Archived Free Premium Day [monthly Event]

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
I remembered how big the server was when premium was suddenly free, It might of not been good for the server since it prevented income but the server was very popular at the time.

I think if their was a day of the month where players get some premium benefits like not loosing armor upon death as well as the premium combat benefits, It would help boost the servers popularity all the while not damaging the income, this would also give players that don't have premium and have not tried premium a tast of it, most players I know that have premium got it as a gift at first and learned that it was too convenient to play without.

As for the lore about it, saying that their is a power that comes to all is strange and their is no lore about premiums but since this will undoubtedly cause a day of the month where their is allot of PVP their could be a lore about that.

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Personally, I disagree with this idea.
I mean, it's great that people will have a "taste" of premium, and personally I would like to try premium out myself, but all that might do is just have people prepare all of their time and effort for just that one day of PVP, and considering the administrators need to keep up with war declaration threads, (Which undoubtedly will appear) it was be almost too much of a rush for some people on their day on Massive.
"Well, it's just one day" you may say, but what about the people that may join that day? People will be all over the place in combat, and they're coming in with diddly-squat to defend themselves with.
Personally, I disagree with this idea.
I mean, it's great that people will have a "taste" of premium, and personally I would like to try premium out myself, but all that might do is just have people prepare all of their time and effort for just that one day of PVP, and considering the administrators need to keep up with war declaration threads, (Which undoubtedly will appear) it was be almost too much of a rush for some people on their day on Massive.
"Well, it's just one day" you may say, but what about the people that may join that day? People will be all over the place in combat, and they're coming in with diddly-squat to defend themselves with.

If I came onto a server where many fights were happening, I would probably become more enticed to stay on said server, as I believe many other players would as well. To be totally honest, if this were to occur, what would happen is people would keep preparing for the "free day of premium" until eventually buying it for themselves because of all the benefits and potential to have fun that premium carries.
If I came onto a server where many fights were happening, I would probably become more enticed to stay on said server, as I believe many other players would as well. To be totally honest, if this were to occur, what would happen is people would keep preparing for the "free day of premium" until eventually buying it for themselves because of all the benefits and potential to have fun that premium carries.
Yes, but the one important part of what you said is "...I would probably become more enticed..." other plays might just be coming for roleplay as well, and if they can't get in a faction that can't even protect themselves, their first thought is to leave because some may feel they have no chance. The first day on any server is always the most important to staying, because most people have a "first thoughts" mindset and their first day makes them feel like it's every day there.

As for buying for the benefits, I do agree that it is very likely that most of the players actually introduced to the perks hands-on may actually buy premium themselves because they actually get a first feel for it.

Otherwise, I don't really have any more extensive complaints to rant on about. The idea itself is not bad, I'm just against it.
Yes, but the one important part of what you said is "...I would probably become more enticed..." other plays might just be coming for roleplay as well, and if they can't get in a faction that can't even protect themselves, their first thought is to leave because some may feel they have no chance. The first day on any server is always the most important to staying, because most people have a "first thoughts" mindset and their first day makes them feel like it's every day there.

As for buying for the benefits, I do agree that it is very likely that most of the players actually introduced to the perks hands-on may actually buy premium themselves because they actually get a first feel for it.

Otherwise, I don't really have any more extensive complaints to rant on about. The idea itself is not bad, I'm just against it.

I completely see your side of view, and what your saying is completely right, I was mostly just stating my opinion.
While I deeply love this idea, all I can think of is the lag that would ensue with the massive flocks of nonprems waiting for that one day in the month. Not to mention with releases of the new worlds, and the general server lag already pretty high in some worlds already, I'm just fearing that those worlds might just crash from the stress from the tons of PvP. But I do agree with most of you on this, just that one taste in premium might be all that people need in order to buy it for themselves.
I can see a lot of people complaint about this. I missed the prem day. Can we do it again? Why can't we just have prem every day? Eww so many prems I keep getting killed. And there would be more.

So all on all I disagree with this idea even through I would joy prem just for a day.
1 Year ago- donate for premium, but still can pvp as non prem.
4 Months ago- NO PvP prems buff (EULA)
2 months ago-Premium is requireed to pvp *Cough* PAY TO PVP *cough*
Now-Wait to pvp
Next up we have:
No pvp allowed
Donate to even log on
Whilst the wording here might not of shown the idea that great, it's actually a lovely concept.
Plenty of games allow for a day where there's a equal playing floor, once every couple of weeks, and people who would like to extend this time, would go out and pay for the features.
Same scenario here.

But, on the other hand, I would love some disadvantages or problems with this idea, because I just can't think of any?
Apart from the odd person or two complaining about it.
While I deeply love this idea, all I can think of is the lag that would ensue with the massive flocks of nonprems waiting for that one day in the month. Not to mention with releases of the new worlds, and the general server lag already pretty high in some worlds already, I'm just fearing that those worlds might just crash from the stress from the tons of PvP. But I do agree with most of you on this, just that one taste in premium might be all that people need in order to buy it for themselves.
I suggest having it randomized, so said player has premium that day, maybe based on their ID or something.
Most of the cons seem to revolve around lag and the copious amount of players that would bombard the server. So instead why don't they sort of set up a free trial, which you can activate at anytime and it lasts for 24 hours. Then people will be able to sort of 'test the water' before they buy prem. After the trial people may be encouraged to purchase prem and it'll be a better outcome for the server as a whole. Massive will be receiving more income to keep it running.