Galahad Destinado's Plan For The Growth Of The Commons


S A D B O Y S 
Aug 5, 2012
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An old man, with a graying beard, bright blue eyes and a lively step ascends a stage set up in the market as people mill about, paying little attention to him. The man stands up, and with a booming voice yells...


And my friends, denizens of this marvelous city, I am running for ta position of the Commons Oligarch!

I realize you are busy with ye shopping and living and what not, but! Give me one moment of your time and ye won' regret it.

I 'ave been observin' the speeches made by me competition at this 'ere stage. They all 'ave one thing in common other tan being filthy rich and or ugly. -Galahad chuckles- I kid but my point is...

They all inspire ye to vote fer them but how ye might ask? Through the use of EMPTY words with NO action to back them up nor previous experience.

I 'ave had a great deal of experience in the running of townships, cities and at ta end of my career the management of a large empire. I currently serve as an advisor for many, including ta Republic.

The crowd, once actively shopping, was then mesmerized by the truthful words of Galahad. None among them can deny that although he lacked eloquence, the honesty with which he conveyed his words was astonishing.

Through all this service as a public servant to ta people such as ye selves, I have learned tat the only way to accomplish things is to state what ye are GOING to do, not what ye plan, nor hope to accomplish.

I will increase commerce and the coffers for the people of the Commons as a whole through the brokerage of trade deals with merchants. No longer will THIS DISTRICT ever be in excessive need of any good. We shall open markets to display our amazing goods, our market will be a symbol of inter-racial relations of Aloria with goods from humans, dwarves, elves and every blessed race under the sun. No longer shall the rich merchants hold a monopoly in trading over everyone.

I will ensure ta posting of guards throughout ta district. NO LONGER will any man, women or child be afraid to step outside their doorstep after nightfall. Thieves will be hung with little mercy, for the Commons be a place for hard working folks like ye selves.

THIEVES, VAMPIRES, AND OTHER BRIGANDS OF THE NIGHT, will no longer wrought terror on this beautiful city. With the addition of guards, I will see to it that it is made clear to them that the COMMONS DISTRICT will have no mercy on them. Vampires are unholy, putrid creatures which prey upon our children and wives. They have been offered chances to repent and cleanse themselves but that was for naught as the slaughter by them continues.

I will ensure the youth receive quality educations through greata accessibility ta schools and universities throughout ta city and Aloria.

I will increase ta beauty of the district through ta recruitment of some of ta best architects I know to construct trees for us to relax under, fountains for us to gaze at and lanterns to enlighten the dark night.

I will see to it that a meeting place be constructed or chosen for ta purpose of holding meetings with all of you. I wish to hear ye opinion on these and other issues that have an impact on all of our lives. Greater communication shall result in the GROWTH of the Commons.

I will serve faithfully as the Oligarch of the Commons District, never faltering, never giving in, even when ta times be rough and the future uncertain.

Thank you for ye time, my name is Galahad Destinado and I will ensure a better future for the Commons or be damned!

Money raised for this 'ere campaign: 3,160.86s
Mecharic raises an eyebrow. "That's all very cute, and the accent is adorable *chuckles* but tell me, what ideas of yours are new? I thought up the idea of opening the Common District to trade, others came up with guards (it is a rather obvious idea, is it not?), and as for vampires, everyone has their own way to respond to them. What are you going to do that no one else has already thought up? Unless... you can't think of anything original so you must instead use other peoples ideas and pretend they are your own?"
Mecharic raises an eyebrow. "That's all very cute, and the accent is adorable *chuckles* but tell me, what ideas of yours are new? I thought up the idea of opening the Common District to trade, others came up with guards (it is a rather obvious idea, is it not?), and as for vampires, everyone has their own way to respond to them. What are you going to do that no one else has already thought up? Unless... you can't think of anything original so you must instead use other peoples ideas and pretend they are your own?"

