, since these "new" heads wouldnt be the mojang owned... Massivecraft would either need to find accounts that happened to have skins with that head.. but then we come across the issue if they change skins, then the head that gets spawn is whatever they change it to. Now the other option would be for Massivecraft to purchase new accounts? But i do not know if that would happen.

This link has a TON of heads.
Give all custom head

In the donate to give all list, a few custom heads appear.
Here are a few examples of custom heads that could be offered:


^ From left to right: cheese, beer mug, ham, honey and enpty bag.

After a number of times that the item has been donated the recipe for the head becomes available forever (aka, server upgrade). Then a new custom head appears on the list of items available for give all.

If a head remains on the list for too long (too few donations) it gets replaced by a another custom head.

The server already allows crafting some custom heads and this idea will probably be easy to implement. Custom heads provide nice props and decoration and they help bases in both factions worlds and in Regalia. These items are purely decorative, which means that there is little chance of using them to break the game.

Currently we have custom heads available through crafting recipes, but these are mojang account heads - heads that should never change their names or skins because they are owned by Mojang.

The problem with using a "custom" head such as on minecraft head decor listing sites, is that those players may change their skin or their name at any time without warning and the head will instantly "break". This happened with old crafting recipes we had (bread, alorian globe, mug of ale, etc), hence the removal of all non-mojang heads.
As long as the drive to get custom heads produces more donations buying accounts for custom heads could be feasible.

Perhaps a kind of two week "crowdfunding" would be an interesting experiment:
Up to five custom heads can be unlocked. Every 10 donations of (15$) an account is bought.
Then data can be analyzed to see how the event affected server donations.

Did people that normally don't donate came out to donate for the event?
Did people that normally donate decided to donate more or less during and after the event?
Give all custom head

In the donate to give all list, a few custom heads appear.
Here are a few examples of custom heads that could be offered:


^ From left to right: cheese, beer mug, ham, honey and enpty bag.

After a number of times that the item has been donated the recipe for the head becomes available forever (aka, server upgrade). Then a new custom head appears on the list of items available for give all.

If a head remains on the list for too long (too few donations) it gets replaced by a another custom head.

The server already allows crafting some custom heads and this idea will probably be easy to implement. Custom heads provide nice props and decoration and they help bases in both factions worlds and in Regalia. These items are purely decorative, which means that there is little chance of using them to break the game.
Hmmm.... I like what you have here and I was thinking of doing something close to your idea, I'm thinking of buying 5 Minecraft accounts and naming them "Massive_{Head Item Choice}" and donation them to massive for christmas. If you would like to work together on this id be glad to do my part and you choose the heads, I'm thinking of using custom skins for the heads so they are more unique for the server.
Get back to me if you like my idea,
-Terisary Eshria

That is incredibly generous of you.
I'd be willing to help you but first it is better to ask staff if they would accept such a donation. They may prefer getting a money donation and then buying the accounts themselves (it makes clearer who the accounts belong to).

The staff can manage server accounts in whichever way they see fit but I'm sure they would be interested in having custom heads in the server. I'm also sure they will be very open to suggestions on the skins that could be used for custom heads.

I rarely do so but now, using my dark powers, I summon @MonMarty to this conversation.
Proudbucket gestures wildly while mumbling some strange incantations.
This would require a financial investment from Cayorion which is currently difficult to achieve, and a time investment coding wise, which is even more difficult to achieve. Heads buy4all are a possibility. I don't think it's going to be feasible to provide a "x times donated, everyone can now craft them" deal simply because that puts a stop ceiling to revenue.

That being said. I suppose 4 USD donations to give everyone online such a head could be possible in the future. We'll discuss it with Cayorion during the next meeting, which should hopefully be on Sunday if not monday. If not the week thereafter.
There is also a Head Database plugin I believe? That has like a few hundred permanent heads if I am not mistaken.

EDIT : I was wrong, 1,700 heads HOLY SHITE!

Would it be easier to use with this? XD
Thank you for grabbing this page. This was what I was looking for.
From what I can tell, this data base takes the head of a player, and creates the base64 code of it. Because it creates a unique code for that head, I think the owner of the head can edit the head and generate a new base64 code for the changes.

Note: I cannot confirm or deny this change, though I will see if this trick work rn on my SP build map.

Update: yes, the base64 code can replace the skullowner tag in the commands, but one the item is placed, it will not return to you once broken. This was the result when I used a custom skull in my SP. more tests are needed for a final result.
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