An old man, with a graying beard, bright blue eyes and a lively step ascends a stage set up in the market as people mill about, paying little attention to him. The man stands up, and with a booming voice yells...
And my friends, denizens of this marvelous city, I am running for ta position of the Commons Oligarch!
I realize you are busy with ye shopping and living and what not, but! Give me one moment of your time and ye won' regret it.
I 'ave been observin' the speeches made by me competition at this 'ere stage. They all 'ave one thing in common other tan being filthy rich and or ugly. -Galahad chuckles- I kid but my point is...
They all inspire ye to vote fer them but how ye might ask? Through the use of EMPTY words with NO action to back them up nor previous experience.
I 'ave had a great deal of experience in the running of townships, cities and at ta end of my career the management of a large empire. I currently serve as an advisor for many, including ta Republic.
The crowd, once actively shopping, was then mesmerized by the truthful words of Galahad. None among them can deny that although he lacked eloquence, the honesty with which he conveyed his words was astonishing.
Through all this service as a public servant to ta people such as ye selves, I have learned tat the only way to accomplish things is to state what ye are GOING to do, not what ye plan, nor hope to accomplish.
I will increase commerce and the coffers for the people of the Commons as a whole through the brokerage of trade deals with merchants. No longer will THIS DISTRICT ever be in excessive need of any good. We shall open markets to display our amazing goods, our market will be a symbol of inter-racial relations of Aloria with goods from humans, dwarves, elves and every blessed race under the sun. No longer shall the rich merchants hold a monopoly in trading over everyone.
I will ensure ta posting of guards throughout ta district. NO LONGER will any man, women or child be afraid to step outside their doorstep after nightfall. Thieves will be hung with little mercy, for the Commons be a place for hard working folks like ye selves.
THIEVES, VAMPIRES, AND OTHER BRIGANDS OF THE NIGHT, will no longer wrought terror on this beautiful city. With the addition of guards, I will see to it that it is made clear to them that the COMMONS DISTRICT will have no mercy on them. Vampires are unholy, putrid creatures which prey upon our children and wives. They have been offered chances to repent and cleanse themselves but that was for naught as the slaughter by them continues.
I will ensure the youth receive quality educations through greata accessibility ta schools and universities throughout ta city and Aloria.
I will increase ta beauty of the district through ta recruitment of some of ta best architects I know to construct trees for us to relax under, fountains for us to gaze at and lanterns to enlighten the dark night.
I will see to it that a meeting place be constructed or chosen for ta purpose of holding meetings with all of you. I wish to hear ye opinion on these and other issues that have an impact on all of our lives. Greater communication shall result in the GROWTH of the Commons.
I will serve faithfully as the Oligarch of the Commons District, never faltering, never giving in, even when ta times be rough and the future uncertain.
Thank you for ye time, my name is Galahad Destinado and I will ensure a better future for the Commons or be damned!
Money raised for this 'ere campaign: 3,160.86s
And my friends, denizens of this marvelous city, I am running for ta position of the Commons Oligarch!
I realize you are busy with ye shopping and living and what not, but! Give me one moment of your time and ye won' regret it.
I 'ave been observin' the speeches made by me competition at this 'ere stage. They all 'ave one thing in common other tan being filthy rich and or ugly. -Galahad chuckles- I kid but my point is...
They all inspire ye to vote fer them but how ye might ask? Through the use of EMPTY words with NO action to back them up nor previous experience.
I 'ave had a great deal of experience in the running of townships, cities and at ta end of my career the management of a large empire. I currently serve as an advisor for many, including ta Republic.
The crowd, once actively shopping, was then mesmerized by the truthful words of Galahad. None among them can deny that although he lacked eloquence, the honesty with which he conveyed his words was astonishing.
Through all this service as a public servant to ta people such as ye selves, I have learned tat the only way to accomplish things is to state what ye are GOING to do, not what ye plan, nor hope to accomplish.
I will increase commerce and the coffers for the people of the Commons as a whole through the brokerage of trade deals with merchants. No longer will THIS DISTRICT ever be in excessive need of any good. We shall open markets to display our amazing goods, our market will be a symbol of inter-racial relations of Aloria with goods from humans, dwarves, elves and every blessed race under the sun. No longer shall the rich merchants hold a monopoly in trading over everyone.
I will ensure ta posting of guards throughout ta district. NO LONGER will any man, women or child be afraid to step outside their doorstep after nightfall. Thieves will be hung with little mercy, for the Commons be a place for hard working folks like ye selves.
THIEVES, VAMPIRES, AND OTHER BRIGANDS OF THE NIGHT, will no longer wrought terror on this beautiful city. With the addition of guards, I will see to it that it is made clear to them that the COMMONS DISTRICT will have no mercy on them. Vampires are unholy, putrid creatures which prey upon our children and wives. They have been offered chances to repent and cleanse themselves but that was for naught as the slaughter by them continues.
I will ensure the youth receive quality educations through greata accessibility ta schools and universities throughout ta city and Aloria.
I will increase ta beauty of the district through ta recruitment of some of ta best architects I know to construct trees for us to relax under, fountains for us to gaze at and lanterns to enlighten the dark night.
I will see to it that a meeting place be constructed or chosen for ta purpose of holding meetings with all of you. I wish to hear ye opinion on these and other issues that have an impact on all of our lives. Greater communication shall result in the GROWTH of the Commons.
I will serve faithfully as the Oligarch of the Commons District, never faltering, never giving in, even when ta times be rough and the future uncertain.
Thank you for ye time, my name is Galahad Destinado and I will ensure a better future for the Commons or be damned!
Money raised for this 'ere campaign: 3,160.86s