What in bloody hell are you talking about, honestly? Trade, Guards and Vampires are just half of the ideas I raised. As well I 'ave delved into far greater than any other... So I ask you, are lies and slander the only tools you have left?..
Mecharic raises an eyebrow. "That's all very cute, and the accent is adorable *chuckles* but tell me, what ideas of yours are new? I thought up the idea of opening the Common District to trade, others came up with guards (it is a rather obvious idea, is it not?), and as for vampires, everyone has their own way to respond to them. What are you going to do that no one else has already thought up? Unless... you can't think of anything original so you must instead use other peoples ideas and pretend they are your own?"
An idea does not simply belong to a person. One does not simply own a thought. One represents an idea, and expresses thoughts.
I'd like ta thank all me sponsors for ta funds that we 'ave raised! With ta surplus money I will go about hiring an extremely skilled architect for some construction projects in ta district as well as for starting some trade with the many merchants of Regalia!

The day will soon come when the sun rises and the market stalls of this district we call home are full of ah diverse range o' goods from both in ta district and from far!
What in bloody hell are you talking about, honestly? Trade, Guards and Vampires are just half of the ideas I raised. As well I 'ave delved into far greater than any other... So I ask you, are lies and slander the only tools you have left?..

"Lies and slander... I have plenty of Slander if I need it, you've been against everything I've attempted since I moved into Regalia, so I could say plenty of rotten things about you. But I will decline, as such will only harm my image. As for lies... I don't believe I have lied yet. All the ideas, excepting the school idea, have already been put forth by other candidates. So why, may I ask, am I a liar for stating such? And while ideas do not belong to people per say, those who put them out first can lay claim to thinking them up. Such has always been the way of the world."
Galahad, while my first encounter of with you was... to say the least, un-appealing, you seem to be a man of prudence. You have my support in your campaigns. Tallon chuckles to himself. Though you might want to work on your grammar, friend. It is rather... uncivilized.
Myself and the the Valyrian Sovereignty endorse and support Gallahad Destinado fully, this is a far more reasonably choice than the drunkard who is running that train wreck of a campaign.
Favoured stands still, aghast." We dare trust Valyria with the safety of our citizens? Was it not Valyria that led the infamous wedding slaughters? Was it not Oliver himself who led one of those wedding slaughters? This is worse than letting vampires lead Regalia, you fiends!"
Favoured stands still, aghast." We dare trust Valyria with the safety of our citizens? Was it not Valyria that led the infamous wedding slaughters? Was it not Oliver himself who led one of those wedding slaughters? This is worse than letting vampires lead Regalia, you fiends!"
Ye speak about subjects that ye are most misinformed on. There was only one said "Wedding Slaughter" that we participated in and it was organized by the bride herself. And we are not Vampires, we constantly rotate races, if we happen to be vampire it is for non-rp purposes and is merely for practical reasons, such as training our skills, or building (it's easier to build vertically when you can jump several blocks) because it is a pain to switch back and forth. Now begone cretin and cease spreading false lies and rumors, ye clearly are an agent of the Drunkard Monk's campaign.
Favoured stands still, aghast." We dare trust Valyria with the safety of our citizens? Was it not Valyria that led the infamous wedding slaughters? Was it not Oliver himself who led one of those wedding slaughters? This is worse than letting vampires lead Regalia, you fiends!"

Your point is invalid. The Valyrians have given up their war-like ways and are now focused on peace with previous enemies.

They have changed for the better, why have you not?
Ye speak about subjects that ye are most misinformed on. There was only one said "Wedding Slaughter" that we participated in and it was organized by the bride herself. And we are not Vampires, we constantly rotate races, if we happen to be vampire it is for non-rp purposes and is merely for training our skills because it is a pain to switch back and forth. Now begone cretin and cease spreading false lies and rumors, ye clearly are an agent of the Drunkard Monk's campaign.

In my defense, I have yet to lie. State inconvenient truths perhaps, but not lie.

Your point is invalid. The Valyrians have given up their war-like ways and are now focused on peace with previous enemies.

They have changed for the better, why have you not?

Well, you haven't changed at all since we first met. Still hungry for power and willing to use anything you need to get to it.
In my defense, I have only repeated the misinformed and twisted lies I heard from other people. I also failed to investigate the claims made about Valyria myself, because it is easier to takes someone's word for something rather than to investigate the facts yourself and come to your own conclusions.

