Preserved Sheet Garth Of Norrlan

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The Watcher
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
The Mitten




Theme Music | Into the Fray




Full Name | Garth Mortensson Rødsvar av Ingentingerlan
Title | None, The Once Lord in the Northlands
Age | Twenty-Seven
Gender | Male
Race | Ailor

Culture | Velheim with Regalian Influence
Occult | N/A


Character Religion

➣ Garth is a believer of the Old Gods and respects Unionism. He does not stand out with his devotion and typically shies from public ceremony, instead keeping these ideals close to himself and in private. He despises the idea of tying ruling with religion and belives a man can shape his own destiny.
Chapter Concept

➣ Garth Rodsvar is a good man past his years of Statesmen rule who struggled to find balance in political success and personal righteousness. He is a born soldier of a forgotten noble cousin-line that has been molded into a commanding figure in his Regalian journey. He now acts as an individual that unconsciously desires conflict to serve as an distraction.




Proficiency Points | 14 Total

S T R E N G T H | 6
➣ Technique Parry Pack
➣ Unyielding Strike Pack
➣ Frenzy Pack
➣ Pursuer Pack
➣ Unyielding Pack
➣ Steady Body Pack
C O N S T I T U T I O N | 4
➣ Shield Block Pack
➣ Shield Taunt Pack
➣ Rage Counter Pack
➣ Debuff Endurance Pack
A R C A N E | 0
➣ Mundane.
W I S D O M | 0
➣ Never the brightest in his class.
D E X T E R I T Y | 0
F A I T H | 0
➣ Man makes his destiny.

Languages | 4

Common, completely known.
Empire Language Pack, average understanding.
Context Linguist Pack, instinctual understanding.
Skodje, completely known.
Ability Information |

Destined Familiar, Ailor Racial.
Ailor Buff I, Ailor Racial.
Ailor Buff II, Ailor Racial.





Visible Mutations & Scars

➣ Garth has no outwardly visible mutations. He carries typical scarring of a war-torn soldier with a considerably large but healed wound on his chest.


➣ Garth stands at 5'8 with a ripped body shape and average fat to boot. He is fair of skin and free of freckles, with dull green eyes and a groomed beard. His dark brown hair is thick and styled back, carrying a notable ruffle to it. The Rodsvar typically wears high quality clothing of darker tones that are practical in a noble setting.






➣ Garth Viduggla was born on October 14th, 281 AC to Ser Morten Viduggla and Lady Kerasteller Viduggla in his family's stronghold Høyhønsehus, located in Norrlan. The connection to his mother was short-lived: The woman had died in childbirth, leaving him without any siblings and only his father as a first-degree relation.

➣ While he lacked any siblings, Garth made up for this missing piece by growing up alongside his cousins. He began developing close relations with those of his blood, and also began opening up to friendships with the commoner children near their home. As part of typical noble conduct, the young Garth underwent tutelage from an educated Velheimer within the family keep.

➣ Despite a strong connection with his father Morten, a knight of the Great Oak Order, Garth found idolization in the man-at-arms of House Viduggla. He went underneath his wing, training both with him and the levymen of the noble house. His continued isolation on Norrlan developed a more soldier-like and comradery-based mindset than those of the noble courts.

➣ The stagnation was cut short, as the Regalian Empire fell into its First Songaskian War. The house heir, Ardige, was called upon as a General of the cabinet and left Garth with his father Morten to maintain the lands of Norrlan. The duo handled uprises over troop dedication which eventually ended in the death of Morten. This fueled Garth to quell the remaining protests and later fell into his father's image during his time of mourning, as he began taking over his father's previous position of leading levy men for the House.

➣ Garth journeyed to the Capital City shortly after the tragedy known in history as the Burning of the North. Having been actively involved in the fight in Drixagh, the young Northerner threw logic out the window and instead chose to support his Uncle and his family as a means to fuel his aggression. This later developed in Garth finding himself the Lord of House Viduggla through a convoluted Drixagh-Gallovian war treaty, and in recent times now the Lord of House Rodsvar through a split.

