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Work in Progress Formatting Test & WIP Characters

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


will carry the team in roblox
May 6, 2019
Reaction score








If it has to be me, I'll rightly sacrifice this honest livelihood of feebly begging for life. And inflict it onto those
who scoffed at our expense. It's poetic justice!
" So what if they suffer, we suffered, I suffered! It's our God given right to inflict our truth onto others!
If you defy that, you defy natural order. If you defy me, you're defying God!


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|| CHARACTER INFORMATION || basic & well-known information..ೃ࿐ 》
|| « CHOSEN NAME » | Laure von Rolanthe.
Meaning | Laure is a feminine name of Latin origin, meaning "laurel" or "sweet bay tree". It may also mean "victory" because in ancient Greece & Rome, laurel leaves were associated with victory, honor & accomplishment - crowns of laurel leaves used to honor winners of sporting events & competitions.
Address As | Titles & nicknames.
» Lirh von Rolanthe | Title granted due to their status as a blue-blooded noble in the von Rolanthe house, which they police the usage of in public.
» Doctor von Rolanthe | A title due to their status as medic & doctor, which they do not police the usage of.
» Laurie | A nickname given by family.
|| « HERITAGE » | Ailor.
Culture | Leutz-Vixe, while (secretly) being Sarnan.
|| « AGE » | Twenty-three cycles.
Birthday | March 2nd, 292 A.C.
Star Sign | Pisces.
|| « GENDER » | Nonbinary while presenting feminine.
Pronouns | They & them exclusively.
Preferred Terms of Address | Non-gendered. Person, sibling, child, spouse, partner, et-cetera.
Blurb | Laure is AFAB, and quite frankly there is not a lot to explain here other than they do not prefer gender defining labels. They are nonbinary, considered genderqueer, and prefer non-gendered terms to refer to them. They absolutely loathe Lord or Lady being used to refer to them.
|| « SEXUALITY » | Sapphic.
Preference | Women or feminine individuals.
Blurb | Laure is a hopeless romantic & idealizes the day where they get to have a fancy wedding & meet their soulmate just like in novels, yet has a criteria to really fall head over heels for someone. Magic is also a hard 'no' for them.
|| « OCCULT » | Laure bears absolutely no Occult status, and remains Mundane.
|| « OCCUPATION(S) » | A short but notable list.
Doctor: Laure is a Doctor and has attended medical school to pursue their dream of being one. They practice strictly mundane medicine and do not favor magic.
Technician: Laure is boastful about the devices they have made, and is often seen bragging about them unless their mother is around.
Socialite: Laure is a socialite and absolutely loves hosting gatherings & parties.

|| PERSONALITY INFORMATION || their eccentric demeanor..ೃ࿐ 》
|| » FAITH | It is through Mother Ness that I learned forgiveness.
Overall Outlook | Laure is a Unionist, and has adopted Ness as their primary Patron yet gives worship & respect for the Pantheon. They hold Ness' nurturing spirit & forgiving nature in high regard, and aim to stride to become like Ness - professing to even enemies of their Faith that it is never too late to turn to the Great Way, to be reborn in virtue. It is through Ness that Laure has learned kindness, and empathy - yet they do not go out of their way to reform Occult criminals, partially because of their family's stance on Occult.
Personal Patrons | Ness.
|| » IDENTITY |What's the plan for today? What are we doing? How can I help?
Who am I? | Laure is an eccentric Noble of House von Rolanthe, being a hopeless romantic & idealist despite their family's line of work(s). They are observant and act as a support branch of the Lothar Order & by extension their family, often found mending wounds or supplementing alchemical remedies in battles. Despite this, they are a socialite and much prefer talking someone's ear off rather than getting their hands dirty with blood or alchemy.
What are my goals? | Laure's goals are simple: Provide technological devices to the Lothar Order & medicine, while also acting as a therapist for the Lothar Order in general and ensuring they remain in line with no risk of defecting from the Order. One does wonder why they aren't a Lothar...
MBTI Type | The Consul | ESFJ-T.
Alignment | Lawful Good.
Enneagram | The Hostess | 2w3.
|| VISUAL INFORMATION || their ordinary but eye-catching appearance.ೃ࿐ 》
|| » TYPICAL APPEARANCE |You don't need Magic to catch someone's eye.
Oddities & Mutations | Laure bears absolutely no mutations, yet their left eye made of non-functioning Gothitech is an oddity in itself.
At a Glance | Laure is Ailor & feminine in appearance, possessing short yet wavy ginger hair that barely brushes their shoulders. They have a strand of dyed blackened hair that drapes over their left eye, deliberately styled to be eye-catching & to draw attention to themselves. Their body type is spindly and thin, yet is a healthy weight. The doctor commonly dresses themselves in shades of blue or teal, and seldom wears silver - only some type of rose or dull gold. They are a member of the Peerage & a socialite at heart, so their gowns or attire in general are always expensive appearing & eye-catching in some manner.
|| » SUMMARY OF APPEARANCE | ❝I loathe summaries, let me overexplain everything.
Eye Color | A darkened teal, with a non-functioning Gothitech prosthetic replacing their left eye.
Hair Color | Ginger, with large black bangs.
Hair Style | Short & barely brushes their shoulders, but long bangs drape over their left eye.
Skin Tone | A fair tone, with a beauty mark beside their right eye.
Clothing Style | Expensive & somewhat practical, some manner of blue or teal weaved in their attire.
Height | 5'9", or 175.25 cm.
Art Albums | Not available yet!





