Friendly Encouragement!


In my opinion, that would have created further confusion on the Thylan race. People already don't have much documentation on them, but if we change them, then the people that had Thylans would have to rewrite theirs.
If it were a small change, I'd be all for it.



Huzzah! Perhaps another
Thylan! If you ever need any help with anything, send me a PM.
Interesting...I've always enjoy the more underrated races. I've always wondered why Ailor are so popular. I personally like Tigrans and Thylans. As you can probably tell, I've always liked Tigrans a lot. I like their animalistic personalities mixed with some Human nature. Tigrans and Thylans have that.
I've played as a Tigran character once who I ended up dumping, but never a Thylan.
I've been inspired. 2 characters are hard to keep up with, but maybe if I can find the time I'll make a little Thylan side character some time.
Tigran are master Dargan Race.
Hail Tigran.
(Ur's are ok too I guess)
I do like the support and incentive you have to persuade others to play the "lesser races" like Thylans. I adore the Dargans (Tigran, Thylan and Ur) to the point where I spent ages skinning an Ur called Medvehiy (Which means ursine or bearlike in Russian I believe). I don't use him that much, but even still I'd like to see more of the Urs, Thylans and kitty-cats. If you want to see more then you could perhaps start an RP family for Thylans, or even a "pack" persay if you want to fit in with the Thylan culture? Then you'd spark a more definitive reason to have a group of them within Regalia ^3^

Been there, done that. I have actually made a Thylan tribe in the family recruitment page - there wasn't much attention.

I made this because all I saw were... unseasoned role players playing Thylans. I even saw one acting as if he was just a talking dog; sniffing people, chasing sticks, overly enthusiastic, barking, etc.