➣ Garth has recently taken time away from the capital under the belief that he cannot operate in a true Statesman manner. His innate need for conflict to distract himself has led him to quietly enlist in dealing with Nordskag's Ogre conflicts and the cries of Brallona in the capital act as a new lure.

Lifestory Extended |

Childhood | Birth - Twelve
Garth Viduggla was born on October 14th, 281 AC to Ser Morten Viduggla and Lady Kerasteller Viduggla in his family's stronghold Høyhønsehus, located in Norrlan. The connection to his mother was short-lived: The woman had died in childbirth, leaving him without any siblings and only his father as a first-degree relation.

While he lacked any siblings, Garth made up for this missing piece by growing up alongside his cousins. He and his cousins of similar ages grew up in the isolationist-ideal House Viduggla in the bitter winds of the North, venturing their friendships out to commoner children in the town the Viduggla keep overlooked. Around the age of eight, Garth began tutelage from an educated Velheimer within the family keep, learning a basic course of education any untitled blue-blooded children would undergo. He would focus on basic concepts, as well as expanding his languages to adopt Common. He would proceed to study three years at the Regalian Statesman school as part of noble conduct.

As a boy without a mother figure, Garth grew a close bond with his father, Morten Viduggla, a local noble who had married into House Viduggla. He was a knight of the Great Oak Order, something that Garth was infatuated with. As a Great Oak knight, his father instilled in Garth a sense of apathy when it comes to religion, the boy never growing to be a zealot in the Old Gods as a result but also one who is open to other neutral religions.

Teenage Years | Thirteen - Twenty

With years of educational tutelage under his belt and constant badgering to his father, Garth was permitted to begin basic arms training with House Viduggla's man-at-arms situated within the keep. He began to develop an amateur level of aptitude with a variety of common weapons, getting the boy situated on what he favored most. It was during this time that Garth expressed his most rebellious tendencies, running out in the night to drink with commoner boys, or finding ways to sneak into the armory- Such things a young boy would be typically found doing, stemming from pure curiosity.

Upon his sixteenth year, Garth made his decision regarding what he would make of his future with his family and friend's counsel: He dismissed the thoughts of attending the School of Skagger like the common northern warrior and thoughts of attending the Great Oaks Knightly lodges like his father. The young Viduggla instead chose to remain under the Man-at-Arms of House Viduggla, to act as a sort of squire beneath him. He wished to step out from his father's shadow, and with his family's isolationist tendencies he chose to remain within his homeland to continue his combative training. Garth took up a sword alongside the loyal levies of House Viduggla to hone his skills and grow into a formidable combatant in his own right. This developed a comradery-aligned mindset, with a natural tendecy to think similar to a foot soldier sticking to him for the years to come.

Months into his twentieth year, Garth developed into a notable warrior amongst the common footmen. He managed to pull through the strenuous years of training, coming out a man of combat. He enjoyed his personal freedom for only a few months, notably going out to local Drixagh towns to have one too many drinks. However, he soon took hold of his responsibilities once more, feeling an obligation to return home to Norrlan; to family.

Young Adult Years | Twenty One - Twenty Seven

Back in Norrlan, Garth underwent a phase of stagnation. With House Viduggla's isolationist ideals, he remained on the island for some years. He kept a steady presence in the family keep, gaining some second-hand knowledge in feudal lording from his grandfather Leugel who had remained the lord of the lands. He slowly began to adopt his House's isolationist mindset with a grain of salt, his distaste in sitting around leading to a development of interest in wider-world affairs outside of the island.

