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Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score





The day of their bond was one punctuated by the whipping snow of the Inner Realm, entrapped in a constant storm between worlds that only they could call home; the air hung heavy with anticipation yet all too brimming with joy, the first of what they hoped would be many. They had vowed to write their name in the stars not a mile away, the Black Temple looming with its fire in the distance, a plateau situated overlooking the lake that housed it. The active buzz of people whom they called friends and family gathered just below a pedestal where Astaroth stood, and Valarosta just behind him, no doubt bickering over the setting and the vague banter of the revelry that would occur afterwards. Whilst they gave the hushed debate to each other over what the proceedings were going to be like, everyone congregated in the crowd below engaged in various amounts of excitement and conversation.

Leufred and Lathai, generally being the most socially distant, enjoyed each other's company. The Isldar attempted to look genuinely proud and serious, though Leufred couldn't stop grinning despite the social pressure he felt from the rest of the crowd. Kaze and Maria were the life of it all, admittedly a little intoxicated already; encouraging everyone involved to be excited and happy. Gwelruin and Andratath mostly enjoyed each other's company, sharing the same kind of hushed excitement as most others, poking fun at each other and never quite realising that they were bantering about potential plans themselves, Andratath, in particular, paying attention to Astaroth's attire for his ideas.

Lau'rella hung around just about anyone, much to the chagrin of the anti-social Leufred and Sophie. He was also able to poke fun at Andratath for staring at the groom so much, which elicited a vaguely jealous response from Gwelruin. Merilya had a look on her face as if she'd tasted chocolate and drank orange juice at the same time, the thought of Astaroth marrying anyone at all still an idea a world away in her mind. Sophie took the same idea as Leufred and generally only lingered on the sidelines, keeping to herself and only saying at least two strange out of place phrases. She gave Astaroth an encouraging gesture in a thumbs up and he returned it from his place on the pedestal, garnering a smile on his face.

Aubrey caught another look from Astaroth, from which she reciprocated a blatant smile as she sat and waited for the proceedings; though when he looked away, she seemed more contemplative than ever before. Hagmer stood tall and proud at a serving table located off to the side, picking at the biggest and rarest parts of meat that he could spy. He made half-banter and half-philosophic talk with Vaeri, who was enjoying worldly pleasure for the first time since her curse was lifted. Azsh'alla gazed on at her wife as Aq'uello made idle conversation about the premise of Xenophane marriage, practically chewing her ear off and anyone else who'd listen to the vague preachings.


It soon came time for the two to be bonded in life, and everyone was hushed to silence by Valarosta. They made a wide path through the middle of the congregation, staring off into the forest, awaiting the bride to be. Emerging from the line of oaks, Arwen'elda began her poised stride through the ocean of familiar faces, the folds of her snow-white gown tugging against the ground and her chin held high. Merilya tried to console Viveka, who had already let her emotions get the best of her-- crying into a dedicated piece of cloth that likely wouldn't see the end of the night. Tullion stood beside Sophie and wiped at his cheek as a single tear graced it, running down his jawline with a sniffle. As she'd make her way to the pedestal her exhilarated iris' were drawn to Astaroth and refused to shift to those at her sides, any sign of timidness was hidden behind the eager smile that graced her face. Once Arwen'elda reached the end of the path she finally looked to Valarosta with a watery gaze, accompanied by a thankful dip of her head.

With a final air of dramatic pause, the couple raised both hands to waist height and took each hand in their partners, staring at each other from equal height; Valarosta gave a recital on the ideals of the Xenophane, the betterment of the self and how they could find power in one another, and that with dedication comes conviction that can be used to further themselves. She produced a long strip of midnight blue velvet ribbon, instructing the to-be-weds to put one hand in each other's; Astaroth's right and Arwen's left, and as Valarosta read aloud their vows of dedication to one another, their progress as people and the dedication to their family, she tied knot after knot that bound their hands together. Soon an intricate braid was formed that bound them together, reaching up and around their wrists. A final incantation to bless their marriage was said, and Valarosta declared them married; a kiss was shared between them as a range of reactions cited from the audience. Many clapped, some stared on in approval and some in admiration, and in the moment Gwelruin and Aq'uello used their ethereal arms to shower them with a basket of Black Orchid petals, mixing in with the flurry of snow running past the scene.


After all of the ceremony and token gestures of thanks, appreciation, and gifts, the informal event soon winded down into an afterparty. Andratath serenaded the latter half of the evening with a song full of vigour and tales of love, which earned more than one flutter of the heart from Gwelruin, but she'd never admit it. Tullion attempted to drink himself merry, which ended up transforming into a drinking competition with Vaeri. Since she's incapable of becoming intoxicated, however, it resulted in a sorry state for Tulio the next morning.

Sophie reluctantly stuck around since she felt safe at the gathering, drinking very little and being chatted up by Aubrey, sharing stories of weddings and love. Astaroth, Lathai, and Leufred spent a long time at the beginning of the evening sitting on an outcropping over the lake with an expensive bottle of navy rum, making multiple toasts to their health and prospects. Merilya took to the bottle much too early despite having to look after Viveka, forcing a table to be her stage as she danced on the top, bottle in one hand. Kaze joined in after filling up on free food and drinking himself silly, engaging in a series of unstable dances and one particular incident knocking the entire table over.

Valarosta and Arwen engaged in their series of thoughtful drinking, with Maria giving less-than-thoughtful input due to her highly intoxicated state. Once Viveka was able to calm down from her emotional high of seeping tears, she eventually leaned into the merriment. Hagmer indulged for only a few minutes before he fell asleep on-premises, and refused to be moved. Azsh'alla and especially Lau'rella, ironically, seemed to be the most composed of the bunch. Both ended up having to make sure their respective friends got home safely.

The impromptu, informal and unscripted event eventually came to a close with most people blackout drunk and probably unlikely to remember the latter half of it all, though it was all fresh in Astaroth and Arwen's minds; this was just the beginning for them.


Tag List: @Katiesc @Athelois @Havsbris_ @Vegemiite @Banard @Raeris @notjayp @Fergoff @Nixces @Patsie @Battlebrawn @HereticTakao @PapidaCarrot @Hierophant_ @Halsi @JoyShake @ShipIt

Everyone in the tag list above was invited and any other Manathar can know the event happened, though information of the event should be found out from those who attended.
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Somewhere else, not at the wedding, a shadow mage felt she was left out of all the fun...