Archived Fps Drops During It Happening Elsewhere?

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not the happiest camper
May 11, 2014
Reaction score
alright, lets see a few events involving me in PVP and then i will ask my question:
in a recent raid on my faction me, @Mojaveboogieman and, @gforce864 did some pvp, it wasn't too bad, but i had a major FPS drop and funny colors started apearing all over my screen, i have no idea why... this is the most recent time that it happened.

There is another case was where i was out looting old buildings... this was before the EULA changes. I ended up fighting someone and winning, but i still had the huge frame drop and the funny colors again which made it difficult, thus i almost lost the fight altogether.

Yet another time this happened, three or four people attacked me right out of Elador spawn. I had the same FPS drop and color error yet again, it was a bit frustrating because my God Axe was also in my backpack at the time... This was right after the EULA updates... (kinda funny looking back because in the corner of my "your dead" screen i saw 7 people chasing them LOL~)

Even in the Siege mini game i have this frame drop, and yet again the funnies pop up during PVP of any kind, otherwise its perfectly fine and i can function properly... i have concluded this has been only happening in PVP and isn't coming from just one person.

So, this is all fine and dandy, but i wish to ask if anyone else has come across this particular problem as well, and if they have seen the funny colors as i have (not counting when people in general chat say "lag", or when the /lag command shows a lot of red bars) it makes PVP a real challenge to handle for me and i hope this is a fixable problem...
Plus... i need to be a little more prepared... :3 "yes, swooping is baaad..."~Alistair DragonAge: Origins
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I've experienced color errors (lots of buildings, the sky, ground, etc turning into sheets of single colors, or on occasion flashing colors) when I've had severe fps drops as well. It seems it was an issue with optifine and the texture pack I was using at the time. I haven't had that error at all after updating everything to 1.7.10 and to the newest MassiveCraft texture packs
I've experienced color errors (lots of buildings, the sky, ground, etc turning into sheets of single colors, or on occasion flashing colors) when I've had severe fps drops as well. It seems it was an issue with optifine and the texture pack I was using at the time. I haven't had that error at all after updating everything to 1.7.10 and to the newest MassiveCraft texture packs
ah i've been having this in both 1.7.2 and in 1.7.10 versions.... it also does not help that i suck at PVP to begin with... :P thanks nommy
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ah i've been having this in both 1.7.2 and in 1.7.10 versions.... it also does not help that i suck at PVP to begin with :P

I never had the issue in the middle of PVP, however I tended to get it at random after I'd been playing minecraft for a significant amount of time. This typically occurred when my computer started feeling a bit too warm from just playing minecraft on it for too long.

Now I just tend to crash more often or lag out, but I haven't experienced the flashing colors. Bit odd.
I never had the issue in the middle of PVP, however I tended to get it at random after I'd been playing minecraft for a significant amount of time. This typically occurred when my computer started feeling a bit too warm from just playing minecraft on it for too long.

Now I just tend to crash more often or lag out, but I haven't experienced the flashing colors. Bit odd.
yeah it does not happen on my down time hardly at all, but the moment someone gets the jump on me it takes way to long for me to turn around... sad thing is, i have lost so many fights, ive fallen to my death, i have suffocated in door blocks while this was happening... at first i honestly thought it was some kind of hack O_o'
If your FPS drops to a point where you can't play the game. You need a better computer.
If your FPS drops to a point where you can't play the game. You need a better computer.
ah but alas, i am to poor XD care to donate regals?(totally kidding, i'm already working my bum off for a new one, and my computer is rather new compared to some that run mine craft perfectly... and keeping the same notes: it only happens on this server during PVP events only, otherwise i run this server just fine, mining, building or even RP is more than playable 30 FPS or more for me 98% of the time)
PVP at this moment is extremely laggy and broken. Causing some people to do up to eight hearts in a single hit without traits while others can only to 1 or 2 hearts. Combined with hit and pot lag, PVPing at a legitimate level becomes impossible.
PVP at this moment is extremely laggy and broken. Causing some people to do up to eight hearts in a single hit without traits while others can only to 1 or 2 hearts. Combined with hit and pot lag, PVPing at a legitimate level becomes impossible.
sometimes i see my death playing out in slow motion... it takes so long that by the time my PC catches up people think i have been afk for the past half hour >:D