This was soon cut short, as the First Songaskian War flew into action with haste. Garth and his father remained home in Norrlan to hold down the familial home as Ardige Viduggla, heir apparent of the House, left for warfare and Leugel Viduggla, patriarch of the home, was stationed in the capital city to represent the northern House. Local conflicts arose with the dedication of troops for warfare, a small noble House in the region lashed out in outrage of too many men being pulled from their local economy. Skirmishes soon broke out as Garth and his father decided to put the outry to rest- And so a dark turn was taken specifically for the aspiring Viduggla: His father, Morten, had slowed in battle and therefore perished among other men in battle. This left Garth the sole remaining Viduggla in his family line, and fueled his drive to finish off the rest of small-scale local conflicts before the Songaskian War was over and the men came home. The loss of his father threw Garth into a state of disarray, due to the close-knit bond he had grown over the years with the lack of mother. This resulted in Garth beginning to adopt characteristics similar to his father, growing into a leadership role than a common soldier. This reflected through Garth's consistent training among the levymen of House Viduggla, slowly developing his battlefield command skill day by day. He would study three eyars at the Regalian Imperial Marshalry Command to hone this skill further.

It was during this time of training that true tragedy stuck: Regalian soldiers arrived on the shores of western Drixagh to begin the battle known as the Burning of the North. With the rising tensions in both the North and the Capital, Garth had preemptively sailed onto the Drixagh shores weeks before. As a result, he was among the waves of Northmen who crashed against the Regalian onslaught, fighting with all he had in a losing battle. Pushed back more and more, the Viduggla suffered major defeat alongside his people, falling to the state soldiers alongside the men and women who rose swords beside him. He later pulled himself out from the aftermath, solemnly sailing back to Norrlan to regain his senses and rest back to health.

Recent | Present time, In-Character Proceedings

The major defeat in the North led to another short year of stagnation, healing, and training. The Viduggla managed to get back to full health and convinced himself to aid his family in the capital as a result of failure. Within a week he had loaded himself onto a ship and sailed the vessel into the docks of Regalia to join his uncle and cousins already situated in the heart of the Empire. His mind remained weak from the tragedy that had befallen upon his people, consistently looking for distractions in the city to get away from the memories. He soon found the biggest distraction: He had fallen for a young Wodenstaff girl, seeing this development as a positive thing for his family. He pushed for a courtship, soon securing marriage to gain a strong ally for his House. It was his time as Garth Wodenstaff that Garth began to lose who he was, becoming clay for someone else to mold and shape. Although he was opened up to political games and the works of nobility within the city, the Viduggla began to lose sight of himself. This was short-lived- House Wodenstaff soon retired from the City of Regalia, leading to Garth taking up his old family name and finding himself once more as Garth Viduggla.

Upon finding himself, Garth developed a drive to raise his family higher than it had ever been, stemming from his experience as a Wodenstaff. He managed to play by the rules of Regalia in hope to strengthen his family name. His work culminated when another crisis struck Drixagh and threatened to pull the entire region into another war. This crisis was avoided with the Treaty of Calemberg, as he spoke for House Viduggla to sacrifice power to keep the region from devolving into chaos- And as a result of this treaty, the nobility and Emperor himself rose Garth to the Patriarch of House Viduggla. So begins the path of the Lord in the North, who grew his family from its small starting point into the greater power in the North. Garth began to intervene in inter-archipelago affairs, getting the Viduggla name out in courts and earning a reputation among the peerage. House Viduggla's influence began to grow, with opportunities being taken when seen and an expansion of land into the Western Drixagh coasts where Regalian soldiers had once landed before.

In recent times, Garth has been a focal point within a schism of House Viduggla. Divided three ways into Nordhjem, Viduggla and Rodsvar now under Garth, he finds himself a new Lord once more established within his original Viduggla lands. He now seeks the betterment of his family, people, and reputation.
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WOW, that is UNFORTUNATE for you that the Northerne Lore Revision came today. Rippi in Kippi my dude.

