Frank's Art Thread 2.0

'Oh Luthien, your fangs are so pretty!'
Gah, Frank, I totally know how you feel about old art! Like, I absolutely hate when people want to look through my sketchbook and there's old drawings in there. It's like, your art skills advance so much in just a few months that you never want anyone to see your old pictures! I totally understand.
idk have some more pictures. i was trying to get better at drawing her so i have been drawing her a bunch.
Claws at Own eyeballs "I look at my sketch book now and think 'WHAT A LOAD OF TRASH!".
I thought cigarettes were not lore complaint, but over all you make great drawings :P
thank you. I honestly don't know how they can make them non compliant. If the word "cigar" doesn't exist, then I'm just like... -rolls dried tobacco into a nameless tube???- I mean. Whatev.


I have been having so much trouble with colours on my computer. when I make art (whether in manga studio or photoshop), it looks drastically different than the saved version, and I have to send things to Luthien to adjust in her photoshop to make them look like the intended picture (like this one was showing up too red, with these brown streaks everywhere in the silhouettes). This, as far as I can tell, looks correct, but computer art is difficult like that I guess, and i'm so frustrated with it. I wish I could know that the colours I pick are going to be the ones people see, at least in the correct proportions to eachother.
I've always been wanting to ask this, but what is Frank? I mean, I know he's an Upyr, [?] but why the horns[?].
yes he is a upyr. before that he was a regular vampire and before that he was a human. the horns originally came from a history of possession but now that things are different I have to figure that out. in our (our being Luthien and I) personal story, it is still that but for massive I'll have to come up with something again.