Well, you haven't changed at all since we first met. Still hungry for power and willing to use anything you need to get to it.

I 'ave never met ye before other than at ye bank once or twice. You on the other hand give out loans and receive savings with absolutely NO assurance tat ye will ever pay anyone back. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if ye skip town the day ye 'ave to pay everyone back with ta monies.

Instead of relying on shady business practices, I 'ave relied on the people to sponsor me with their money and their word and I have thus gained their trust, not through being snake-like and greedy but rather by being honest with them. 2,660s raised in a few days be all ta truth I need that it is the PEOPLE who desire my election to tis office.[DOUBLEPOST=1362001895][/DOUBLEPOST]It would seem tat the ol' drunkard Mecharic can only attack me good ideas and whole character rather tan do anything himself... other than drown 'imself with the alcohol.[DOUBLEPOST=1362002943][/DOUBLEPOST]A message to ma sponsors: Thank ye for your continued support. I will be holdin' a special party in order to thank ye all should I be elected. It will be featuring me best Blazes Brandy, Cloud Wine, Mead and for ta lil' uns, a bit of some sweet Fruits Juice.
:D Perhaps ye posted tis when you were drunk.

((Note to self: stop being a drunkard -_-)) I am certain I haven't been drunk yet since this whole thing started.

I 'ave never met ye before other than at ye bank once or twice. You on the other hand give out loans and receive savings with absolutely NO assurance tat ye will ever pay anyone back. Why, I wouldn't be surprised if ye skip town the day ye 'ave to pay everyone back with ta monies.

Instead of relying on shady business practices, I 'ave relied on the people to sponsor me with their money and their word and I have thus gained their trust, not through being snake-like and greedy but rather by being honest with them. 2,660s raised in a dew days be all ta truth I need that it is the PEOPLE who desire my election to tis office.[DOUBLEPOST=1362001895][/DOUBLEPOST]It would seem tat the ol' drunkard Mecharic can only attack me good ideas and whole character rather tan do anything himself... other than drown 'imself with the alcohol.

((OOC Seriously, stfu about my bank. It is a legitimate business that has been supported by several admins. As of yet, none have approached me with any worries about the bank or it's current system. The IG Assurance of Repayment is that if I don't it is scamming and I get banned. I do not understand why you hate my bank so much, it is the first attempt of such a thing on this server [afaik] and I feel it could become a great tool to speed the expansion of Regalia in that newer members can easily get a shop using a loan from me. So seriously, leave my bank alone. I don't give a rats ass about what your roleplay character thinks, MY bank is MY business that your COMPLETELY FALSE allegations aren't helping at all. I have send you msgs IG about this, and I expect you to stop.))

The assurance is that if I don't I will lose everything I am trying to build: my job, my business, and quite possibly my head. While being beheaded cannot kill me, it hurts a great deal to lose ones head. I do not want to be banished from Regalia, so I will not commit any crimes that would force me into this. As such, I always keep enough silver in my bank to cover a full withdraw of all Savings Accouns (though as the bank grows and I am more sure people won't withdraw at the same time, I may drop it down to 75% of the savings, so as to make real use of that silver). Doing so prevents any failures to repay, should they all need the silver at the same time. That is my assurance: I have the silver to pay them back, and I have the incentive to do so as well.

As for my 'shady' tactics, I have used not one copper of money from my bank to fund my campaign. If I did, I would be ready to place an application for Oligarchy right now, not in deep need of silver for such. How many individual supporters do you have, I wonder? Three or four of the very wealthy? Most of my supporters are the common folk, those who cannot afford to become an Oligarch themselves, and so are hoping that by putting their silver together they can get their choice of Oligarch in place. So, be open Bsavs, how many individuals have supported you? List them as I have, if you can.
((Note to self: stop being a drunkard -_-)) I am certain I haven't been drunk yet since this whole thing started.