The character is balanced in terms of his skills and fits a believable narrative. On his personality, he gives off a pleasant and outgoing presence and just a breath of general positivity about him. All in all the character is rather believable. Just note that if the alcoholism becomes an addiction it will greatly impact peoples perceptions of him and his personality over all. But that's if you end up pursuing that sort of arch.

Long narrative over, I am marking this as Approved. Nice work @BeashSlap

Due to recent IC events, I have made the following edits:
  • Replacement of religion: Once Old Gods, now Unionism
  • Removal of weakness: Old Gods Follower
  • Added a short bit to his life story, at the present
  • Updated relationships
Edits made in this color! @Wumpatron
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Nadia Celyreos - "Calm down, all I did was knock 'im on his arse!" Frejnir's grumpy girl. Garth can sense the distaste of him in her eyes, as well as how she speaks to him. Having bested her interest in multiple spars, he can't blame her for it. Though, she could loosen up. @SpoopMelon
good summary of nadia

  • Shane Marth - "Shane! Time for another one o them arm wrestles, yeah?" Garth's favorite Claith, right there. He consider's Shane to be just a great man overall, sticking by his side for most encounters they meet. His boldness, and ability to talk just matches Garth's way of things.
Shane x Garth x James

Feeling he was due a few additions, I have made the following edits:

  • Addition of strength: Survivalist Mindset
  • Addition of weakness: Headstrong and Cocky
  • Added a short bit to his life story, at the present
  • Going to be updating relationships soon
Edits made in this color! @Wumpatron
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  • Change of app's title- Garth Wodenstaff now.
  • Went through app and properly switched his name around to having the Wodenstaff name.
To whoever picks up the application, previous two updates as well still need to be reviewed.
Everything seems well in this application, remember to tag me in future re-reviews!
  • Garth is now 25.
  • Garth has enrolled in School of Leadership- Discipline of Battle Command.
  • Added Talent, Mind of Battle Commander.
  • Added Weakness, Lack of Emotional Sight.
  • Updated Backstroy to fit changes.
Changes made in this color!
  • Garth is now 25.
  • Garth has enrolled in School of Leadership- Discipline of Battle Command.
  • Added Talent, Mind of Battle Commander.
  • Added Weakness, Lack of Emotional Sight.
  • Updated Backstroy to fit changes.
Changes made in this color!
Still Approved!
@PurrPleh feelsbadman, also used Rob Stark as his reference. xDD
Good lot of Velheimers. Garth has worked alongside all three of them, offering his trust to them. They offer him good laughs, times, and drinks. Though, they have a fascination with shaving his hair- Garth detests it.
Still a great time.
Simple Change!
  • Back to Viduggla- Changed wording throughout the app, replaced Wodenstaff with Viduggla in appropriate spots.
Last Updated, should the idea work, for a while unless something big happens.
Now, I could be wrong and misread the wiki, but I decided I can at least try and see if I was right in reading.

  • Aged up 1 single year.
  • Reworded all talents but the 'Mind of a Commander' and 'Survivalist Mind'.
  • Garth is now a scholar of Discipline: Battle Command.
  • Life Story has been changed in follow suit of me being told I might've misread the wiki- Ages 15-26 have been updated.
  • New aesthetics.
  • Updated relationships.
Changes made in Garthy Green!
I'm very indecisive @Rochelle_
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With the new update to the system- Updates!
  • Garth is now 28, 2 year increase.
  • Skill Information has been updated!
  • Removed Talents section.
  • Garth now actual General Command instead of Battle Command, through the School of Marshalry.
  • Backstory has been nearly completely re-written to deal with the new change.
@Rochelle_ !
I didn't feel Marshalry really fit Garth as a character fully, therefore I've decided to Update!
  • School of Marshalry to School of Skagger.
    • Proficiency point change occured.
    • Background change to fit new school.
Changes made in this color!
I feel like if I RP with Garth, there's going to be a message at the top left of my screen reading. "( ? ) Garth will remember that."