Gilde Delle Muse Teatrali


Sass Incarnate
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score




-Friedrich Nietzsche

The Gilde delle Muse Teatrali is an organization headed by House dei Termini and House dei Veleno specializing in the musical arts and events. Our services are divided into two separate categories, the first being to provide high-quality entertainment and event staff for hire to the noble peerage and those of upper class and bring attention to those with exceptional talents in the process. Additionally, we run a music school and instrumental shop for those who wish to enhance their lives through music.

  • All members of the guild are to be respectful and upstanding citizens whilst under contract. Should a member breach contract while retained, they will be placed on temporary suspension pending investigation and all upcoming contracts will be immediately retracted.
  • Please give at least two IRL days notice should cancellation be necessary.
  • Performer payment for contracts made through the guild will be protected by the Retention Deposit collected upon completion of the contract.
  • Members of the Guild may retain their own contracts outside of the guild, however, the entertainer payment protection provided to guild sanctioned events will be invalid.
  • All financial transactions are ic.

Commissario di Gilda: Ravenna dei Termini (@Angelus_Sai )
Description: Head of the Gilde delle Muse Teatrali. Ensures everything is in working order within the guild as a whole and managing any internal comeuppances that may occur.

Guild Financial Coordinator: Aronne dei Veleno (@Koajack )
Description: Ensures all financial contracts are fulfilled and maintains proper financial ledgers.

Performance Coordinator: Carlotta dei Veleno (@SpoopMelon )
Description: Directly in charge of managing all performers and the making of their contracts.

Head Recruitment Officer: Marco III dei Termini (@UprisingCactus )
Description: In charge of recruiting, interviewing, and vetting potential members.

Guild Steward/Stewardess: Juliett Reinwasser (@Nokisden )
Description: Handles all necessary correspondence to and from the guild. They are also in charge of keeping contract records and ensuring no talent is double booked.

Head Event Planner: [Vacant]
Description: Available for hire to plan events and coordinate directly with the clients to ensure the event runs smoothly. May hire an assistant if needed.

Event Staff
Description: Event workers for hire. Positions include bartenders, and waiters and waitresses.

Event guards will be retained separately through the Rainbow Company and Faction XIII headed by Lord Deo dei Termini (@Mortisian )


Anthonin Dorien Valuer|Instrumentalist, Vocalist, Dancer| [Available]

Laëtitia Celyreos | Violinist, Harpist | [Available] @Galakskija



If you are interested in you or your performance group becoming a part of our organization, please fill out the sign-up form below. Character Applications are preferred, but not required. An IC meeting will follow should your letter of interest be accepted. If you are interested in a management position, please complete the staff application. Please address all IC inquiry letters to the Commissario di Gilda Ravenna dei Termini (@Angelus_Sai )

Performer Application:

Skype or Discord?:
Character Name:
Character App (Preferred, not required):
Soloist or Group?:
IC Letter detailing your skills and why you wish to join the organization:

Staff Application:

Skype or Discord?:
Character Name:
Character App (preferred, not required):
Desired Position:
IC Letter detailing why you wish to join the organization and why you would be a good addition



If you are of high upper-class status or noble peerage, please complete the Entertainer Retention Request as provided below. Requests will be processed by the Commissario di Gilda or the Performance Coordinator. Please address all inquiries to the Commissario di Gilda Ravenna dei Termini (@Angelus_Sai ) for processing at this time. Please note that those of Peerage will have priority over non-nobles. Upon acceptance of a request, a formal contract will be drawn and signed icly by both parties in order to ensure all involved are satisfied with the terms and conditions of the retainment.

Entertainer Retention Request Form

Character Name:
Requested Entertainer (If you have no preference, a performer or group shall be matched to you):
IC Letter detailing event information, desired entertainer, or if looking to be matched with a performer, please describe what kind of entertainment your event requires:
Last edited:
IGN: EndersGameboy
Skype or Discord?: No Skype, but I do have Discord. I will PM it to you if accepted.
Character Name: Anthonin Dorien Valuer
Character App:
Soloist or Group?: Both/ Either
Skills: Instrumentalist: Violin, Viola, Harp, Flute, Guitar, piccolo; Composer; Singer / Dancer
IC Letter detailing your skills and why you wish to join the organization:

Dear Lady Ravenna dei Termini,

When I heard of your newest musically inclined organization, I instantly knew I would submit an application to join. I have always had a passion for music, and I specialize in strings and a small bit of the woodwind areas of instrumentalization. I know some bit of dance, and I also have some experience with singing. I compose as well. I have always been interested in Musical Theory. I hope that my application interests you, and you will consider my acceptance, thank you.

Spirit's Blessings,
Ser Anthonin D. Valeur

To Ser Anthonin D. Valeur,
After reviewing your application, we would be absolutely delighted to have you join our ranks! I am sure that you will be one of our more popular performers as we grow in notoriety. We look forward to meeting with you soon.

Spirit bless and guide your path,

IGN: Galakskija
Skype or Discord?: Both
Character Name: Laëtitia Celyreos
Character App (preferred, not required): Here :D
Soloist or Group?: Soloist
Skills: Violinist and Harpist
IC Letter detailing your skills and why you wish to join the organization:

To the esteemed Commissario di Gilda Ravenna dei Termini

As soon as I was told of your organization, I simply had to apply! Music has been at the forefront of my life since I was a child, as I have studied both the violin and the harp ever since. I'll keep this short, as I'd hate to take up too much of your time with a long-winded letter. Your guild sounds like a blast, and I'd be honored if you let me join.

Warm Regards& Spirit's Bless

Dear Laëtitia Celyreos,
After reviewing your application we would be delighted to have you join our ranks. We look forward to meeting you for a formal introduction soon.

Spirit bless and guide you,


Ooc Info: Pm me with your discord information so I can add you to the group :)
Come join in the festivities at the Regalian Bake Off presented by House Rosendahl!
Come in support of the talented bakers and enjoy the musical atmosphere for the event provided by Carlotta dei Veleno!
IGN: Walnoodle
Skype or Discord?: Ya got both of them lovely
Character Name: Seraphina Eroth
Character App (Preferred, not required): Doot
Soloist or Group?: Soloist
Skills: +20 Instrumental (Guitar and piano)
IC Letter detailing your skills and why you wish to join the organization:

To Baroness Ravenna dei Termini,
With the warmer months beginning, events are beginning to appear and I find myself in want to use the talent that I have for the better. I'm skilled in numerous years of both playing the guitar and the piano and know many a song, both court related and not. I would love to assist those who are in want of musicians for events and the like, as well as simply bring music to our beautiful city. Your guild interests me to put it simply and I wish to put my talents to use, as previously stated.
Gracias and Spirit protect,
Seraphina A. Eroth