((OOC Seriously, stfu about my bank. It is a legitimate business that has been supported by several admins. As of yet, none have approached me with any worries about the bank or it's current system. The IG Assurance of Repayment is that if I don't it is scamming and I get banned. I do not understand why you hate my bank so much, it is the first attempt of such a thing on this server [afaik] and I feel it could become a great tool to speed the expansion of Regalia in that newer members can easily get a shop using a loan from me. So seriously, leave my bank alone. I don't give a rats ass about what your roleplay character thinks, MY bank is MY business that your COMPLETELY FALSE allegations aren't helping at all. I have send you msgs IG about this, and I expect you to stop.))

((:| I was roleplaying... banks would be a new, not understood concept to my character. Relax. :)))

A list of me sponsors ye want, a list ye will get.
((OOC Well, you said it in global the other day too, and that could cost me actual business, which would shut down my bank and effectively stop the entire system which would just hurt everyone. I was worried you were going to start it up in global again is all. Sorry for overreacting.))

I await this list eagerly.
I 'ave not taken down ta name of every sponsor but 'ere it is...
*A list is unrolled*

My sponsors include...
- Cowboys
- Austinrules
- Hamcheese
- Ikorolch
- Aussiedog
- 1oliverbear
- Darkwatch
- Harboehaxx
- Chris_Knight
- Eman1000
- Eltongo
- Wuggletta ;)
- Redsunfight
- Grixer
- Redsunfight
- Nanachan__
- DisturbedReaper
- Caindealer

and others whom have crossed me mind
13, that's an unlucky number haha. I will admit this... you have an impressive list with very wealthy people on it. I have 15 donators and 28 supporters. I have the popular vote, you have the wealthy vote. I wonder which will prove more powerful?
13, that's an unlucky number haha. I will admit this... you have an impressive list with very wealthy people on it. I have 15 donators and 28 supporters. I have the popular vote, you have the wealthy vote. I wonder which will prove more powerful?
Make that 29! If you get elected can I be your secatary :D
13, that's an unlucky number haha. I will admit this... you have an impressive list with very wealthy people on it. I have 15 donators and 28 supporters. I have the popular vote, you have the wealthy vote. I wonder which will prove more powerful?
Those are donors alone me friend so we would seem to be equal on that. Supporters I have no count of
Those are donors alone me friend so we would seem to be equal on that. Supporters I have no count of

I find it hard to believe that you haven't been keeping track of this. Surely someone with your, ehem, leadership skills would know that you need to keep full records of everything you do. But then, I am a banker by profession, and we bankers are especially skilled at bookkeeping. I suggest that you, like me, start tracking the number of supporters we have so as to ensure we know who is actually more popular. Then we know who is worth having as an Oligarch.

Oh, and I now have 32 supporters and 17 donors. Too bad my donors aren't all rich like yours!
I find it hard to believe that you haven't been keeping track of this. Surely someone with your, ehem, leadership skills would know that you need to keep full records of everything you do. But then, I am a banker by profession, and we bankers are especially skilled at bookkeeping. I suggest that you, like me, start tracking the number of supporters we have so as to ensure we know who is actually more popular. Then we know who is worth having as an Oligarch.

Oh, and I now have 32 supporters and 17 donors. Too bad my donors aren't all rich like yours!

I won' waste me time with that. When the voting comes we shall know.[DOUBLEPOST=1362086494][/DOUBLEPOST]((Sponsors and Money updated))
I 'ave not taken down ta name of every sponsor but 'ere it is...
*A list is unrolled*

My sponsors include...
- Cowboys
- Austinrules
- Hamcheese
- Ikorolch
- Aussiedog
- 1oliverbear
- Darkwatch
- Harboehaxx
- Chris_Knight
- Eman1000
- Eltongo
- Wuggletta ;)
- Redsunfight
- Grixer

and others whom have crossed me mind

You can count on me! I totally support you!
I won' waste me time with that. When the voting comes we shall know.[DOUBLEPOST=1362086494][/DOUBLEPOST]((Sponsors and Money updated))

I suppose so, but it would be nice to know if I have any chance at all, besides what you think. Also, I must ask, what will become of my bank if you were to win?
I suppose so, but it would be nice to know if I have any chance at all, besides what you think. Also, I must ask, what will become of my bank if you were to win?

Aye, hmm, 'spose it would stay as long as ye obey ta laws tat every other business follows.