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" They asked me if I'm sick or tired. The question came from someone at the top,
and was directed to the underground. It's kinda sweet, in the BIRD -
DRINKING GLASS link. I've found a branding, and a stifling air.

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    Attack Stat: Intelligence, 1d15 | Defense Stat: Wisdom, 1d15
    || Attack Stat: Intelligence, 1d15 (N/A if Medical Stance)
    || Defense Stat: Wisdom, 1d15

    || Intelligence: 05
    Tech: Exchange, Shelter, Livewire, Bungee
    Adapt: Wardrobe

    || Wisdom:07
    Medical: Buff, Revive, Extension, Resist, Rescue, Sweep
    Bardic: Elegy of Headwind

    || Charisma: 03
    Speech: Hosting, Undisclosed, Political
    ━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━

    Laure is spindly & thin, possessing little to no
    combative bones in their body. They are a doctor
    first and foremost.

    They favor keeping fit because of having to run around
    the battlefield to patch up others, but other than that,
    they dutifully try to keep out of the line of fire.

    Truly remarkable how they can cross the battlefield
    within a number of seconds, due to a sense of urgency.

    ━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━━━━━━━━━

    Laure is fully Ailor of the Leutz-Vixe & Sarnan Cultures.
    Mechanic 1
    Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
    Mechanic 2
    Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
    Mechanic 3
    Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.

    || Native Languages
    Lëtz | ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
    Native Language, learned through their family.

    || Studied Languages
    Common | ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
    Studied amongst peers to learn the most common language of Regalia.
    Calem | ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
    Studied, so they may study alongside Lothar & the Wirtem people.
    d'Ithanie | ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
    Studied among the courts, so they may mingle with the Ithanians freely.
    Altalar | ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤ ⬤
    › Studied, because one must know the common language of their enemy.

    Alchemy Hobby
    Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler





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" We've got the right to choose, & there ain't no way we'll lose it!
This is our life, this is our song, we'll fight the powers that be, just -
Don't pick on our destiny, 'cause you don't know us, you don't belong!
We're not gonna take it! No, we ain't gonna take it! "

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    || PLOT HOOKS || suspect's background..ೃ࿐ 》
    || DAY TO DAY: Commonly seen things.
    » I play Carmelita as a stoic & reserved woman who seldom expresses herself, yet she is very capable of fostering deep relations if you are willing to go the long road in terms of things. Poking & prodding at something that bothers her will improve character relations, and she has her own unique way of expressing care.
    » I enjoy exploring religious rhetoric and prodding other characters of their viewpoint of things as Carmelita. Carmelita is willing to sit down even with her worst enemies to dive into religious rhetoric & what it means to them, because I OOCly enjoy that kind of roleplay.
    » Carmelita is negatively inclined to Eili Fornoss, but most of all, Estelley. Her hatred of Estelley is deep & personal, which I enjoy exploring with other characters. However, this means that she is more combative with Estelley Faithful & views people who associate with them as complacent to their ideals. She considers herself an advocate against Estelley Faithful, and velhemently believes that they do not have a place in her home (the underground) because of the slights they have committed against her & her Goddess. Yet, there's something curious about this - those who she deems friendly enough, she aims to convert them away.
    » I play Carmelita as stiff & neutral when it comes to Asha, as well as the Khama Faith. She loves her people, but she does not like that most of them are complacent in repressing people like her. This is a complicated view of things, and she usually keeps Khama Faithful at arm's length because of this (unfortunately). Asha who are Khama Faithful or not take more time to build relations with Carmelita.
    Carmelita runs Something's Brewing in Crookback, and she's usually found there whenever I want to do alchemy RP. I'm always available to be contacted if you'd like to RP there!
    Carmelita is all for body enhancement with alchemy. It should come as no surprise that she's in the Ascendant Society (but does not favor magical enhancement, for whatever reason). You're always welcome to contact me to discuss her view points regarding this!
    || BACKGROUND: A short history.
    » Carmelita as a character is deep-rooted in religious trauma, both from a personal & historical context. Her mortal mother is a half-Teled woman who was born into the Tierraveran culture, and was a devout of Estelley. Carmelita was given to her mortal mother as a form of "penance" from the Rejection Arken, which there's a rumor surrounding her mortal mother that something horrible would happen if she gave that infant up. You can imagine her ire when she held a Void Arkenborn infant who was nevertheless half-Asha.
    » Carmelita is from Regalia but migrated to Girobalda in her youth, where she struggled in poverty. Her mortal mother began an unhealthy lifestyle of theft, and fell out of love with Estelley. Characters from Girobalda are welcome to have seen Carmelita in her adolescence stealing to make a living. She has existed in shady organizations in the past, which you're welcome to reference in-characterly.
    » Carmelita has a positive view of her Arkensire, and by extent, her God Refraction - the Scornblood. She does not seem to care that her Arkensire was never there, and professes that it was the Scornblood that saved her to begin with.





