Preserved Sheet Garth Of Norrlan

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  • Light re-work to place Garth into the Älgträffar Discipline of Skagger, just changed a few words.
  • Complete re-write of personality paragraphs. They were a year old, and did not fit what he's molded into now.
Setting to 'Needs Reviewer' as the previous reviewer is now not lore staff.
  • With the update of the School of Skaggers, the backstory has included The Burning of the North, and elevation to Grand-Master of the Order.
  • Proficiency points have been moved around due to the new Frontline Combat introduced.
  • Updated to the new personality format.
  • Aged down to 30.
  • New aesthetics, why not.
Tagging @Caelamus for re-review.
  • Updated Proficiencies, more collected.
  • Updated Personality to the 3 bullet points.
  • Updated Backstory, as the previous was done in 2018, and the current now serves to properly build character.
Currently lack a reviewer.
Expect a review today or tomorrow.
U P D A T E - The new proficiency set up is here. I'm a bit late to the game.

- I have decided to dedicate his points in a pure warfare-orientation. Since the character's creation, he's been almost always used in combat scenarios, so I figured to set his proficiencies accordingly. He grew up a soldier, worked himself into a command role, and now developed into a capable leader.
- I have decided to remove any mention of the School of Skagger from his life story. He is no Skagger. I don't want to play him as something he's not. He's a practical, gritty Northman. As a result, his life story is partially reworked.

- New proficiencies to fit the current update.
- Adjusted backstory slightly to mention schools, nothing more.

@BeashSlap Set your application to Needs Reviewer, trying not to do char apps anymore. o>

- Updated to new format,
- Updated Proficiencies,
- Added new Ailor Racials.

Please condense the life story to the bullet point format in the template. Feel free to keep the longer version in a spoiler
Hello. These changes were originally done just before exam time, and as a result this page and response fell into the cracks. I have shortened his life story and adjusted to the new Ailor racial update.