# Freebloodoath

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I believe we have already gone over this, This is an appeal it is us remaining in the community and us publicly acknowledging we did wrong. If you notice we aren't too active on this forum in order to focus on our unban. Additionally, if the staff did not want this thread active - It would not exist at this time.

If you would like to post here I ask you keep it remotely on topic.
This is quite potentially the most self destructive and unproductive method for applying for an unban I have ever seen.
Yup. I'm one month late, but, we all know how much it helps your cause when you sound self-righteous and make it sound like you did nothing wrong.

Oh, and irritating the people who are in charge always helps, right?
Are you even aware of what we did.
@perysus /seen Perysus is an amazing command. :0 What you did, other people have been banned for the same thing. Your best luck would've been keeping quiet and filling out an unban appeal. But I wish you luck getting back on, that'd be great! :D
Thanks I hope we get back on soon too, once again we have gone over the idea there is better ways to open to the public - we have known that from the start.
#FreeBloodOath all staff are hating this, but personally, I say, Bring them back! Also, probably, stop arguing. Make peace, but still. "Hit hard and hit home"
This was a dead thread. But refreshing to see support means a lot!!!

Makes me so happy

Can't wait till I play again
So after all this chaos you are unbanned.... Well then i'm not gonna do this im just gonna wait patiently for a response to my appeal. Which is what you should have done instead of this.
Someone should give us money. We do favours ;)
I am closing this thread as it should have been closed a long time ago and now you are using it to state you got unbanned because of it when in reality this thread had nothing to do with your unban. If the ban appeal team had seen this your outcome would probably have been very different.

For future reference we only handle actual appeals and causing drama like this and thinking it will help you in the process of getting unbanned is wrong.
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