Shelved Character Galinthios Diakos

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
Claimed for review!

App looks great for the most part, there's just one teensy edit that needs to be made before I can approve:
  • You can only apply the racial boost to investments of 10 and above. You'll need to invest another 5 points to have your racial boost on Husbandry Arts. Please shuffle around to accommodate.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made that change and I'll come in for a second review to get this approved ASAP ^^
Reshuffled some points from Construction Arts, all changes made in Green. @Yurs
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Wonderful! You currently have it at 10 total, but I think that's just a typo. You can go back and fix that after since it's so minor.

@KrakenLord01 theme check is good.

Though next time you edit the app, purge "Spirit" from the life story and replace it with Everwatcher.
@Yurs Just added an image and it seemed to have gotten rid of the Approved tag. Could you re-add it?
I need a new reviewer! I've updated profs to align with recent system reworks, and updated his knightly status to fit with the Reliquary Order release (he is now a Parthas Reliquary Knight).