Well then, nothing to do about. Meanies exist. I'm sorry you had to deal with one. :c
you say sorry but last time i checked vanos came to loot it the second they herd...Well then, nothing to do about. Meanies exist. I'm sorry you had to deal with one. :c
And I believe it should remain that way.So to sum this up: recruits stealing from your faction with the result of existential troubles is not allowed, but officers can reck the whole thing if you set the permissions wrong. I don't get the difference, as in both situations you could set the permissions in a way that both szenarios are not possible, yet the first one seems to be punishable whereas the second one seems to be rather a social faux-pas.
I just go with the idea that Gene or the officer in question or both have been dealt with by staff and as usual the other players (us) won't know how this was handled, as this is something personal between Gene/the officer and staff.
you say sorry but last time i checked vanos came to loot it the second they herd...
not really trying to offend but i sometimes doubt your sympathy...
No you did not look i can litterally he tool part of my gate that corrupt cut into dont even try saying you were "looking"Yeah, we came to check it out. But "looting" and "looking" are different. Plus Raptum showed up and fighting them was fun.
You mean he broke through your gate? If it was a 1x2 hole that's completely fine, it's hardly any damage, two iron bar blocks of expense at the most, and could easily be fixed. That's not looting, it's breaking in, yes, but he could still break in and be looking, he just didn't want to use a pearl.No you did not look i can litterally he tool part of my gate that corrupt cut into dont even try saying you were "looking"
ok -,- you should know that we have officer claim perms because we have 3 leaders plus officers run their own citys in our faction if we could set it so you can claim but not unclaim we would do it but that is not a option. we need claim for officers to function as im a officer and do most the building and expanding
thats not what i ment i mean he was litterally looting i can he tool chests around my base to he was trying to steal i was using the gate as a exampleYou mean he broke through your gate? If it was a 1x2 hole that's completely fine, it's hardly any damage, two iron bar blocks of expense at the most, and could easily be fixed. That's not looting, it's breaking in, yes, but he could still break in and be looking, he just didn't want to use a pearl.
thats not what i ment i mean he was litterally looting i can he tool chests around my base to he was trying to steal i was using the gate as a example
I dont know what "tool chests" means. But I didnt take anything from any chests. And if you find that I did, it was an accident and I'd gladly give double back whatever I took.
I dont know what "tool chests" means. But I didnt take anything from any chests. And if you find that I did, it was an accident and I'd gladly give double back whatever I took.
Lel, rekt skrub. HE tool don't lie.
I don't get this post. If you let everyone do more/grant every member even more permissions, how would that prevent the misuse of said permissions?Just modify your permissions to let everyone do more, basically letting the leaders of irongale be officer with more perms like claiming etc, let the members be owners of towns / cities who cant claim and recruits your normal rabble who dont own cities / towns? idfk I don't own a faction yet, I could go more in detail of what I was saying but im lazy and would rather discuss things like this in game.
Basically what is being said is altering the standards for each rank.I don't get this post. If you let everyone do more, how would that prevent the misuse of permissions?
Thanks for the explanationBasically what is being said is altering the standards for each rank.
Officers would just be the top ranking organizers for the faction and you would give the heads of all the other cities Member instead of Officer but make the permissions similar to what an Officer would be under normal circumstances and you would give Recruits the perms you normally would give to Members.
It would mean you couldn't have a lower rank then Member aka Recruit in this instance but it would allow more flexibility when divvying out permissions. Personally I don't even use the Recruit rank for anything but inactive members so it's not an overly necessary rank and could be easily used for this scenario.