━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━
" You don't have to be like everybody else,
You don't have to fit into the norm, you are not here to conform.
I am here to take a look inside myself;
Recognize that I could be the eye,
the eye of the storm. "

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Spite keeps the memory fresh, the resolve strong. It is a shield against

|| INVENTORY INFORMATION || suspect's stolen goods. .ೃ࿐ 》
|| › DAY TO DAY: Consistently found on Carmelita's person, unless she is donning her Disguise.
» A pouch, which contains the following in a disorganized manner:
» At most, 100 Regals.
» A Living Metal pen that is infused with an alchemical solution to remove stains from clothing.
» A deck of
playing cards.
» A belt, which allows Carmelita to carry the following:
» Three vials with alchemical concoctions, though it is unknown what they do as of now.
» A handkerchief, red in color and with Tierravera-inspired designs.
» A glasses case, with reading glasses in them.
» A
set of three keys, all for her property listed below.
» A
pouch with numerous alchemical ingredients, organized in little bags & labelled obscurely.
Four matching golden arm bands, which are always on her person in some manner. Carmelita wears these with pride, and it is rumored that she stole them back in Girobalda.
The Hilt of Hiseyaal, a relic of the fallen Allorn Arkenborn State of Lasaal which transforms into a weapon of her choosing. This is not a stealable item and is given through Carmelita's Custom Kit.
|| › PROPERTIES: Where Carmelita resides.
» forestcabin13: Carmelita's property situated along the outskirts of Crookback that she fixed up all by herself. She grows plants she uses for alchemy here, and rarely lets anyone into this abode without them prodding, or her inviting them personally. She pays rent for the spot of land every month either way, which isn't worth a lot, but she doesn't mind. She has no noisy neighbors, so it's a plus for her. This is not known IC information unless Carmelita brings your OC here.




Commission by illxyena!



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Character Information
Name: Ayas Yelfina
ㅤㅤ Not Known Aliases: Tom
ㅤㅤ Formerly: Kelemvor, Kelemvor the Blackiron Sovereign
ㅤ Heritage: Nature-Bound Demon; Isldar Heritage Traits
Age: 36
ㅤ ㅤ Birthday: February 27th
ㅤ Gender: Male
ㅤ ㅤ Pronouns: He/They/It
Occult: Nature-Bound Demon of the Hollow & Silence; Mage
ㅤ ㅤ Magic Schools: Mind, Amnesia, Elemental, Metal, Enchant, Body

Appearance Information
ㅤ Eye Color: Icy & frosted over blue
ㅤ Skin Color: Pale, littered with Blackiron icy scales
ㅤ Hair: Worn loose, cold back in color & messy in texture
ㅤ Height: 6'9"
Body Type: Built

Blurb: Parts of him are covered in Draconic-looking Blackiron scales, colored a mismatched black & frost. Ayas is cold to the touch, and possesses Blackiron wyvnerous wings that are commonly folded & hidden on his back. When not covered, he has tattoos of the Chains of Misery, which can be summoned and used as weapons.

