Frank's Art Thread 2.0


Frank or Moelle or Edmond or whoever
Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Luthien's lap
Charbon and Duchamp Estate
I get embarrassed of my old art really fast, so I made a new thread.
Yes, "old" art to me can be only a few months sometimes. Don't look at me.

But aanyway! Here's the thing that was in Sir_Sherburne 's icon, since I never did post it or anything:

also featuring Luthien
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I always thought at least someone would hurt themself just getting their weapon xD
uhhh I guess most of this isn't really worth looking at, but I will post it anyway. Frank's expression often looks mostly apathetic, so I tried drawing some variety. so, that's what this mess is. Random collection of expressions from different sketches.

Ahah! This is so worth posting, Frank! I love all your art, even the little scribbles that take only 5 seconds. Your art is really good, and your style is adorable as heck.
Oh yay new art! -Clicks- I can't see it.... No!!!
uhhh I guess most of this isn't really worth looking at, but I will post it anyway. Frank's expression often looks mostly apathetic, so I tried drawing some variety. so, that's what this mess is. Random collection of expressions from different sketches.


That last one omg yes!!
...It looks so.. Brilliant.. So expressive. Haha the one in the armchair is great.
Mind if I just sit here and squee for a bit? No? Thanks.

On a serious note, I do enjoy looking at your artsies c:
uhhh I guess most of this isn't really worth looking at, but I will post it anyway. Frank's expression often looks mostly apathetic, so I tried drawing some variety. so, that's what this mess is. Random collection of expressions from different sketches.


lol I like he bottom two pictures...Reminds me of my older sister ._.
oh, here's a couple things I never uploaded.

This one I didn't post before because I drew clothes based on a different time period, so I didn't think to put it in a massivecraft forum, but the characters are relevant... Mainly I'm posting it now because I was talking to Luthien about how a lot of people think that because her character is old, she must look very old, but it's not really the case because of being Upyr and her appearance being pretty well preserved and all that. And she said this drawing captured it pretty well so uhhhhhhhh well now I'm just rambling so hey a picture.

This one, too, for similar reasons as the last one. her hair is like that because costumes.
oh, here's a couple things I never uploaded.

This one I didn't post before because I drew clothes based on a different time period, so I didn't think to put it in a massivecraft forum, but the characters are relevant... Mainly I'm posting it now because I was talking to Luthien about how a lot of people think that because her character is old, she must look very old, but it's not really the case because of being Upyr and her appearance being pretty well preserved and all that. And she said this drawing captured it pretty well so uhhhhhhhh well now I'm just rambling so hey a picture.

This one, too, for similar reasons as the last one. her hair is like that because costumes.

I love these so much criess D;
I need to get a scanner or a decent camera, and maybe to not draw with markers because mistakes can't be fixed. oh well! the lesson is don't break his things idk.



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Whenever I see a good artist, I feel a small crack in my heart, and you sir, have delivered several painful cracks. I thank you.
I find frank aforable in the strangest of ways, I find myself intrigued when looking at him, much like I do with Luthien's character. I wish I could draw like you, but alas I am only able to draw hideous ball headed cartoon people.

On a less serious note, DRAWWW MOREEEE!!!!!!!
I don't have photoshop anymore but sometimes I take crappy photos of the paper I draw on, so here are things from a while ago.
Luthien and I were talking about haircuts..

so I guess I drew Frank with shorter hair idk.

And sarcastically reading death threats in a dramatic voice.

-rolls away-
I don't know if people understand the severity of the process of becoming a upyr??? Anyway, here's a related drawing or something. There's blood, if you're sensitive to that kind of thing.

-actually bites someones head off lole-
I don't know if people understand the severity of the process of becoming a upyr??? Anyway, here's a related drawing or something. There's blood, if you're sensitive to that kind of thing.

-actually bites someones head off lole-
Noctus Don't break the Organ again. Bad idea...bad idea.
I forgot I even had this thread. I guess I'll post things on it. Usually I just throw these things on tumblr, but whatever.

This is from some time when Moelle passed out and fell over on Omarr, and he didn't know what to do because physical contact with her usually makes her scream and panic.


He thought this had been established a long time ago.
This is...Idek
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Convincing people she's contagious so they leave her alone. yay