  • Core Concept
    Once a Upyr, and now a Remnant of the past. Inherently spiteful, cruel, sadistic and adversarial - yet he finds himself at odds with his nature because of his Nature-Binding. Despite this, he enjoys getting a reaction out of people and stoking the fire in them. Yet, everyone who knew the name Kelemvor the Blackiron Sovereign knew he was one of the many pawns of the Malefica.
  • TBA
  • TBA

  • Proficiency Spread
    Attack: Magic, 1d17 | Defense: Magic, 1d15

    Strength: 3

    Technique Parry
    Chaining Throw
    Magic: 12
    Adapt Wardrobe
    Adapt Shapeshift
    Arcane Blade
    Arcane Warp
    Arcane Snare
    Arcane Cleanse
    Arcane Isolate
    Arcane Aura
    Arcane Counter
    Arcane Portent
    Arcane Barrier
    Arcane Puppeteering

    Ayas is an Altered Mystech - more specifically, a Nature-Bound Demon.
    Mechanic 1
    Nature Bound Spirits choose one (or Half) Heritage and receive the Heritage Traits from that. They are also functionally ageless but bound to one appearance (or Shapeshift with Packs). The chosen Heritage is Isldar.
    Mechanic 2
    Nature Bound Spirits inherit some Archon Mechanics. They gain Mechanic 1, & Mechanic 2. Mechanic 2 however does not block them from using Sinistral Magic, which they can use.
    Mechanic 3
    Nature Bound Spirits still bear some connection and compulsion to their original creation. As such, they may choose one Mechanic from all Evolism Religious Mechanics, or the Estelley Religious Mechanic.
    Winged Flight
    You can use Wings (of any Fae/Draconic/Mechanical design), while while out of Combat, allows Elytra flight, including the use of Rockets to gain more height and speed. Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight and prevents flight until end of Combat.
    Leytech Conduit
    You may choose up to 2 Packs from Magic Point Buy, or Invoke Point Buy, that you've Point Bought and re-classify them as Ley Point Buy Packs. These Mechanics/Abilities will not be classified as Magic, or make you Magical, instead, they will be fueled by the Elderlaw.
    Ravaal Mechanic
    All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ravaal. They can bless their weapons in the Glacial March, becoming ghostly and see-through. Any would-be lethal wounds they inflict will not kill, instead when if expire, they fall into a glacial coma, a Curse requiring 3 Mages with 7 Proficiency in Magic to break to awaken. Secondly, she grants Evolists the means to produce Soul-shards, which are small ice-like crystals in which they can capture the souls of those that they do end up killing, where they can choose to keep them, or let them pass on without the Malefica getting close.

    Ayas is a full-blooded Isldar, thanks to his Nature-Binding.
    Mechanic 1
    Isldar are natural-born Arctic survivalists who have spent centuries adapting to the cold of Ellador. Not only are they immune to the harm from frost or cold sources, but they do not suffer loss of vision or orientation during a blizzard or weather conditions. Isldar are not affected by Magical Weather Area Effects. Isldar can sing frost into the water, causing ice crystals to form that do not melt when exposed to heat.
    Mechanic 2
    Isldar hold power over the passage of life and death. If they are near a person who is about to die, they can either ensure that the soul passes into the afterlife and is not stolen by other entities or prevent it from even detaching from their body, thus turning that person into an Undead forcibly (keep in mind, doing either has moral weight and is judged by Religions). Additionally, Isldar can see the Soul Rivers, the natural pathways souls take to reach the afterlife, and can tell if a person has died if they know their true name.
    Mechanic 3
    Isldar who follow the Evolist Religion can use a Monster Transformation that turns them into a monster of flesh and bone that counts as a Disguise (but is an Evolism worshiping Isldar). Isldar who do not follow the Evolism Religion can put security incantations and prayers on their homes, making them naturally impervious from being spied upon, or broken into. With the OOC consent of other players, they can also use spy equipment to discover what is happening in their Rental Regions.
    Mechanic 4
    Isldar have natural suppressants in their own mind against interference and meddling from the outside. Even with OOC consent given, Isldar minds have stronger protection against any form of Mind Control. Their emotions are also not readable by those who can read and change emotions, unless they specifically let their mind be entered. Finally, Isldar minds also hold strong protections against the prying of Spirits. While they are not immune to a Spirit's influence, Spirits cannot easily detect their vices and ambitions to seduce them.
    Mechanic 5
    Starting Combat in a cold weather environment (with blocks of snow or ice present), Isldar gain +2 Attack Stat (breaking Cap up to 11) for every Attack Emote. This is limited to mountainous regions and Magical Ice Area Effects, but when the snow has blanketed Regalia during winter, this applies to the whole map for a 1-and-a-half-month period between November 15th and January 1st, but the bonus is halved to 1 instead of 2.

    Sulvaley | Native Language
    d'Ithanie | Learned in Ithania
    Droque | Learned in ???
    Common | Learned through Regalian exposure
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